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Old 02-27-2006, 04:14 PM   #1
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Pet Peeves

Oh hey! What? I started a thread? Yeah, I do that sometimes...Anyhoo, a thread dedicated to letting the world know about your pet peeve(s). I actually think this'll be a cool thread just to see what pisses people off...

My first pet peeve is when people smack their food. Even if I can hear someone chew in any way; gum, candy, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, or broccoli. Or SOUP! Gah! Slurping is the worst! Don't eat out loud!

My second pet peeve is when people get overexcited about food. You're not a dog; you can control yourself. Stop talking about your food like it's fucking poetry. It's not. "Luscious green salad with a side of savory, juicey pork tenderloin and buttery, rich..." STFU! I don't even get that excited about sex.

Mmk. My anger's out. Your turn!
My mother birthed me far too soon,
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Old 02-27-2006, 04:41 PM   #2
Godslayer Jillian
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My pet peeve is a little elitist, I think.
It's the hip-hop culture. I know many friends who like hip-hop, and they're cool, but the rest of them look very stereotypical.
My father once took me to a car show, shich is of the, how do you call them? low riders?
And, aaarrrgh, how I hated it. There was a competition of hip-hop, or rap (I can't see the difference, though I know there is) and they had to say at least one obscenity for every five words they said. Each and every woman in there was dressed as if they wanted to be displayed for sale.
One woman about seven years older than me, who would just as easily have been naked winked at me, and I looked at her in dissaprovement instinctly. So much for the feminist movement. I'm no puritan, you know I'm very liberal, but women deserve so much better than be a piece of meat.
And it seems like NO ONE knew how to fucking chew with their mouths closed!!

I'm sorry if someone here likes hip-hop. I don't like my pet peeve either, but I can't stand it. They bastardize the english language; they are shallowly sexist; and I just can't stand it. Again, I apologize.
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Originally Posted by George Carlin
People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think.
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Old 02-27-2006, 04:58 PM   #3
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And it seems like NO ONE knew how to fucking chew with their mouths closed!!
That's disgusting. Someday they will be smitten.
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Old 02-27-2006, 05:09 PM   #4
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lately my pet peeves have been my sisters need to be like me. I know she looks up to me and all that but I wish she'd do things because she likes them not because I do them. Also my increasing pickyness when it comes to music. A few years ago I could listen to Good Charlotte, Simple plan, and Linkin park, now all but a few songs from them drive me nuts. I miss the days when the radio was a sufficent music source.
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Old 02-27-2006, 05:13 PM   #5
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I miss the days when MTV actually played music. "WOT?!?!?! They played Musique?!?!" Yes. They used to play music, rather than all that reality bullshit. Amazing? Absolutely.
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Old 02-27-2006, 06:48 PM   #6
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Oh yes, they once announced they were going to show music videos again. But then they said they were joking. Though they made a thirty minute special about how they prepared that announcement
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I cleave to no system. I am a true seeker."
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Originally Posted by George Carlin
People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think.
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Old 02-27-2006, 07:07 PM   #7
Tall One In Black
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I have so many peeves, it would take hours to list them.

I don't like being peevish, but I always notice flaws in everything, and those flaws bother me. I'm overly sensitive. Sometimes I feel that I have no skin; I'm just one big nerve.

If I had to give all my peeves one umbrella category, it would be inconsideration.
Don't mind her. She's still upset because someone dropped a house on her sister.
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Old 02-28-2006, 12:40 AM   #8
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I have a lot of peeves too, which stem from being overly sensitive and perceptive. Listing them all would take hours, yes, and would probably make me seem even more petty and misanthropic than I actually am. I try not to waste my time being annoyed with people, it's just something I tend to do when I'm bored or am in a bad mood.

I'll list some of them anyway.

- People who can't carry on a conversation without making lame jokes and laughing nervously every ten seconds. This mostly stems from one particular girl I know, whom I usually avoid because of this.

- Along the same lines: When people make stupid jokes and talk meaningless drivel constantly because they are afraid of silence, or don't have the mental capacity to talk about something real.

- People who are easily bored, and think it is the responsibility of those around them to entertain and distract them from the howling vacuum inside their skulls.

- Talking in movie theaters or at quiet concerts. You pay to watch the band/movie in question, not for the "privilege" of ruining the experience for everyone else with your stupid jokes and talking with your friends about how your day was, or whatever.

I guess a lot of this comes down to my inability to sympathize with some people's compulsive need to communicate every little thought they might have, however pointless. In class, or any other place where there are others present trying to work/concentrate on something, one should be able to restrain oneself and show some fucking consideration.

I generally have a problem with anyone with an inflated sense of self-importance who crave attention and affirmation from their peers. I just want to tell these types that very few people actually care what they have to say, and the sooner they learn that, the easier it will be for them to deal with the world.

A lot of these peeves are based on my experience of being in college with a bunch of kids (19-20) fresh out of high school who have the attention span of mollusks and somehow have gotten the idea that they are "funny" and "unique".

Damn, I feel bitter and old now...
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Old 02-28-2006, 01:31 AM   #9
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Friends who happily accept favours you do for them as though it's their due, not a favour, then look at you like, "um, not really my problem" should you ever ask for one from them.

Parents who make no effort to control their kids in public. I realise there's not a "behave" button you can press on a child, but expecting me to laugh along and make ain't-it-cute noises, instead of snarling "siddown before I tan your backside" to said child when it's just run smack into me and made me spill the takeaway coffee I'm holding, will not be well-received.

People who don't so much as acknowledge you, let alone say thank you, if you hold a door open for them, flatten yourself against the wall of a bus for the leisurely fifteen minutes it apparently takes to squeeze a buggy on or similar. The temptation to snarl, "you're fuckin' WELCOME" at their backs should not be overlooked - these people are just plain rude, if a stranger aids you in some way a thank-you is common courtesy and it's not. Bloody. Hard.

Friends who treat you like their personal therapist, only calling or seeing you when they need to whine about how hard their life's been - and whine they do. For hours on end. Without so much as a how-are-you, and with absolutely no concept of the fact that you just might have better things to do than counsel them through some microscopic problem while they wallow in self-pity.
The meek shall inherit the earth. Just as soon as the rest of us have finished with it.

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Old 02-28-2006, 02:14 AM   #10
Restless Dead
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What pitseleh said! *Especially* the first point.

And since I have just come from work...

People who never acknowledge my hello. I always say 'Good morning/evening', or at the very least 'Hi' when a customer comes in, and nine times out of ten you get a scathing look and an order yelled at you. How hard is it to say 'Hi, may i have...'?

Also, people who talk on their mobile phones or carry on a conversation whilst i'm trying to ask them questions about their order. It's just damn rude, particularly when it's busy and they have to come back and complain that their drink isn't right because I couldn't tell if they were saying 'Yes' to me or the the person on the other end of ther phone. How hard is it to give someone 20 seconds of your time so they can correctly make what YOU asked for?
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Old 02-28-2006, 02:44 AM   #11
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I have lots of little pet peeves but I try not to let them interfere with live despite the near overwhelming need to destroy things that I don’t own.
But I do have one BIG pet peeve. It bugs me when people leave the lights on when their out of the room for a long time. Well really it bugs me when my friends do this in my flat, coz at the end of the mouth I’m the one stack with a fat ass bill just because Craig’s so out of his nut he cant find a light switch.
“CRAIG!” I yell from the next room, “IT’S THE WHITE THING ON THE WALL, PRESS IT. Your know when you’ve got it, everything go black and your still awake”
I tell you after more then 3 years of screaming the word “LIGHTS” at the top of my voice they’re only just now cocking on to it.
Isn’t it funny how most of us are complaining about friend and the people we know.
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Old 02-28-2006, 03:21 AM   #12
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I hear that, Shi'ark. It's only when you start paying bills yourself that you start to realise just how annoying it is - and to understand why your mother screams like a harpy if you forget to turn one off... It goes, in the space of the three months it takes your first bill to arrive, from what's-the-big-deal-shrug, to punishable by implaing upon a sharp stick.
The meek shall inherit the earth. Just as soon as the rest of us have finished with it.

A dream is just a nightmare with lipstick ~ Toni Morrison
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Old 02-28-2006, 03:27 AM   #13
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I didn't know you know my mum...
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Old 02-28-2006, 09:10 AM   #14
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We all know your Mum..

She told us to keep an EYE on you, while your here..



*backs away slowly*
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Old 02-28-2006, 10:38 AM   #15
Tall One In Black
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Originally Posted by GeishaGirl
People who talk on their cellphones in movies. Whenever I hear their phone ring, my anger starts to rise. If they answer it, fists start to grip. If they say more then three sentences, I turn around and shout for them to get the fuck out. I've never had anyone NOT listen to me, but I think that's because of my size.
There are no words to explain the level of my intolerance for this. If you're stupid enough to allow your phone to ring in the theater, you damn well better act apologetic and shut it off immediately. If you have the audacity to answer your phone and begin a conversation, you damn well better be bigger and/or faster than me.

The last time I was in a theater in Georgia, some idiot redneck in the row behind me answered his phone twice in the space of 15 minutes. When the third call came shortly thereafter, I snapped. I stood up, snatched the phone out of his hand, and walked right out of the room with it. I made a beeline for the women's restroom and dropped his phone into the toilet. Then I walked out the opposite door and went home.
Don't mind her. She's still upset because someone dropped a house on her sister.
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Old 02-28-2006, 10:40 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by Tall One In Black
The last time I was in a theater in Georgia, some idiot redneck in the row behind me answered his phone twice in the space of 15 minutes. When the third call came shortly thereafter, I snapped. I stood up, snatched the phone out of his hand, and walked right out of the room with it. I made a beeline for the women's restroom and dropped his phone into the toilet. Then I walked out the opposite door and went home.
*kowtows to TOIB* can I borrow you for lectures, seminars and theatre visits?
The meek shall inherit the earth. Just as soon as the rest of us have finished with it.

A dream is just a nightmare with lipstick ~ Toni Morrison
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Old 02-28-2006, 10:51 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Tall One In Black

The last time I was in a theater in Georgia, some idiot redneck in the row behind me answered his phone twice in the space of 15 minutes. When the third call came shortly thereafter, I snapped. I stood up, snatched the phone out of his hand, and walked right out of the room with it. I made a beeline for the women's restroom and dropped his phone into the toilet. Then I walked out the opposite door and went home.
You are a Majickal Being..


Gawdamn, I would have LOVED to see the look on his face when you snatched the phone out of his hands and ran off.

I still have tears pouring down my cheeks from the laughter that ensued after reading that just now..

Oh Man.

Fucking Brilliant.
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Old 02-28-2006, 11:16 AM   #18
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Wise Child,
You can borrow me anytime. I come standard with black attire and stompy New Rocks for an added level of "badassness."

Glad I could make you laugh, pretty lady. I must shamefully admit that I'm quite proud of what I did to that jerk.
Don't mind her. She's still upset because someone dropped a house on her sister.
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Old 02-28-2006, 03:23 PM   #19
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I ABSOLUTELY hate when i'm doing a group activity with people and they're on problem 7 and i'm still on, like, 5. Makes me feel stupid, but it is also very rude of them.
Oh, and Jillian, you're not alone on the whole rap/hip-hop hater thing. I also take an extreme disliking to it and the whole culture, actually.
They're always blaming the white man, but in reality they're destroying themselves. It sounds racist, but it's not and is true.
Hey, here's an idea. Instead of TALKING really FAST about "wanting to change" and "keeping us down," why not DO something about the situation like Martin L. King and stop selling yourselves as false prophets.
Same thing for metal singers and death metal.
Makes me gag.

Oh, and when people walk slow in the hallways and walk in a line with their friends.
I need to bring a cow prod to school.
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Old 02-28-2006, 10:49 PM   #20
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Rude customers who complain about minute issues in an unfriendly way... If I had the balls I WOULD spit in food... BUT I'm just not about that.

Being asked the same question 7 times from 7 different people.

Being hit on and practically molested by a co-worker who you know is harmless but still tends to bother you with his presence anyway.

My constant lack of time.
Your blatant disregard and lack of respect for the members here pisses me off. You think that just because Sanctus likes you for some reason(?) , that you can act like a bastard and get absolutely no comeuppance? Fuck you dickwad!

-Never mistake my tolerance for fucking approval.... never.
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Old 02-28-2006, 11:40 PM   #21
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Another one of mine is people who don’t eat certain kinds of meet just because they think the animal looked cute when it was alive.
What the hell is that all about? The movie Babe doesn’t stop you from eating bacon in the morning. You think lame chops comes off the production line or some thing. No! they come from little white baby sheep.
So why is it that my step mum, ex girlfriend and a lot of other people I know refuse to eat rabbit and venison (deer meet). They taste great, have their own flavour (in the US I think that’s spelt flavor, help me out with that one Xnguela) and venison can be cooked in ever way that you can think of.
Mmmmmmmmmm. Babbi
"Because in the end, everything we do… is just everything we’ve done." - Corey Taylor/Stone Sour
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Old 02-28-2006, 11:49 PM   #22
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I'm sorry, your a sweet person so I'm not going to do any more then fix this post for you...

Originally Posted by Shi'ark
Another one of mine is people who don’t eat certain kinds of MEAT just because they think the animal looked cute when it was alive.
What the hell is that all about? The movie Babe doesn’t stop you from eating bacon in the morning. You think LAMBchops COME off the production line or SOMETHING. No! they come from little white baby sheep.
So why is it that my step mum, ex girlfriend and a lot of other people I know refuse to eat rabbit and venison (deer MEAT). They taste great, have their own flavour (in the US I think that’s spelt flavor, help me out with that one Xnguela (your right it's flavor)) and venison can be cooked in EVERY way that you can think of.
Mmmmmmmmmm. Babbi......did you mean Bambi?
Your blatant disregard and lack of respect for the members here pisses me off. You think that just because Sanctus likes you for some reason(?) , that you can act like a bastard and get absolutely no comeuppance? Fuck you dickwad!

-Never mistake my tolerance for fucking approval.... never.
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Old 03-01-2006, 04:44 AM   #23
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Originally Posted by Sanctus Dei
I'm sorry, your a sweet person so I'm not going to do any more then fix this post for you...
Thank you. Good thinker, Bad speller. lol
"Because in the end, everything we do… is just everything we’ve done." - Corey Taylor/Stone Sour
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Old 03-01-2006, 05:37 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by Tall One In Black
I don't like being peevish, but I always notice flaws in everything, and those flaws bother me. I'm overly sensitive. Sometimes I feel that I have no skin; I'm just one big nerve.
That's me all over, TOIB! Everything gets to me more than it seems to with other people. I too have often felt like a defenceless nerve being constantly twanged by the world around me. The worst thing about it is being told not to be "so sensitive". Oh fine; I'll just magically stop being myself then. :-P

By the way, I love what you did to that guy's mobile! I wish I had the balls to do stuff like that when people piss me off :-D

Originally Posted by Sanctus Dei
Rude customers who complain about minute issues in an unfriendly way... If I had the balls I WOULD spit in food... BUT I'm just not about that.

Being asked the same question 7 times from 7 different people.
After only five months of working at a restaurant, I've come to the conclusion that Customers aren't ordinary human beings. They are obviously an insidious alien species in cunning disguise, here to take over our planet by slowly annoying us to death. Eventually, after we've been subjected to enough mindless, repetitive questions and impossible demands, we will lose the will to live.

Or go crazy and poison their pizza.

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Old 03-01-2006, 08:49 AM   #25
Restless Dead
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Originally Posted by GeishaGirl
On the flip side of that, I hate it when I'm friendly with someone who is helping me (a salesperson, waiter, etc) and they look at me as if I've lost my damn mind. It's not a pet peeve, and I don't expect people to carry on a conversation with me, but Jesus.

Unfortunately I have to agree with you there, a lot of customer service is awful these days. It seems like a war almost, between customer and employee, each assuming the other isn't worth their time.

Since many people fall in to both catergories you'd assume they'd have sympathy for the other when the rolls are reversed, but apparently not. I know if I go into a shop I am very concious of not doing the things that piss me off when customers do it to me.
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