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Politics "Under democracy, one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule -and both commonly succeed, and are right." -H.L. Menken

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Old 03-09-2007, 04:17 AM   #1
Kraven de Sade
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PC rehab

I don't usually pay attention to the news, but it has recently come to my attention that people went be sent (or, at least, "opt" to go) to rehab merely for saying things that may be offensive to some. Some well-known examples are Mel Gibson (for his anti-Semitic drunken rant) and Isiah Washington (of "Grey's Anatomy") for calling a co-star "******."

Honestly, I think this is a load of steaming horse shit. I mean, these people (those mentioned above and others) go to rehab for saying certain words. WORDS!

I'm sorry, but it seems to me that it's the people who get offended at these words that have the problem, not the people who utter them. I'm not saying it's okay to use derogatory terms, but the people who think these people need to go to rehab for these words are the ones who need proffesional help.

Seriously, if someone called you a freak, would you sue them and insist they go to rehab? Or would you simply shrug, say "whatever," and go on doing whatever it was you were doing beforehand?
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Old 03-09-2007, 05:32 AM   #2
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Censorship is what it is, and it is discouraging individuality.
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Old 03-09-2007, 09:43 AM   #3
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I find it interesting that people are looking to fight words with silence, when the best model to fighting 'hate speech' has always seemed to be 'more speech' to counter the negative model.

But then I'm one of those durn rational free thinkin' goobers the gubberment hates so much ^.^
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Old 03-09-2007, 01:42 PM   #4
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I think people's reaction to Ann Coulters comment on this topic was funny. I'm not saying Coulter isn't an extremist whore pretending to be legitimate. But oh my god, was it all over cnn when she said Edwards was a f*get. Which is exactly the ridiculous reaction she was commenting on.

People who make it their cause to battle a single word in the English language need to get a hobby or a cat or something.
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Old 03-10-2007, 01:14 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by republigoth
I think people's reaction to Ann Coulters comment on this topic was funny. I'm not saying Coulter isn't an extremist whore pretending to be legitimate. But oh my god, was it all over cnn when she said Edwards was a f*get. Which is exactly the ridiculous reaction she was commenting on.

People who make it their cause to battle a single word in the English language need to get a hobby or a cat or something.
The fact she used a politically charged word speaks in and of itself. For example, what if Edwards appeared dark skinned and instead she said n*gger? Would/should people be more/less offended? Or maybe a jewish slur?

The fact she used a word she knew was demeaning to a group of people and the crowd cheered her and has refused to offer any public rebuke because they too see no issue with the word used says it all. The fact you cannot see the issue with it means you, yourself must be in the middle class white bush supporting group that thinks minorities are 'ridiculous' because they get upset when people of other races/sexualities use disparaging remarks about them.

It reminds me of golfer Ziggy Sales who when asked about Tiger Woods winning the Masters for the first time responded: 'He will be upset at the dinner because we dont serve collard greens and watermelon', and then for weeks on telly acted bewildered as he could not understand exactly what he had said wrong.
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Old 03-10-2007, 10:37 AM   #6
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Oh god, here comes the class war, everybody grab your plastic flimsy swords and cardboard shields. Anyone who steps out of line with your fascist thinking gets the 'agent of satan conservative' label huh? Go ahead, assume you know everything about me and therefore can put me in this nice little box of 'all the crazy people you don't have to listen to because as a liberal you're so vastly superior.' Sure is easier than actually listening isn't it, my National Socialist friend? Well tattoo a number on my wrist and ship me off The Death Camp of Tolerance. I am definatly guilty of the thought crime which you have accused me of.

Yeah, she used a slur and that's what people object to. What you fail to see is that the offensive joke was double layered. What she said was, "I would have something else to day about John Edwards, but apparently you have to go to rehab if you use the word f*get." So while she did, oh my god, use a naughty mean word, she was also saying "look how the pc Nazi’s flip the f*ck out if you use a naughty word." Guess what? They flipped the f*ck out. Ha ha.

So what should we do? Create a Ministry of Moral Decency to police every single word that comes out of the mouth of every private citizen? Oh what a utopian day, when the jack boots come stomping down your door to make sure no one is ever ever ever ever offended by a slur. Gee, can I move to your country? Sounds like fun.
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Old 04-01-2007, 07:09 AM   #7
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OK, so I haven't been on here in a while, so I appologise for jumping in on this, but since nobody else is pointing out the obvious.....


Seriously, you're gonna sit here and justify somebody dehumanizing another person, but be too chicken s h i t to at least admit that that's what you're doing, because after reading all these posts, that's EXACTLY what you've all done.

Some of you might say "words are words, and we live in a country that believes in free speech"....fair enough. However, I'd also like to point out that when you use language that's meant to dehumanise an entire group of people, you need to be ready to deal with the consequences (in Mel Gibsons case, it was appologising to all those hebes he really didn't hate. In Ann Coulters case, it was pleasing the yahoos who follow her, and getting a rise out of anybody with a sense of decency). For you guys to sit here and whine about anybody who gets a bit bothered by loaded terms as being prissy is not only incredulous, but so god-damned ignorant that I can only hope that you're all sterile (thus saving the rest of humanity from infection).

I'll admit, I have tossed out the occasional slur, but (in case you missed it....such as with the Mel Gibson thing) I use the terms to expose underlying prejudices AND hypocritical stances. And this also leads into my next point....

A simple question-how many of you whining f u c k tards are white? I'm gonna make a simple logical guess-all of you. In other words, you've never had to live every day of your life being denigrated by the social structure at large. You've never had to do stuff (and by "stuff", I mean things like "work", live your life", or even "date") harder than everybody else, just to prove that you're as good as any of them (and STILL being treated as less-than-caucasian). And I'm also gonna guess that you never CARED to understand what it feels like for anybody who DOESN'T have the privledge of being a honkey. In fact, you look at EVERY form of mutual understanding as "being attacked by the PC police", and an affront to the natural state of the world. I used to try talking to people like you, however I'm older, wiser, and a bit more understanding of how the world works. I know there's only one thing that MIGHT get through to you-f u c k you. Your life is much easier than mine, or any other non-caucasoid I know. Just because you're too stuck in your conveniance-is-freedom mode of thinking, you've allowed ignorance, greed, insipidness, and stupidity to cloud your judgement, and thus you make such dumb s h i t remarks as "why do I have to be ginger with my language?", and thus have only earned the contempt of not just me, but everybody else you come into contact with.

If you're confused as to why, I'll simplify it for you-by you saying that people shouldn't be given shit for making racist/sexist/whathaveyou remarks, you are denying the fact that this society still has a LOOOONNNGGGG way to go before it's equal to everybody within it. Yes, racism is against the law, but racism also plays a factor in how we view the world around us, and that affects how stuff is dealt with (the obvious example-even though blacks only commit less than a quarter of violent crimes, they make up almost 90% of prison populations. If that doesn't point to something askew, then you're a bigger dumb a s s than I gave you credit for). For you to deny this makes you not only ignorant and assinine, but, quite simply, dangerous to the well being of this society.

In other words-grow the f u c k up and think before saying stuff.

-end rant-
I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out.
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Old 04-01-2007, 08:36 AM   #8
Drake Dun
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Originally Posted by Loy
...the obvious example-even though blacks only commit less than a quarter of violent crimes, they make up almost 90% of prison populations...
Support those statistics, please.

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Old 04-01-2007, 08:49 AM   #9
Drake Dun
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Argh! You assholes! Didn't it occur to you that when you started talking about this Ann Coulter person and her comments, I might actually go look it up? Check out the picture of her with this article and feel my pain:

Now I will never get a boner again for like, eighty thousand years.

This was my favorite part of the article:

"We're against gay marriage. I don't want gays to be discriminated against."

This lady should do stand-up. You can't make this shit up.

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Old 04-01-2007, 11:37 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by Loy
No, we have opinions.
Originally Posted by Loy
Seriously, you're gonna sit here and justify somebody dehumanizing another person, but be too chicken s h i t to at least admit that that's what you're doing, because after reading all these posts, that's EXACTLY what you've all done.

Some of you might say "words are words, and we live in a country that believes in free speech"....fair enough. However, I'd also like to point out that when you use language that's meant to dehumanise an entire group of people, you need to be ready to deal with the consequences (in Mel Gibsons case, it was appologising to all those hebes he really didn't hate. In Ann Coulters case, it was pleasing the yahoos who follow her, and getting a rise out of anybody with a sense of decency).
The only thing I know about this incident is what I got from this topic, but come on, is that one word really worth so much fuzz? I mean, really, I get those things every day, and I couldn't care less.

Originally Posted by Loy
For you guys to sit here and whine about anybody who gets a bit bothered by loaded terms as being prissy is not only incredulous, but so god-damned ignorant that I can only hope that you're all sterile (thus saving the rest of humanity from infection).
So what you're saying is that anyone who doesn't share your opinion are lesser beings? And you say that we are ignorant?

Originally Posted by Loy
A simple question-how many of you whining f u c k tards are white? I'm gonna make a simple logical guess-all of you. In other words, you've never had to live every day of your life being denigrated by the social structure at large. You've never had to do stuff (and by "stuff", I mean things like "work", live your life", or even "date") harder than everybody else, just to prove that you're as good as any of them (and STILL being treated as less-than-caucasian).
Oh, so that's it? You think that noone other than you have had problems and resistance? And it's all because you're black? For christ sake, try getting out of your little bubble and see the world around you.

Originally Posted by Loy
And I'm also gonna guess that you never CARED to understand what it feels like for anybody who DOESN'T have the privledge of being a honkey. In fact, you look at EVERY form of mutual understanding as "being attacked by the PC police", and an affront to the natural state of the world. I used to try talking to people like you, however I'm older, wiser, and a bit more understanding of how the world works. I know there's only one thing that MIGHT get through to you-f u c k you. Your life is much easier than mine, or any other non-caucasoid I know. Just because you're too stuck in your conveniance-is-freedom mode of thinking, you've allowed ignorance, greed, insipidness, and stupidity to cloud your judgement, and thus you make such dumb s h i t remarks as "why do I have to be ginger with my language?", and thus have only earned the contempt of not just me, but everybody else you come into contact with.
Whoa, that's a nice imagination you have there! Good thing it's just a guess, as you stated yourself...

Originally Posted by Loy
If you're confused as to why, I'll simplify it for you-by you saying that people shouldn't be given shit for making racist/sexist/whathaveyou remarks, you are denying the fact that this society still has a LOOOONNNGGGG way to go before it's equal to everybody within it. Yes, racism is against the law, but racism also plays a factor in how we view the world around us, and that affects how stuff is dealt with (the obvious example-even though blacks only commit less than a quarter of violent crimes, they make up almost 90% of prison populations. If that doesn't point to something askew, then you're a bigger dumb a s s than I gave you credit for). For you to deny this makes you not only ignorant and assinine, but, quite simply, dangerous to the well being of this society.
I really don't know what to say to this one... There's nothing to respond to, it's just a bunch of assumptions and insults, quite like the rest of your post.

Originally Posted by Loy
In other words-grow the f u c k up and think before saying stuff.
You're telling me after a post full of personal attacks and with almost no valid points?
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Old 04-01-2007, 11:21 PM   #11
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Loy -

Reading your message essentially validates my suspicion. It does not detract from the respect I have for you, for that is something you've earned over a long span of time, but it's clear to me now that you do, in fact, harbor a predjudice against white people in stark contrast to the disgust against predjudices you so often proclaim.

You've had a hard life - no one can take that away from you - and the fact remains that the experiences your family suffered at the hands of scrap-genetic whites must flare white hot for you to post such vehemence, however - the title of this thread remains what it is... PC Rehab. Given the words you chose while posting, do you think you would be a candidate for such a stint?

Is it really necessary for those who use racial and ethnic slurs to enter a 'rehab' of sorts? Personally, I find the idea rather ludicrous on its face - however, when compared to something like Anger Management classes, perhaps there is a touch of validity in creating such a program, minus the silly name.

Anyway, it's a given no one 'round these parts knows who the fuck I am any longer, so I'll bow out once again.

I'm not attacking you, Loy - please don't take it that way - just adding a notch of understanding to someone I consider a 'friend'.
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Old 04-02-2007, 02:03 AM   #12
Kraven de Sade
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Originally Posted by Drake Dun
Argh! You assholes! Didn't it occur to you that when you started talking about this Ann Coulter person and her comments, I might actually go look it up? Check out the picture of her with this article and feel my pain:

Now I will never get a boner again for like, eighty thousand years.

This was my favorite part of the article:

"We're against gay marriage. I don't want gays to be discriminated against."

This lady should do stand-up. You can't make this shit up.

I don't even get why people started talking about her. Well, okay, yeah I do, but what I mean is, this topic is about people having to go to rehab for certain choice words, and as far as I know, Coulter is not one of them.

On a side note, she really is a piece of work. Especially her body. (And that's not a good thing.)

Seriously, have you ever looked at her hands?

Or her throat?

I think she was a man at one point...

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Old 04-02-2007, 07:29 AM   #13
Drake Dun
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MERCY, already.

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