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Fashion DIY tips and gratuitous plugs. And hair. Hair! Flow it, show it. That's some hippie musical. Nevermind.

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Old 01-30-2007, 12:38 PM   #1
OCD Insomnia
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Goths at Work

I've noticed that we have no thread about goths and their work and I thought it would be interesting to post. So tell me:

-Were do you work?
-Do you enjoy your co-workers?
-Do you have any piercings and if you do, do you have to hide them or take them out at work?
-tips on hiding piercings or tattoos?
-Hair color: does your work allow it?

and anything else your intelligent minds can come up with...
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Old 01-30-2007, 01:32 PM   #2
OCD Insomnia
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I really thought this would be more popular. Oh Well. I'll start.

I have to take out all facial piercings and my hair color is allowed. But I do work in the back so no one can see me.
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Old 01-30-2007, 04:07 PM   #3
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I actually found out guys can wear eye makeup, lipstick, skirts, or even heels to work, as long as it's considered drag. If you claim that, there's nothing your job can do about it. So, yeah... I'll probably work with that.
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Old 01-30-2007, 04:30 PM   #4
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Actually there was already a thread on this topic at at

There probably are not many responses as most people on this site are in school.
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Old 01-30-2007, 05:27 PM   #5
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All six of my tattoos are in places that can be concealed if I wear pants and a long sleeve shirt or t-shirt. The only tattoo you might catch a glimpse of is on the back of my neck, and even then, if my hair is long enough, you won't see it. As for my piercings (four of them), i have one on each ear, which isn't a problem since 95% of the girls at work all have 'em. My eyebrow piercing usually isn't a problem as it's so common nowadays and it's barely noticeable with my glasses on, aside from which, only places where you handle food asks people to take it out, and I don't work in markets or as a cook, so it's never a problem. Finally, the only people that notices my nipple piercing are coworkers in the changing room, and unless I find a *weird* job that would ask me to wear really tight shirts, no one else will ever know.

As a matter of principle, I'll wear whatever an employer wants me to wear, but I won't take out my piercings, they're a part of me, it would be like asking a black man to go for the micheal jackson treatment...I come, "as is".
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Old 01-30-2007, 08:24 PM   #6
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-Were do you work? Inbound Call Center. It is East of Contentment.
-Do you enjoy your co-workers? Sure. I don't talk them, but they nice having around.
-Do you have any piercings and if you do, do you have to hide them or take them out at work? No piercings
-tips on hiding piercings or tattoos? I don't have any escpecially if they are one your face. Eventually someone will check on the bandage.
-Hair color: does your work allow it? Yes. People have green or pink or whatever color hair. People have piercings too.

You need to work at a place that is more culturally aware. I had a friend that worked at a place where she was the only one who had a nose ring. It was tasteful, just a little gold stud with her birthstone. Could hardly see it unless you were right in her face.

She worked at this place where everyone was all knitting and talking about church. She was the only one different in a miniscual way. They even put pirate pics up for iddy-biddy stud that actually was only in certain light. I think that if there were more employees with piercings working there, they would have backed off.

It is only a theory.

My advice is get a friend with more experience, education and tatoos a job where you work.
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Old 01-30-2007, 09:19 PM   #7
Johnny Gnar Gnar
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I work as the co-manager for the NWC Recreational Co-Op for one of my jobs. Basically it is a place to get anything and everything to play outside. Two of my co-workers are my best friends. We hang out all the time after work. The other few, well, I tolerate. One of them really annoys me, just too much of a "I know everything, therefore I am better than you" kind of person. I have five piercings, and have never had to take them out. I work at a college, so I guess its to be expected. My hair is long enough that I could cover up my industrial fairly well, and I guess if I really needed to take out my earrings, then I could. My tattoos are very obvious, and if I wanted to hide them I would need to wear long sleeve shirts all the time. But, again, I work at the college, so they really don't care. As for hair color, I think only 2 of our staff has their real hair color.

I work a retail/whitewater guide job as well, at an mountain sports company. My boss is another one of my best friends, but the other co-workers definitly have a God complex. It makes them very difficult to work with, especially when they mislead customers and I have to clean up after them. For that job, I do kind of have to clean up. I can't wear my big spike earrings, so I have some captive balls I wear for there. In the summer I work without a shirt, since I'm always on the river, but that will change next summer. The back tattoo and having my nipples pierced is too much for the boss, so they have to be covered up. I also have a quasi dress code, basically I have to wear either the shop's hoody (which is black..whew) or, in the summer, the shop t-shirt. As for hair color, I don't think any of us have our original hair color. I do remember the first time I showed up with blue streaks, I got some wierd looks, but for the most part, the boss is pretty laid back.
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Old 02-03-2007, 11:45 AM   #8
darkness before dawn
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-Were do you work? I work for a real estate company.
-Do you enjoy your co-workers? Most of them, yes. But there are a select few who try to push their religious agenda on me in a very overt way, and that offends me.
-Do you have any piercings and if you do, do you have to hide them or take them out at work? Yes, I take my lip ring out.
-tips on hiding piercings or tattoos? Well, my left arm is fully sleeved, so it's long sleeved shirts, all of the time.
-Hair color: does your work allow it? Well, my hair is black, so it's not a problem.
In this business, you can't really stand out. So I tame it way down on a day to day basis. I'm thinking of shifting careers, though, maybe do something where my true self is allowed to shine
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Old 02-03-2007, 12:32 PM   #9
Haunted House
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I work at a thrift store (score! Haha). I like my co-workers and they like me. Its kinda odd because they're borderline elderly women. Also my step brother works there too. I only have an ear peirced and thats never a problem and my two-tone hair and deathhawk aren't a problem either.
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Old 02-03-2007, 01:33 PM   #10
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I work for a temporary agency.
In Florida, and other southern states in the U.S., unless you go that way, you get paid less. Anyway, I can't dress the way I want to. I have to be a "conformist" but people eventually figure out that I am unusual.
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Old 02-03-2007, 02:33 PM   #11
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-Were do you work?
In a law firm and a dance company

-Do you enjoy your co-workers?
i get to telecommute a lot. And I, as a co-worker, rock. Personally, I told myself I am a bit of a twat.

-Do you have any piercings and if you do, do you have to hide them or take them out at work?
just ears. Soccer and dance took care of the rest But as I do research now, no one really cares. When I had the nipple piercings, I had to cover them up for attorney reviews :P
Seriously, my lipring had to come out when I had to consult, though.

-tips on hiding piercings or tattoos?
Although I love my tats, I do have to cover them for work and dance. I keep them located on easily covered areas (Think T-Shirt and knickers). I also, for dance, show some skin, and not all audiences are of the tattoo persuasion. I use, seriously, flesh coloured liquid latex and stage base for my more shifty parts.

-Hair color: does your work allow it?
We have to maintain transparent hair, no hue allowed. But yeah, as long as I am in the basement or home, they care not. Their (and my dance leader's) only request is that I keep it in a base natural color and less crazy highlights that blend when my hair is in a bun or back.

All in all, I may have to reign it in somewhat, but it is not unreasonable.

When I was a kiddie, working as a waitress, my boss was one of the cool ones that knew that if you had piercings and they were not infected, you were a clean, hygienic person. It is a decent gage.
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Old 02-03-2007, 02:52 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Haunted House
I work at a thrift store (score! Haha). I like my co-workers and they like me. Its kinda odd because they're borderline elderly women. Also my step brother works there too. I only have an ear peirced and thats never a problem and my two-tone hair and deathhawk aren't a problem either.

Borderline elderly = Boomer generation

Boomers = Hippie gen

Hippies = Screw wearing a tie

This is a broad generalization, but they tend to be a LOT more tolerant of nonstandard fashion than the earlier generations were. Because they did the same back in the 60s.
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Old 02-03-2007, 03:10 PM   #13
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I work in a factory making boxes for glassware.

I can wear whatever I like, but obviously, since the place is very dusty, and I have to set an oily big machine, it isn't practical at all to turn up in a long velvet skirt, lace top ect.. they'd only get trashed and soiled. I usually wear baggy black " grebo " trousers coz they're comfy and easy to move in ( nessescary since I have to get under the machine to set parts of it ) any top I grab first thing in the morning, and a bootleg AFI hoodie ( it only cost a tenner so I don't mind if it gets a bit grubby ) and either a battered old pair of duffs or my doc martens.

I do have my ears pierced but I always lose earrings so I don't bother wearing any. Since I don't work at a restaurant any more I can get my nose re-pierced!!!

I work with my sleeves constantly rolled up, so you can see both tattoos ( one on each inner forearm/wrist ). No-one minds since the general public don't see any of what goes on in the factory.

I dye my hair plain black which isn't all that strange really. A woman I work with has sort of purplish hair. I really doubt it would matter at all, again no-one sees it. I could turn up with blue clip in hairpieces but what would be the point?
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Old 02-03-2007, 03:50 PM   #14
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-Were do you work? Abbatiors, lamb product

-Do you enjoy your co-workers? Yeah at the moment

-Do you have any piercings and if you do, do you have to hide them or take them out at work? We either have to take out our piercings or cover them with tape so they don't fall into the product, I only have my ears peirced, used to have facial piercings.

-tips on hiding piercings or tattoos? Take piercings out just for the day. Try to get new piercings on holidays so that you don't have to take them out for work. With tats try to get them where you can cover them.

-Hair color: does your work allow it? Sure does.
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Old 02-04-2007, 05:21 PM   #15
OCD Insomnia
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wow. I had no idea jobs were that tolerant. I think I will go complain.
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Old 02-05-2007, 10:24 AM   #16
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I work in a law firm as a legal assistant.

I have a lot of tattoos: two full sleeves, chest, neck, etc. I always wear long sleeves to cover my arms, though I don't think I really have to because there are other employees here that have tats on their arms that show them, but mine are more extensive, so I'd rather just hide them than "rock the boat". My chest tattoo is visible often though. I take my septum piercing out for work (although, again, I was never told that I had to). I have part black, part bleach blonde hair, with no problems.

I like all of my co-workers.

The law firm I worked in before this one though was a LOT more casual. I was allowed, even encouraged, to wear my black/neon red mohawk up, and I was allowed to wear short sleeves, and leave my septum and 3 lip rings in. My boss, a senior partner, used to take the issue of Savage Tattoo magazine that I was in along with him to legal conventions, to show other attorneys what a "cool" assistant he had.
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Old 02-05-2007, 07:07 PM   #17
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I'm a high-school kid but I work part-time at a video game store. I get along fine with my co-workers.

I have multiple ear piercings but nobody has a problem with that. But no visible facial piercings or tattoos, so the lip ring I want is really out of the questions.

My manager doesn't give a damn about any dress codes so I can wear pretty much anything I want, including black nail varnish, chokers and excessive eye makeup. I do dress on the respectable side in dress shirts, nice scarves, etc. and leave the lace shirts, long skirts, and gloves at home. The only reason for no facial piercings and tattoos is company policy (it's a chain store).

Hair colour I haven't heard any rules on. Remember my co-workers are a bunch of guys so hair dye isn't exactly a workplace issue. My hair is dyed a natural-ish red colour so I'm fine. I'm planning to get a black streak, which I think it may be pushing it, but I doubt I'll get fired over it or anything, considering that my manager comes to work in hoodies and jeans.
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Old 02-05-2007, 09:04 PM   #18
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-Were do you work?
At n IT consulting firm. As an engineer. I should be at least a mid by now, but alas. No.

-Do you enjoy your co-workers?
I hate em. And they hate me and that's alright!

-Do you have any piercings and if you do, do you have to hide them or take them out at work?
I have 3mm spirals in my lower lobes, and 5 other holes on either side, including two helixes. I leave my hair down to cover my ears. My tongue ring stays in. They made me take my 5mm spirals out and the bar in my neck, too.
The rest of my piercings are hidden.

-tips on hiding piercings or tattoos?
Long sleeves. Wear your hair down. Use clear balls on bars. Plasters.

-Hair color: does your work allow it?
They allow it, as long as its natural.

it sucks to be a junior.
It's not so much the pain
It's more the actual knife
Pretending the picture is perfect
I cut myself to sleep
I close my eyes for a second
And curse my fragile soul
I scream to hide that I'm lonely
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Old 02-05-2007, 09:05 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by chelseagirl
I work in a law firm as a legal assistant.
My boss, a senior partner, used to take the issue of Savage Tattoo magazine that I was in along with him to legal conventions, to show other attorneys what a "cool" assistant he had.
That is so cool.
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Old 08-19-2007, 06:10 AM   #20
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i bet people woule be more productive at work if they could wear what they wanna wear and be comfortable than to be forced into the conformist shirt and ties of the office enviroment.
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Old 08-19-2007, 06:11 AM   #21
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but than again, it depends on what you job/workplace is.
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Old 08-19-2007, 06:59 AM   #22
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I will say that I work for Lason. We're an insurance company outsourcing group. We pretty much outsource all the mail of our clients, sort them out, and process them. We streamline their red tape, essentially.

I like my co-workers and they like me. Also, they KNOW I'm goth and they don't care one iota. They asked a couple of questions about it to other people instead of asking me, but those people went to bat for me saying that goth meant something different to every goth.

I don't have any piercings. But a co-worker of mine, who is predominantly more punk and electronica type has several and has fire engine red bangs. He wears them loud and proud, but no-one complains. I'm normally known as the quiet guy who has an odd crush on black and tends to wear very interesting fabrics and has different hair styles every day.

If you WANT to look more goth all day while you're at work, find jobs that aren't in the public eye so much. Usually these jobs are office jobs or warehouse jobs. You just need to find the less public jobs out there.

But the one thing you'll learn about having a full time job and being goth is that you'll start to dress more practicle. Yes, you can take an hour to put on make up and wear your best Victorian dress... but after 8 hours, you and everyone else around you isn't going to give two damns when everyone is red eyeing it back home. I've succumbed to wearing black velvety jeans, baggy black sweaters or black/gun metal colored dress shirts. When I go to work, I want to work in comfort.
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Old 08-19-2007, 07:23 AM   #23
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I do freelance graphic design. I love it-- no bosses, no co-workers, no one telling me how to dress or wear my hair and very little interraction with the general public. I spend most of my "work hours" at home with my cats and my kid and they certainly don't give a sh!t what I look like.

The only time I have to put on the corporate costume is when clients insist on meeting with me in person or when I have to make an appearance at one of the two graphics companies I most often freelance for. Fortunately for me, people in my particular occupation aren't expected to be overly-conservative. I usually wear a pair of black trousers and an interesting top. I have a couple of vintage-looking tops that current fashion seems to support. I also wear mid-calf granny boots with buckles, but the trousers cover them up for the most part.

I don't have any tattoos... I just never felt particularly inspired to get one. I have multiple piercings in both ears, but no one has ever seemed bothered by them. I usually have my hair dyed plain black, which looks natural with my eye color and skin tone.

People are either too polite to say anything about the way I look at work, or they just accept it as part of the whole artsy-eccentric-creative person package. I'm not sure but I'm still getting work, so I guess I'm doing something right.
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Old 08-19-2007, 01:40 PM   #24
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At my job, nobody has a problem with what I wear, but I do keep things to a respectful level so that I don't scare or offend anyone.
They love seeing me wear what I sewed for myself. Even the customers are impressed when they ask me if I made my outfits.
2 of my other co-workers have piercings on their faces and it doesn't bother my bosses too much. Within the dress code: as long as there is no open-toed foot wear, low-rise jeans and anything with symbols or offensive slogans on; then it wouldn't matter what we can wear.
My bosses like my New Rocks and called them "safety boots".
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Old 08-19-2007, 03:48 PM   #25
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I work at a Barnes and Noble. They don't really care about hair colour or piercings, but I don't have anything extreme anyways. As far as fashion goes, I stick to my style, just no low cut tops and no combat boots or anything of that sort. You know. So I look professional.
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