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Politics "Under democracy, one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule -and both commonly succeed, and are right." -H.L. Menken

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Old 04-02-2006, 02:16 PM   #26
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Common sense ain't so common.

I hate the law. They should at least have to wait until you've actually done something wrong. So now they are going to protect me from my evil self. How nice of them. Maybe I should bake them some cookies.

I feel sorry for the cops, though. Like they don't have enough crime to deal with: someone has to go and invent a new spin on public intoxication.

This doesn't sound like a case of DUI or assault arrests to me, no matter what they say. That prevention bit is crap. Not everyone drinking is gonna go out and shoot someone or drive when they leave a bar, and the ones who will , do it anyway. I mean, driving while intoxicated and assault are already illegal, yet that doesn't stop them.

It's gonna nail more than a few innocent people just out for a good time.
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Old 04-02-2006, 04:10 PM   #27
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Amerika - land of the free.
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"What if everything around you
Isn't quite as it seems?
What if all the world you think you know
Is an elaborate dream?
And if you look at your reflection
Is it all you wanted to be?
What if you could look right through the cracks?
Would you find yourself [or]
Find yourself afraid to see?..." -NIN
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Old 04-03-2006, 06:41 AM   #28
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Originally Posted by ghostposts
Common sense ain't so common.

I hate the law. They should at least have to wait until you've actually done something wrong. So now they are going to protect me from my evil self. How nice of them. Maybe I should bake them some cookies.

I feel sorry for the cops, though. Like they don't have enough crime to deal with: someone has to go and invent a new spin on public intoxication.

This doesn't sound like a case of DUI or assault arrests to me, no matter what they say. That prevention bit is crap. Not everyone drinking is gonna go out and shoot someone or drive when they leave a bar, and the ones who will , do it anyway. I mean, driving while intoxicated and assault are already illegal, yet that doesn't stop them.

It's gonna nail more than a few innocent people just out for a good time.
I couldn't have said it better. One thing though, I bet if the lad in the pub is say the son of a Senator or some famous singer, they have nothing to fear other than being asked fer an autograph, where as Joe Soap sitting at his local having a few jars on Friday about 7PM after he has finished werking 50 hours in a factory all week will be the prime target of this 'sting' operation.

Much like the drug laws, it's not a war on drugs, or drunk driving. It's a war on people. I have never seen a joint or can in a prison cell.

And people in jail, or whose lives are throw in turmoil because of legal issues like this don't get involved in politics as they usually are clammoring trying to get money together for lawyers, pay their normal bills, keep their kids happy, etc. By creating more turmoil with laws like this you can keep the common man out of politics.

I ask whats next? Arresting all men because, you know, they all carry the tools needed for **** with them at all times?
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Old 04-03-2006, 08:01 AM   #29
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I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd rather die at the hands of a drunk driver or a terrorist attack in a free country, than live to a ripe old age in a fucking police state. Benjamin Franklin hit the nail on the head when he said something to the effect of "Those who would trade their personal freedoms for a perceived security deserve neither." Patriot Act? Wire tapping? Does this mean that if I DON'T agree with these perverse tramplings of our civil liberties that I'm not a patriot? I guess ol' Bennie Franklin was just a filthy socialist, by George Bush's standards. I say, if they bring back prohibition, burn the fucking White House to the ground.

Addendum: I'd be willing to bet that some government agent now has a copy of this post somewhere. Well, here's another one for ya Big Brother; RIGHT WING CONSERVATIVES SUCK DICK! Yeah, you read right. Yo MAMA! See you in Hell, Cheney. I hope you burn in an inexhaustible pool of your own blood diluted oil.
"I saw Judas Iscariot, carryin' John Wilkes Boothe." - Tom Waits
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Old 04-03-2006, 08:30 AM   #30
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I say it's brilliant. Where else would you find drunk people? In a bar.

There is an election for the sheriff and court judges April 11 in TX. So you might want to go. (Maybe one of those people that thinks the police should have to do more. Still way better than racial profiling, that has proven to be fairly ineffective.)
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Old 04-03-2006, 08:37 AM   #31
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But why arrest drunk people who are not endangering others, or even themselves? Go ahead, legislate vice - thats why there are liquor laws and minimum ages are a part of that, as are DUI laws - but you ought not legislate morality, which is what this approaches. Drinking which leads to harm, death, or maladpative behavior are all social harms, and thus it makes sense to have social laws address them. 'Publiv drunkenness' has to do with social harms of a finer sort, from being a nuisance to making others feel threatened, etc. But arresting people for being drunk in a bar is about as sensical as arresting people for making too much noise after hours at an arena concert.
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Old 04-03-2006, 07:27 PM   #32
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I've heard a rumor. . . . that bars sell 'alochol' to people.

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Old 04-03-2006, 08:25 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by PinstripesAndPithHelmets
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'd rather die at the hands of a drunk driver or a terrorist attack in a free country, than live to a ripe old age in a fucking police state. Benjamin Franklin hit the nail on the head when he said something to the effect of "Those who would trade their personal freedoms for a perceived security deserve neither." Patriot Act? Wire tapping? Does this mean that if I DON'T agree with these perverse tramplings of our civil liberties that I'm not a patriot? I guess ol' Bennie Franklin was just a filthy socialist, by George Bush's standards. I say, if they bring back prohibition, burn the fucking White House to the ground.

Addendum: I'd be willing to bet that some government agent now has a copy of this post somewhere. Well, here's another one for ya Big Brother; RIGHT WING CONSERVATIVES SUCK DICK! Yeah, you read right. Yo MAMA! See you in Hell, Cheney. I hope you burn in an inexhaustible pool of your own blood diluted oil.

Hahah, ye know yer right? As I mentioned in a previous thread, I have a fan club worldwide who likes to keep up with what I'm currently into.

One such group is the Virginia ABC. They regulate clubs, events, anything with alcohol. As mentioned, I used to own a club there that was shut down, lots of people charged with lots of crime, and in the end they got squat. Closed the club, cost us well into six figures in court costs, but they didn't put any of us in jail or provwe any of the hair brained theories they claimed we were doing.

And, I being the cyber-guru I am do things online to see who is paying attention. And just as a big 'fuck you' to the VA ABC, I'm posting these IP's from my personal web logs, ones I put online and had a link to a flyer to a few weeks back (some of you might remember).




Yeah, do a NSLOOKUP is ye want to validate them. They still track me and obviously read the boards here, or have someone do it for them. Wh00ps! Guess I spilled the beans that I know they track me. If you like that, well, I got pages of kewl stuff from around the web to show (how many of ye have a list of .GOV and .MIL sites that visit yer homepage on a regulat basis?). Spy unto others as they spy unto you as I always say.

The most troubling is the CGC - thats the charitable gaming commission - my guess is me mentioning fund raising here for various organisations just a few posts ago set off some bells and whistles and now they have decided to launch an investigation. Yer tax dollars at werk folks.

BTW - EPS - Ye ever get those meta tags in and remove these pages from google? It does quite bother me that not only do various US agencies track me, it bothers me GNet makes it quite easy. In fact, if you search for STERNN and any other degragatory term (i.e. PORN, FUCK, ****, etc) you will get a dozen threads from GNet with me in them because someone else in the thread on the page used one of those words in the discussion, and google finds my name and that word and next thing you know I'm associated with every bad thing in the world because of the discussions here.

Anyway, it would be appreciated. It also makes it harded for these lads to openly search me out on google.

Oh yeah pin/pith - watch out lad, if yer consorting wif lads like me makin' statements like that, they ARE after ye and it's not just paranoia!

Yeah, youse point yer finger at me and call me the bad guy, cause you need a bad guy. Yeah, say good night to the bad guy!

</Tony Montana Voice>

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Old 04-04-2006, 12:22 PM   #34
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Ok...just a quick question cause now I'm thinking about it. Should I be concerned that I've been under physical surveillance for years?

I know it has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, but since it's been discussed now for a bit I thought I'd ask. I never thought much about it, it’s not like they are very good at hiding. I see them every time. My x-roommate and I even bought them donuts one day, we felt bad that they had been sitting outside our apartment watching us for hours with nothing to do. I'm even pretty sure there has been surveillance equipment in my home at various times (though not hear in LA). So they are what. They haven’t pissed me off yet, so I let them go, but should I be concerned?

I’m serious…and wondering…maybe I should just start a new thread on the topic.
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Old 04-04-2006, 12:25 PM   #35
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Whatever next? People being arrested in changing rooms at Gap for Indecent Exposure?
Nay then, I have an eye of you. - If you love me, hold not off.

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Old 04-04-2006, 12:27 PM   #36
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Originally Posted by spookypurple
Whatever next? People being arrested in changing rooms at Gap for Indecent Exposure?

Especialy when they use the hidden camera footage taken from the camera behind the two way mirror inside the dressingroom as evidence.
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Old 04-04-2006, 12:32 PM   #37
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Police on megaphone: "Put down the thong. I repeat... put down the thong. Back away, with your hands in the air. Step towards the comfy granny pants. I repeat, step towards the comfy granny pants."

It wasn't me! Honest!

It was my evil (and much fatter) twin what did it!
Nay then, I have an eye of you. - If you love me, hold not off.

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Old 04-05-2006, 02:45 AM   #38
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Originally Posted by Isibell
Ok...just a quick question cause now I'm thinking about it. Should I be concerned that I've been under physical surveillance for years?

I know it has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, but since it's been discussed now for a bit I thought I'd ask. I never thought much about it, it’s not like they are very good at hiding. I see them every time. My x-roommate and I even bought them donuts one day, we felt bad that they had been sitting outside our apartment watching us for hours with nothing to do. I'm even pretty sure there has been surveillance equipment in my home at various times (though not hear in LA). So they are what. They haven’t pissed me off yet, so I let them go, but should I be concerned?

I’m serious…and wondering…maybe I should just start a new thread on the topic.

Why do you think they are there?
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Old 04-05-2006, 01:06 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by CptSternn
Why do you think they are there?
I've seen them.
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Old 04-05-2006, 05:14 PM   #40
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I don't think they have any purpose any more. Of all the people I knew that were being 'observed' I was the least dangerous. And really that's saying a lot, as none of us were dangerous. Why were we interesting? Any number of reasons...from a circle of pagans that ran around looking freaky in black and doing drugs in their apartment, conveniently located across the street from a catholic grade school with attached church and monastery, to a direct family connection one of my room mates had with the Chicago Mafia. We were bad little kids and we knew it. But we were smart enough to keep it contained. Sure we broke the law, many times, but in such minor ways that it would take more effort and money to bring us in that it would to leave us out.

The ‘observation’ got so blatant by the end that mostly I ignored it. I mean who cares if someone is watching me walk down the street to the Open Pantry to get cigarettes. They’ve only been sitting in a dark car with tinted windows in front of a school for hours…they don’t stick out like a sore thumb. They had to know we knew, and that we knew that they knew….. That’s a lot of knowing.

I’d even go so far as to say that I’ve been used as some sort of sick training session. One time in LA they were so obvious about following me that the person I was walking with at the time asked if I thought we were being followed. Those poor kids had to have been sent to ‘observe’ me as some sort of training. Otherwise I’d hate to think what their important tails think of their technique.

I don’t know….mostly I think it’s kind of cute…and I don’t care. It’s cute that for some reason they think I’m important. (I’m not…just a little old hippy socialist here) And I don’t care if they are there, as long as they leave me the fuck alone.

But that’s just me
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Old 04-07-2006, 07:13 AM   #41
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You know, if a person is arrested for public intoxication before driving then they wouldn't get a DUI. It would just be for public intox.
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Old 04-07-2006, 07:21 AM   #42
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Catch -

True, but thats not the issue. The issue is being arrested at all. I mean, being arrested in a pub for public intoxication vs. being arrested for DUI is a better deal so to speak, HOWEVER if ye ring a taxi or have a sober mate driving, yer screwed as ye are going to be arrested when ye aren't even going to break the law.
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Old 04-07-2006, 07:35 AM   #43
Blushing Heliophobe
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I wasn't drunk in public - I was drunk in a bar. Those men threw me out here. Officer, arrest those men!
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Old 04-07-2006, 10:00 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by Blushing Heliophobe
I wasn't drunk in public - I was drunk in a bar. Those men threw me out here. Officer, arrest those men!

I remember that skit.

Xng, what Sternn says is true. There's absolutely no reason to go in a bar and arrest people for being drunk! And 'drunk' is relative to the person drinking and how much they're used to drinking.

You can't use 'protecting innocent lives' as a blanket to arrest other innocent people that can drive better than most sober people when they're drunk.

I'm not speaking for the morons(and I know at least one) that get so drunk that they pass out behind the wheel. Those people should definately be arrested.

I just hate that a lot of people assume that because someone is drunk, they'll drive like an idiot. It simply isn't the case.
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Old 04-08-2006, 07:36 AM   #45
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I live in a country of accomplished drunks. Besides, in some of the more rural areas, the lads drive their tractors down to the pub. You can still get a DUI, but lets face it - it's just not that dangerous.

Our road deaths are much lower than the states. We have like a few hundred a year AT MOST, and most of them do not involve alcohol. Most involve bad country roads.

In fact, in the states a report was released recently that showed elderly drivers caused more accidents every year than drunk drivers.

I think ye should start a MAOBD - mothers against old bastard drivers.

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Old 04-10-2006, 08:26 AM   #46
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I think that idea's spot-on, Sternn. I've known more people who had relatives killed by elderly drivers than drunk drivers. If you're too old to drive you're just too fucking old! Give it up and call a cab.

Sternn, you also come from a country that's a lot smaller than America. So it figures that you'd have less drunk drivers, statistically.
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Old 04-12-2006, 02:28 AM   #47
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Until this year it wasn't viewed as a 'crime' like it is in the states. Even now, outside of Dublin which is like little New York, most gards will just caution you. I mean, if you live down a country road, have 3 other neighbors, all over the age of 60 that don't come out at nite, even if you are so pissed you can't stay on the road and weave off into the grass the whole way, there is NOTHING you can hit or do damage to.

Gards are much more sensabile here, and know pretty much everyone on a first name basis. Like Mayberry and shite. They tend to take a more logical approach as opposed to the cookie-cutter 'everyone-get-the-same-justice' approach.
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Old 04-14-2006, 04:11 AM   #48
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An update...

Looks like all the bad publicity got the programme pulled for 'review' by state lawmakers.

...but not before over 2,200 people were arrested and/or fined in the past six months (about 100 people a week). Thats right, some people didn't go to jail, they just got 'on-the-spot' fines. So being drunk in a bar gets you up to a $500 fine, but your able to stay there and keep drinking, just pay the government officials and they will be on their way.

If in that position, I would definately ask for a reciept, of course that kinda 'back-talk' prolly is what defines who goes to jail versus who just gets a 'fine'.
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Old 04-14-2006, 09:21 AM   #49
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I have stayed out of this thread since its inception.

Too many painful memories..

But I have really had enough of Sternn's twisted propaganda to last me a lifetime.

I for one, support Law Enforcements efforts to curtail Drunk Driving.

Let me tell you a short story.

When I lived back in Texas, my best friend was named Brooke.

She was funny, and smart, and wild.

She had three little boys, ages two, four and six.

She was also going through a messy Divorce. We were both Phlebotomists for the local Plasma Center. Brooke worked as many hours as she could to support her family, and pay for all of her Attorney fees.

Brooke lived about forty-five miles from where we worked, in another smaller town.

One Friday night she went out for Beers with a guy she met through work.

She spent several hours drinking, and playing pool at a local bar/pizzeria.

When it came time to leave, she was so drunk she could hardly walk, and was unable to even speak clearly.

Brook wouldn't hand over the Truck Keys to her date, and he allowed her to try and make the forty-five mile return trip.

She made it approximately One mile before she passed out at the wheel. Brooke ran two red lights at the Freeway overpass, and rear-ended a Log Truck at Eighty-Five mph.

Fate was not merciful enough to let her die right away. She was pinned in her Truck for almost two hours while they tried to cut her from the vehicle.

Brooke died on the way to the hospital.

One year to the day from 9/11.

She left behind her three little boys, without a Mother.

I found out she was dead as I read the paper the next morning.

It is a miracle she didn't kill anyone else, when she slammed into that FULLY LOADED log truck.

I miss her deeply, and I am still so angry with her for the selfish choices she made that night.

It's one thing to go out and party, and get a bit of a buzz.

It's quite another to go out and drink until you can't stand up, and then climb behind the wheel of your car.

Just like that she was gone.
There have been 1,642 DWI fatalities in Texas to date.

In addition, there have been 99,384 DUI Arrests made in Texas to date.

Not to mention this sting operation only trageted patrons who were obviously to drunk too function, and drunk drivers were not even the primary focus of the operation.

"The SIP program was intended to focus on compliance on the part of the permit holders and their employees, with public intoxication being a secondary issue.

Bars, waitresses, and bartenders should be held just as responsible for continuing to serve patrons who have obviously reached their limit.

I have tended bar, and waited tables in several clubs and bars. I religously cut off any customer who I could tell didn't need another drink. I also made sure that arrangements were made for a cab. I dodn't want one of my customers killing a family of four on the way home, and I certainly didn't want to be held legally responsible for such an event.

Texas DOES have a HUGE problem with Drunk Driving, and more stringent methods for stopping these senseless deaths is a very necessary evil.

With them in place Spetember 11th, 2002 Brooke might still be alive.

I would have much preferred to have been bonding her out of jail, than to have called her Mom and Dad and told them she is Dead.

/ end sad story

Last edited by Empty_Purple_Stars; 04-14-2006 at 09:28 AM.
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Old 04-14-2006, 12:49 PM   #50
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Glad I dont live in Texas.....not that virginia is much better.

I was once arrested, here in virginia, for being drunk in the passenger seat of a car. The officer called my charge "drunk in auto" . I wasn't disorderly, or rude, and I never even got a breathalizer, or a sobriety test. I spent 8 hours in jail, and then for some reason my case was "lost". Personally I think the officer knew it was a bullshit charge and didn't want to get in trouble.
I am all for being dripping fucking wet, but DAMN things should not fly out of my Pink Parts and knock paintings off the wall, when I come!!
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