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Politics "Under democracy, one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule -and both commonly succeed, and are right." -H.L. Menken

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Old 06-04-2007, 01:02 AM   #1
eternalcrimson's Avatar
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North Korea

Welcome to the North Korea thread! If you want to talk about the Juche or Kim Il Jong’s boot collection you’ve come to the right place (FYI Kim Il Jong has a fear of flying)

I don’t know if anybody here has been to the DPRK website but I think it’s absolutely hilarious

The DPRK official website

Here are some of my favorite points of interest.

Korean Unification

Here they claim that the Americans built the wall that separates North & South Korea when in fact the North Koreans were the ones that built it.

The DPRK gift shop

This is the North Korean gift shop. There is nothing that says communist more than selling junk to capitalists. Among the feature items are autograph postcards of the big man himself Kim Il Jong.

Korea Friendship Association

Here you can join the KFA (<North> Korea Friendship Association), be sure to go to the KFA forum where you can read stuff like this.

Message: Can I ask, why North Korea do not have electricity at night? You can see it clearly from the satteltit's images. It looks like black spot in the World map. Even in Sachara is the light.

Response: well I can assure you that on my 5 visits to the DPRK there was indeed electricity at night and also during the day.I would suggest that the
satellite images have been manipaulated or distorted in some way.By
the way where or what is Sachara?

BTW those are spelling errors that I made, that was the way it was actually typed.


This is my personal favorite.

I won’t ruin everything but there is a lot of unintentionally hilarious stuff to read.
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Old 06-04-2007, 07:29 AM   #2
Drake Dun
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We just had some refugees make it from North Korea to Niigata, on the west side of Honsyuu (the main island). The dudes floated across in some wood boat. Some of them were old as hell, too.

Apparently, they're going to get asylum. Japan is does not chair the International We Love North Korea Society. It might have something to do with the kidnapping of Japanese nationals from Japanese soil, or the none-too-subtle cruise missile "tests" which send megadeth devices flying over Japan. Just on a hunch, mind you.

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Old 06-04-2007, 09:45 AM   #3
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I’m still in shock that during the ‘70s & ‘80s North Korean spies went over to Japan and kidnapped their citizens. Why would they do something like that?

When I saw kidnapped citizens finally reunite with their families a couple of years ago I cried. It was a very moving experience.
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Old 06-04-2007, 10:09 AM   #4
Drake Dun
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Why would they do something like that?

"It is believed that the victims were abducted to teach the Japanese language and culture at North Korean spy schools.[4] Older victims were also abducted to obtain their persona, but these abductees are believed to have been killed immediately.[citation needed] It is also speculated that Japanese women were abducted to become wives to a group of North Korean terrorists, and that some may have been abducted because they happened to witness North Korean agents in Japan, which may explain Yokota's kidnapping.[6]"

Translation: the gods only know, but clearly it wasn't so that the kidnapees could be fed yummy ice cream and given a free week-long pass to castle in the cloud land, where they would be showered with love and flowers. If you want my opinion, the business about becoming the wives of terrorists is too cinematic to be taken seriously, but I can't discount any of the other theories presented above out of hand. Which should tell you something.

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Old 06-04-2007, 12:34 PM   #5
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I remember reading an article a few years back about the ongoing internment camps ("concentration camps" according to the article) run by the North Koreans, and the fact that there were whole families, including children, interned there.

A few members of Doctors Without Borders risked their lives and their careers to smuggle out images of these camps in order to show them to the UN. And the UN did bupkus about it. I find that disturbing and saddening.
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