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Old 02-18-2004, 01:07 AM   #326
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I'm just listening to some new age music "Athenica" and reading Shutterbox. My insomnia may soon be waving the white flag. Victory will be mine! ha!
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Old 02-18-2004, 01:51 AM   #327
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so one time me and my friend were walking in the french quarter all sorts of fucked up, and we see a sign that reads "rooms for rent." so my friend, he says to me "hey, go in there and just say your Rent, and bring back some rooms." i like dumb funny people.
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Old 02-18-2004, 02:09 AM   #328
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whenever my dog farts, it reminds me of asian women wrestling....

i wonder if laughter happiness and contentment are just distractions used by evolution to keep the long grueling process going so that the earth can eventually spawn super-humans and go take over other worlds when we're fully evolved. i wanna be a super-human.
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Old 02-18-2004, 02:36 AM   #329
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If ricecakes are smeared in marshmallows and dipped in chocolate are they still considered health food?

If its true that there's less than 1% difference in the genentic makeup of a man v.s. a dog, does that mean all men are technically dogs?

Should I ask for my money back for going to SEABISUIT, since my dog's name is BISCUIT and I see him everyday for free?

Then again according to evolution man origins are with a mammilian/ vaguely rodent species from the time of dinosaurs, so does that also mean that all men are technically rats as well as dogs?

Then again its 1:40am in the savage north and Im bored as hell so I could be making up all this shit as I go along. But I just love asking stupid questions anyway.
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Old 02-18-2004, 02:51 AM   #330
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hrmmmm... those are some interesting questions

My boyfriend once thought this

Computer pictures are made up of several million colours and pixels....

If you had a super computer that was so big and so powerful that it could generate any possible colour pixel combination.... would you then be able to make any picture that exists and also any picture that doesnt, in essense , every picture possibility in the known universe.
well if you think about it .... yes
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Old 02-18-2004, 04:17 AM   #331
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All flatworms are hermaphrodites. Before mating they have penis battles to see who gets to be the male.

The longest rescorded flight of a chicken is 13 seconds.

Two-thirds of the world's eggplants are grown in New Jersesy.

Peanuts are one of the ingredients in dynamite.

Nutmeg is extremely poisonous if injected intravenously

After eating too much food, your hearing becomes less sharp.

In Kentucky, it is illegal to carry ice cream in your back pocket.

One out of every 200 women has an extra nipple.

A study has shown that musicians' brains contained 130% more nerve cells in their auditory cortex, a part of the brain linked to hearing, than non-musicians. Furthermore, the level of brain activity in professional musicians was shown to be 102% higher than normal, while the brains of amateur musicians were 37% more active than average.

Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories per hour.

Wearing headphones for an hour will increase bacteria in your ear by 700 times.

It has been medically proven that pessimism raises blood pressure. The more pessimistic a person is, the more likely he or she is to die earlier than optimistic counterparts.

If the population of China walked past you in single file, the line would never end because of the rate of reproduction.

The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing.
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Old 02-18-2004, 01:10 PM   #332
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Its Wednesday 4:05pm. I so bored out of my mind. I have nothing to do at all. I am waiting for my step dad to get home with the car so we can go out to the mall so I can buy the pants that I wanted to buy the last time we was there. I hate being bored. (Come on dad, hurry up already)

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Old 02-18-2004, 02:05 PM   #333
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Originally Posted by eyesofatragedy
[Thanks but your wrong about the pretty thing. I actually had to get rid of the avatar because too many people were dying ala style. (Just kidding, I would never use a movie that shitty to prove my point.)

Ok, pointless rant on myself over, now back to your regular programming. :roll:

awwww EyesOfATragedy.. You are so lovely.. Truly.. You should put the avatar back, I tried to show the pic to my friend but you weren't there.. I would give an ovary to have Eyes like that..Soooo pretty...
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Old 02-18-2004, 03:06 PM   #334
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Originally Posted by EclipsedPresence
Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories per hour.
and using that formula, you can burn a pound of fat every 27.2727272727272 hours by banging your head against a wall... I call it the model diet-makes you thin and braindead...

btw, the formula for that is: 9000 calories per Kg of fat devided by 2.2 lbs per Kg, to get 4090.90901 calories per lb of fat, devided by 150 calories burned an hour, then you can multiply that number by however much weight you want to lose, i.e., if you want to lose 15 lbs, you simply take 27.27272727272 x 15 = 409.090909091 hours...

and on this simple plan, you can lose 321.2 lbs per year if you do nothing but beat your head against a wall for a year straight

what, I was really really bored one night

What I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there, 'cause I'm the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?
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Old 02-18-2004, 03:11 PM   #335
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Originally Posted by Spraeg
btw, the formula for that is: 9000 calories per Kg of fat devided by 2.2 lbs per Kg, to get 4090.90901 calories per lb of fat, devided by 150 calories burned an hour, then you can multiply that number by however much weight you want to lose, i.e., if you want to lose 15 lbs, you simply take 27.27272727272 x 15 = 409.090909091 hours...
I actually got a nutritionist to admit that the formula is flawed. I pointed out that with a base metabolic rate of 1200, that means I should have to fast for about 3 days before I lose 1 pound if I drink enough water. Which obviously isn't so. It was kind of amusing.
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Old 02-18-2004, 03:16 PM   #336
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So many younger people have been raised to use "gay" as a synonym for "stupid/uncool". Usually it just pisses me off, but lately it brings up an amusing connundrum. Are there a bunch of junior high kids out there getting really confused over recent politics?

"Hell yeah, they should ban gay marriages! When I grow up and marry [insert supermodel here] I don't want to have a gay wedding! My wedding better fuckin ROCK! I'd have, like, Eminem play at my reception..."
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Old 02-18-2004, 03:17 PM   #337
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Originally Posted by Takhisis
Originally Posted by Spraeg
btw, the formula for that is: 9000 calories per Kg of fat devided by 2.2 lbs per Kg, to get 4090.90901 calories per lb of fat, devided by 150 calories burned an hour, then you can multiply that number by however much weight you want to lose, i.e., if you want to lose 15 lbs, you simply take 27.27272727272 x 15 = 409.090909091 hours...
I actually got a nutritionist to admit that the formula is flawed. I pointed out that with a base metabolic rate of 1200, that means I should have to fast for about 3 days before I lose 1 pound if I drink enough water. Which obviously isn't so. It was kind of amusing.
well, seeing as how it's a joke based on absolutely no fact except for there being ~9000 calories per Kg of fat (hey, I remember Chem 250... vuagely(sp?)) and that banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour.... I don't expect that it \would turn out correctly, hell, even the math is probably off somewhere....

oh, in case you hadn't noticed, my previous post is in no way a suggestion that banging your head against a wall is a good diet plan, just a rather amusing one

What I've felt, what I've known
Sick and tired, I stand alone
Could you be there, 'cause I'm the one who waits for you
Or are you unforgiven too?
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Old 02-18-2004, 03:20 PM   #338
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Originally Posted by Spraeg
well, seeing as how it's a joke based on absolutely no fact except for there being ~9000 calories per Kg of fat (hey, I remember Chem 250... vuagely(sp?)) and that banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories an hour.... I don't expect that it \would turn out correctly, hell, even the math is probably off somewhere....
I didn't mean your exact interpretation, just the whole "it takes 4000Kc to burn a pound of fat" thing that so many exercise places love to spout.
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Old 02-18-2004, 10:42 PM   #339
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It's late, and I'm tired... but I can't sleep.

I have been noticing a connection between the past five books I have read....
a subliminal messege.
I don't know if I am going bonkers, or what.... but I am starting to freak out. I am afraid what the next book will say... it's like everything I touch seems to
have some mystical allegory my brain squelches over every night, right when I'm in bed, and trying to sleep.

I have gotten such a small amount of sleep in the past three days, the lines in my precious books are starting to wiggle.
In speaking of wigglies, I just can't get these Wiggle's songs out of my head...
"Fruit salad, yummy yummy. Fruit salad, yummy yummy .... " o_O

If I ever fall asleep, I'll tell you :)
"I'm right"

"No - it's more like - wow, isn't enlightenment great?" - Doug Henning
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Old 02-18-2004, 11:16 PM   #340
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Originally Posted by Takhisis
So many younger people have been raised to use "gay" as a synonym for "stupid/uncool". Usually it just pisses me off, but lately it brings up an amusing connundrum. Are there a bunch of junior high kids out there getting really confused over recent politics?

"Hell yeah, they should ban gay marriages! When I grow up and marry [insert supermodel here] I don't want to have a gay wedding! My wedding better fuckin ROCK! I'd have, like, Eminem play at my reception..."
That reminds me ...

I used to write for the Yr12 weekly newsletter (oh, I never quit - I just graduated from high school), and since there was always a lot of space to fill on my page (I was the 'editor' of a section which published letters students sent in... very few people wrote to me), I usually had to find something to rant about. I called it 'Random Rants'.

I was inspired by a topic a breakfast radio show had talked about that week, "Who Would YOU Turn For?", and decided to do a small piece on it. In the interests of eradicating gay discrimination, and promotion of the use of the word "gay" in an appropriate manner, I encouraged people to submit the name of someone (a celebrity or otherwise) who they would turn for.

Oh yes - all letters are anonymous.

I'm not sure how successful it was in eliminating the use of the word "gay" as colloquial language, but I hoped that it at least made people more self-aware of the appropriate context in which it should be used.

I received two responses for that write-in topic ... out of a year group of 450! Argh. Two students' names were given. I assumed that one had given the name of her friend, and her friend had done the same for her. Perhaps they had even submitted their entries in together. Who knows.

My page in the newsletter could've crashed and burned ... barely anyone wrote in. I had to forge about half of the letters that were published (shhh, don't tell...). I wanted to give the student body a place where they could have their opinions and ideas heard, but as it turned out, they had little to say. I ended up doing all sorts of things to fill space ... snippets of interesting news, "where are they now", a news-style article here and there ... even if I didn't receive many letters, I'm glad that something became of my section. That's probably one of my proudest accomplishments ... heh.

I digress ...

Gay marriages. I don't think it's appropriate for anyone to argue that a marriage is stated to be "The union of a man and a woman" (and as such, will be kept sacred). After all, aren't marriages supposed to last "Till death do us part"? Could be a religion thing ... but I was thinking about that the other day ...

IMO, a marriage is sacred if the two partners love each other. Enough said.

Spraeg, ice - combine your ideas and dilemmas. Spraeg - you give ice instructions on the best way to hit your head against the wall. This solution will allow ice to lose as many calories as possible, hence testing your (joke) 'theory', while letting ice to finally get some sleep.

Hey, you get some rest from being knocked unconcious.
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Old 02-19-2004, 12:23 AM   #341
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a heaping pile of shattered dreams & tarnished memories. comes complete with a scarred soul, almost non-existent hope & faith, a wicked case of self-loathing & self-doubt, millions of unanswered prayers & wishes that will never come true, a shredded spirit, and a battered heart. it's a set. take one, ya gotta take 'em all.

will consider trade for a second chance or maybe even renewal of aforementioned almost non-existent hope & faith.

sorry, no COD's.
hate is just a special kind of love we give to people who suck.
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Old 02-19-2004, 01:21 AM   #342
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Layby, rain check, rent to buy?

What about credit cards do you accept those? :twisted:
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Old 02-19-2004, 11:38 AM   #343
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you know....i almost added "make offer" to that, but i was afraid of what can of worms that might open.

and negative, ghostrider. no raincheks.

will consider lease to buy & layby (which i'm assuming is the same as lay-away, no?), and all major credit cards are accepted.
hate is just a special kind of love we give to people who suck.
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Old 02-19-2004, 03:35 PM   #344
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today was kinda a rough day. i woke up late so i got to work late. the first thing i am told when i finally do show up is that the woman who trained me for the job i now have died last night. seeing how the past few months have been i'm starting to wonder if having a connection with me isn't somewhat a hazard. im quite sure that in reality the deaths of the people close to me have nothing to do with me and that there really wasnt anything i could have done about any of them... but it really makes me wonder
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Old 02-19-2004, 03:55 PM   #345
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I am sitting here in my chair doing nothing at all bored out of my fucking mind. Just reading other posts that ppl wrote. Can anyone come up with some that I can do. Its 6:51 pm. I am home alone with no car. My mom is at this stupid tupperware party and my step dad is working at a friends house. Dam them leaving me home when I really wanted to go with them just to get out of the house. :evil:
Anyways if you have anything that I can so plz tell me. Thanks

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Old 02-19-2004, 03:58 PM   #346
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Originally Posted by Darkness_Of_The_Night
I am sitting here in my chair doing nothing at all bored out of my fucking mind. Just reading other posts that ppl wrote. Can anyone come up with some that I can do. Its 6:51 pm. I am home alone with no car. My mom is at this stupid tupperware party and my step dad is working at a friends house. Dam them leaving me home when I really wanted to go with them just to get out of the house. :evil:
Anyways if you have anything that I can so plz tell me. Thanks


opps I mean Can anyone come up with some thing that I can

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Old 02-19-2004, 04:41 PM   #347
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have you tried standing on your head blowing milk bubbles through your nose??
you never learn to swear until you learn to drive
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Old 02-19-2004, 05:20 PM   #348
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what's the female counterpart of a eunuch??

i'd like to know, so i know what to call it when i say, "i feel like a....."
hate is just a special kind of love we give to people who suck.
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Old 02-19-2004, 05:29 PM   #349
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Sometimes, I want to change myself. I want to be different. I'll try to adopt a quality which I find admirable, or desirable, and with time I find that I begin to display that characteristic.

The latest is being opinionated/analyzing too much. I wanted to be the former. To be a person to have an opinion on everything - and that is important because I generally see both sides to a story, and thus am indecisive and a fence-sitter. I attribute it to being a Libran ... but now, on a different forum I post at, I'm being accused of analyzing too much. Whaat?

Can't fucking please everyone. :roll:

But for the first time, I don't want to change myself to suit others. I am what I am. I like who I am. Which is also a first... heh ... and I'd be inclined to leave those boards, but I've had those friends for so long. And that makes this both more complicated and more painful. Shouldn't your friends accept you for who you are, instead of finding and trying to correct your faults? So that leads me to believe that maybe they weren't all that great friends to begin with.

I really hope that my friend will be free tomorrow, to go out ... or else I may just cry. She's one person who loves me for being me, encourages thought and feeling. I really need to be around someone like that right now. Or soon. Very soon.
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Old 02-19-2004, 06:06 PM   #350
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Originally Posted by ohthefuckwell
what's the female counterpart of a eunuch??
I don't know if there's an actual term for it, but there is a book called The Female Eunuch by Germaine Greer. Just thought I'd share that. :lol:
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