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Old 03-26-2009, 05:30 PM   #1
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Friends who turn to SHIT

I am not sure what to do now. I lost a few so-called "friends".

I don't lie to friends, I help them if they are sad or need advice, and I never turn my back on them. NEVER. That just isn’t in me. I am a nice and kind person, and I listen when they talk. Their problems are my problems and when they hurt I hurt too. But I am sad and depressed right now, sometimes, I asked them for advice and I told them some of my problems. I don’t see a problem there because they laid their problems at my feet and I comforted them and gave them my advice. Boy, if I had a dime for each time when I would have to drag somebody’s bacon back from the fire! In other words, It ain’t one sided bub!

These people, I was always there for. People I trusted. I cared about them and I missed them when they were away. They made cast iron promises that they will never turn there back on me or hurt me. I believed them completely. Why wouldn’t I?

One “friend” I used to hold dear, disappeared from MSN, later he told me by email that he was having major Internet “trouble” at his home, and his dad is going to track this “problem” down. I believed him, why would I doubt the word of a friend right? Weeks pass, and he is still “Offline” on the MSN screen but is mysteriously able to keep posting here at Gnet. I didn't think anything of it. I thought we had a good friendship and we had many nice talks, but I was in for a rude awakening! There is a gigantic and pathetic ploy going on under my nose and I blew the cover of it right off today!
I was talking to some other stooge on MSN and he made the stupid error of mentioning me that he was chatting with this very person! I look at my MSN screen and sure enough my “friend” is still “Offline”.
What is happening is that cowardly little bitch has been lying to me all along for weeks!!! He probably deleted me from his MSN window, then blocked me from seeing his online status, and then washed his hands of me, then spun a good lie to tell. What an ingrate!

That son of a bitch, of all the back stabbing, cowardly things to do! I trusted the bottom feeding shithead and was a good and loyal friend to him. Always was and always planned to be. I never hurt him or tried to hurt him.

He didn’t even have the balls to say what he wanted to say! He didn’t even have the guts to say farewell! Instead, he spun a cowardly ploy and told the same tired old lie over and over to me and another mate he knows. Just tell lies and hide like the wimpy candy ass that he is!

I am shocked and disappointed that a person I trusted and believed in, a person whom I judged to be a nice and kind person, who would never think of hurting me has been revealed for the veritable slimy two-faced scumbag liar that he is. I don’t think this is a mistake, because I sent the shithead emails and have received no replies. He is like a rat abandoning a sinking ship. I was depressed and asked for advice, and now he has snuck away like the wimp he is.

If I ever get my hands on him, I am going to pull his goddamn tongue out by the ROOTS!

I am stinking mad right now, hurt and betrayed. Mad at myself for being so gullible and trusting and enraged at him for his backstabing me and taking advantage of my trust and friendliness.
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Old 03-26-2009, 05:57 PM   #2
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A great man once said, "It happens, but you'll get over it.".
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Old 03-26-2009, 06:16 PM   #3
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I sense some oncoming regret
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Old 03-26-2009, 07:30 PM   #4
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I pretty much agree with Duane although it sucks when it happens. Sometimes people get caught up in new things and they don't enjoy the company of a certain person anymore. You might even find yourself in the same situation as that guy some day. Just relax and try not to be too upset about it.
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Old 03-26-2009, 07:36 PM   #5
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All I can honestly tell you is that if you aren't happy within yourself, and in your own company, your problem is bigger than you think.

Also, if you have never met this person in real life, how can you be so certain that he was your friend? Certain things are impossible to guage over the Internet. People can lie to your face and get away with it, but it is just a lot harder to do that.

Besides, who really knows what lies in the hearts of men/women?
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Old 03-26-2009, 07:41 PM   #6
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*points and laughs*
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Old 03-26-2009, 09:29 PM   #7
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Perhaps he knew that as soon as he was online you would immediately open up a window and talk with him - maybe he needed to get some study done or chill out a bit without being hammered by chit chat - he might have lied to you so your feelings weren't hurt.

Sometimes I don't feel like talking to all of my friends. I feel like talking to a specific person adn I need to block out the rest.

You don't need to go nuts because of msn issues. I'm sure you could find someone else who would listen to you so just forget about it
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Old 03-26-2009, 09:35 PM   #8
Drake Dun
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People are fuckups, man. Try not to hold it against them too much. If you dig around in your memory, I'm sure you'll find a time when you did something shitty to someone. Unless you're way better than me, anyway.
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Old 03-27-2009, 04:04 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by girasol View Post
Perhaps he knew that as soon as he was online you would immediately open up a window and talk with him - maybe he needed to get some study done or chill out a bit without being hammered by chit chat - he might have lied to you so your feelings weren't hurt.

Sometimes I don't feel like talking to all of my friends. I feel like talking to a specific person adn I need to block out the rest.

You don't need to go nuts because of msn issues. I'm sure you could find someone else who would listen to you so just forget about it
Yeah, I am sorry I flew off the handle. I am more calm and collected from a nights rest, but I am still hurtin. The only thing I wanted to bring up with him was about Xbox 260 and Fallout 3. He introduced me to it. But I see your point.
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Old 03-27-2009, 04:34 AM   #10
Sir Canvas Corpsey
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For a minute there I thought this was about me, then I realised 1. I wouldn't mention my dad 'cause he's dead (lulz) and 2. I don't think you're under the delusion I'm your friend.
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Old 03-27-2009, 08:41 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Sir Canvas Corpsey View Post
For a minute there I thought this was about me, then I realised 1. I wouldn't mention my dad 'cause he's dead (lulz) and 2. I don't think you're under the delusion I'm your friend.
Well, I certainly like you Sir Canvas Corpsey, but I don't readily call you a "friend" because I have not known you very long at all. But you seem okay and friendly though.

This bloke, is a member here. I don't feel like naming him because what will that acomplish? Just the same as that woman I ranted about. She promised this and that and in the end, left me behind just the same.

I learned that I treat people better, are more loyal then people treat me.
90% of the "friends" I know, have mostly turned to shit and left me in the dirt.

They lie even though they don't even realise it, they break their own "cast iron" promises, and they don't look back on the path of destruction they made though my heart.

I am very lucky to have two or three that are still with me. But I will tread lightly, so I don't lose these ones too.
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Old 03-27-2009, 02:51 PM   #12
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Well, I think I made a mistake here. I think his line IS down at his home, that he is telling the truth. But he sure blocked me and walked away though.

I am just to angry about other things right now, I probably didn't look at this from a very rational and coolheaded point of view and blew my stack too fast.
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Old 03-27-2009, 03:52 PM   #13
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You said you wanted to rip a guy's tongue out from the roots because he blocked you on MSN. Not very rational or coolheaded at all, you think?
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Old 03-27-2009, 04:12 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Saya View Post
You said you wanted to rip a guy's tongue out from the roots because he blocked you on MSN. Not very rational or coolheaded at all, you think?
No it isn't at all. I just felt so angry. I felt abandoned and hurt.
But I slept on it for a night and realised what I said was out of line. This guy is very busy with paperwork, so. Hey, I talk too much, so maybe I pissed him off?
I don't know.
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Old 03-28-2009, 07:26 AM   #15
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I think I understand, that woman I talked about and all the pain and suffering of missing her when I knew her, then the final blow I took when she finaly said goodbye. Really caused me alot of damage. Now, I am on edge and on the defensive in the fear of it happening again with other people who become friends. I am really lashing out at alot of people. I am scared hurt and confused.
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Old 03-28-2009, 08:46 PM   #16
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I don't mean to pry into your life or anything, but why are you so lonely? I know that you're just venting your pain here, and that's great, but I've read a few of your other posts, and you seem lonely. I recently had a friend cease contact with me, and it hurts like a bitch, but I had other friends I could turn to. You seem fairly well-liked, and I wonder why both can be true, although I in no way mean to undermine your pain.
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Old 03-28-2009, 09:09 PM   #17
Mr E Nigma
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Originally Posted by KuroOokami View Post
I don't mean to pry into your life or anything, but why are you so lonely? I know that you're just venting your pain here, and that's great, but I've read a few of your other posts, and you seem lonely. I recently had a friend cease contact with me, and it hurts like a bitch, but I had other friends I could turn to. You seem fairly well-liked, and I wonder why both can be true, although I in no way mean to undermine your pain.
I can quite understand his loneliness.

I at the moment have an away message that states

"Another lovely weekend with absolutely nothing to do. My life is so wonderful... how did I get so lucky to have absolutely nothing interrupting all of my weekends, where I can sit at home freely without worrying about having plans or anything like that... I love spending 95% of my free time staring at a ceiling... It's fucking grand. Thank you, world, for all the goddamn free time. I should probably head to Barnes and Noble so I at least have something to read"

It has a slightly sarcastic aura about it...

None of my "friends" ever ask me to hang out, and anytime I ask them they are too busy or already have other plans. So I could quite understand if Opteron_Man has the same issues.

I do literally spend 95% of my free time, to include the entire weekend, reading until I can't anymore, playing video games until I've beat one then I draw/write until my hands cramp up (I say hands because when one's gone I switch to the other, yay for ambidexterity). Then I'm basically bored off my ass as TV's gone to shit and I've long since ran through all the DVDs we own.

That's been every weekend for the past 2 and a half years... It saddens even me.
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Old 03-28-2009, 09:37 PM   #18
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Online friendships can be difficult to gauge, especially if you've never met the person IRL. Even so, it doesn't make it hurt any less when the other person cuts things off.

I hope things work out between you and this other person, whoever he/she may be.
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Old 03-28-2009, 11:22 PM   #19
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My apologies to Mr. E Nigma and Opteron Man, then, for misunderstanding. I hope things get better.
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Old 03-30-2009, 04:52 AM   #20
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Haha, is this me?
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Old 03-30-2009, 09:34 AM   #21
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Originally Posted by Maxim_Macabre View Post
Haha, is this me?
My thunder.
Give it back.
Don't try and take my thunder again.

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Old 03-30-2009, 03:02 PM   #22
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Do I get a prize for guessing it was Malice after I realised it wasn't me? :O
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Old 03-30-2009, 04:13 PM   #23
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Yeah E nigma I kind of have the same problem there. People go out and have plans but I'm never included, but I just think it's because they just never got THAT close to me. And those that did before moved away about 3 years ago. I think lots of us have problems like that, heh.
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Old 03-30-2009, 04:15 PM   #24
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I know the feeling man. I've met some people who I want to talk to every day of the week but just don't log on, and they have computer issues too. Even though you jumped the gun here, I understand your point of view. You felt that you trusted someone and then out of the blue for no reason whatsoever they turned around and gutted you like a fish. I had that betrayal issue with an old roommate who would act fantastic in front of me or my friends but behind closed doors she was hostile, and it ended up with me switching rooms because eventually it got to the point where she did something unforgivable. I trusted her as you trust this friend of yours. I wish you the best of luck in trying to fix this issue, and hopefully it can be resolved and it's not too late. But moving forward, the next time something like this happens, you should really give it a bit before jumping the gun. Things certainly aren't always as they seem and the person you should trust the most is the word of that friend, and not rely on the grape vine.

If I'm completely wrong in anything I'm saying let me know!
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Old 03-30-2009, 05:19 PM   #25
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You're completely wrong!!!!! You must be punished. [ fetches the whip ]
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