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Old 05-02-2005, 06:34 AM   #426
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E_E, thank you for saying so well, what I've been struggling for the past couple days to say, myself.

Ladies, I've been in abusive relationships, and E_E is right. No matter how much we want to pummel the abuser for his actions, the simple fact remains, he would not be abusing anyone, if they did not allow it to happen.

Yes, these cretins are the scum of the earth, and do not deserve to live. I whole-heartedly agree. And yes, the women involved are victims, and it's very sad that this happens. But what brought them to the point of victimization? What happened to them that shattered their sense of self to the point that they put up with it?

For me, it was a long-standing period of sexual abuse from my step-father from the time I was eight (Or maybe six, I can't remember that far back, but there are some memories that crop up from time to time that indicate the abuse started before I was eight).

I had to face the fact that I was making choices that put me in relationship after relationship that were unhealthy. NO ONE could rescue me from this, nor could they rescue me from myself. I deeply believed that I didn't deserve any better. I blinded myself to the abuse, by excusing them from their actions. After all, he wasn't a complete monster, he was very loving and romantic....sometimes. I had to accept responsibility for my own choices. I had to stop being a "victim", and start being a survivor.

Jade, be her friend. Be there for her when she needs someone. But don't waste your energy trying to rescue her, unless and until she is ready to rescue herself. It will do you no good, and cause you no end of grief. She -does- need to know that you will be there for her...but -within limits-. E_E is right, though. It may come to the point that you'll have to cut her loose.

Fernanda, You don't know me, and you have no reason to believe me. But please....Get away from him, and stay away from him. He doesn't love you. As long as he remains addicted, he will never love anyone. Going back to him will only accentuate the "fact" that his addiction is okay. Real love isn't abusive. I know. I finally found it, at 41 (I'm 44 now). But I would never have found Sam, if I hadn't started to love myself, and come to realize that no one will ever treat me with respect if I just tell them to. I had to learn how to treat myself with respect, and to kick anyone who didn't treat me with the same amount of I showed myself, to the curb.

You should do the same. You deserve no less.
Lover, Bard, Phone Monkey, and MILF!
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Old 05-02-2005, 07:42 AM   #427
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and one more thing -

- soul -

i'm absolutely sorry your mother chose to excuse a man who had been abusing you. it's one thing if she'd dismissed the charges for what he'd done to HER, but that was completely inappropriate for her to subject you to that when you were a child and unable to handle matters yourself.

i'm sorry you were hurt.
"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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Old 05-02-2005, 10:44 AM   #428
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Excellent text E_E. Very Tstonish in the way it cut through all the bullshit.

I am addicted to cannabis.
Yes, people, you can get addicted to Mary Jane. Even if just on a mental level. You're hooked and that's that.
I will go out at 3am to the dirtiest, most dangerous slum to score.
Nope, not afraid, as I'm dangerous myself.
Try to take my shit: you will not be waking up.
Buy shit from me: you will not get all that you paid for.
I will lie to you
I will cheat you out of your money
I will steal from you if I have no choice (choice? what choice?).
And this is just cannabis here.

Were I addicted to opiates or coke derivates, I'd kill myself before I'd kill someone else ('cause with my short fuse, it'd be a question of time).

-Do your drugs because YOU and no one else wants to do them.
-Do them because you enjoy them and not 'cause your "friends" do it or want you to.
-DO the drugs. Don't let them do you.
-Pay for your own habits and vices.
-Use. Don't abuse.
-Have someone you trust who knows about drug use "monitor" your habits regarding dosage and frequency of use to make sure you're really in control.

It's not rocket science people, but it can get a lot like russian roulette if you're not careful.

Again E_E: excellent text regarding abuse in various forms.
Keep these kinds of posts coming (not that you're not funny). They speak a lot more highly of you than the constant drooling you leave around the picpost thread for us poor mods to mop up.
Undead again...
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Old 05-02-2005, 11:12 AM   #429
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Yes all well said. Thanks e_e for those words, and drglvr for sharing that.

To fund our superteam, we will need Mael in it to steal stuff from those we beat! Actually, I can't see you doing that. Too big a heart. I just hope they don't have UAs (urinary analysis, drug test for a new job) cause that would be harming your way of life. Do they even do that there?

Of all the drugs to be hooked on, I place cannibis bottom of the list, and meth at the top, with cocaine being second. There is a meth epidemic here in the NW and the word 'epidemic' is not an exaggeration.
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Old 05-02-2005, 11:37 AM   #430
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Originally Posted by MrMaelstrom
Keep these kinds of posts coming... (rather) than the constant drooling you leave around the picpost thread for us poor mods to mop up.
thanx, but when the decision comes down to drooling over hot goth chics or spewing mental rage - i'll take the goth chics.
"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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Old 05-02-2005, 12:23 PM   #431
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Originally Posted by fernanda


God, if he wasn't the worst thing that ever happened to me!!! Stupid guys that don't realize how much women love them.
The weird thing about me is, that I thought I loved my biggest mistake,even after we broke up, so I took his shit for a very long time. I have been through the stalking and the hitting. Thank God it never came to sexual abuse. Finally I woke up.
Very recently I talked to my parents about it, and we together filed a restraining order against the bastard, and honestly I have never felt better. He has completely left my life, and remembering the times I thought I couldn't live without him, I am doing so much better.
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Old 05-03-2005, 04:43 PM   #432
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Why is it that we much rather fight with turgid emotion than look at the real deal with our heads, and NOT our hearts?

In other words I am damn sick and tired of seeing everyone fighting. I got sick of it when the elections rolled around. Though I bitch about it, I am still here and so is everyone else. The title of this thread is AL_mizz_U=(. The title does not say "Let's bitch about who did or didn't do what". Ok, I am not one to be talking about switching gears on a thread. Hey, so what, we've all done it. I am not defending anyone here, BUT, we all have a bitch-ego hidden within our morbidly sexy, black clothed, sex driven bodies. Some are just more prominent than others.

We aren't here to alienate ourselves from others simply because the "Pfft., I don't like you because you are mean" attitude followed us through high school. ((Again, I am NOT DEFENDING ANYONE OR ATTACKING ANYONE with my post, just giving my own personal opinion.)) I think everyone in this forum knows what its like to be hated or disliked for something about why the fuck can't we just get along?!

I got it! Why doesn't someone start a Love/Hate thread, THAT way we can get all of the dirty laundry out in the fucking open!

((I defend my thoughts because I know there is always that ONE person who will dissect what I am trying to say))

EDIT: Ok, I started the IV drip of Barq's and have calmed down. I am not involved in the snafu but damn, hear me out. I hate to see others who got along so well at first end up in a tiff.

*Insert witty quote about something goth here*
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Old 05-03-2005, 06:00 PM   #433
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It's really shitty that you can't find one thread on the whole board that isn't rife with personal attacks at the moment.

It's worse than the freaking election, and there's no good reason for it.
Will we walk all night through solitary streets?
The trees add shade to shade, lights out in the houses,
we'll both be lonely.
Will we stroll dreaming of the lost America of love
past blue automobiles in driveways, home to our silent
-Allen Ginsberg, A Supermarket in California
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Old 05-03-2005, 06:20 PM   #434
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It's sad and it happens everywhere. Cool individuals seem to make an a swirling vortex of evil when combined. :cry:
"There's straw in his brains and his clothing is stained with mice and small newts and the perfectly maimed. Don't look under his hood in the place where he stood or you'll find yourself running from the rook in the wood."
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Old 05-03-2005, 07:06 PM   #435
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I guess I am the last one who should be saying this, but I agree bickering sucks!!!!
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Old 05-03-2005, 07:41 PM   #436
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I patiently awaited AlKilyu's response, and I think I have the right to reply to it. If you don't want bickering in that thread, Mael, I'll put it where it belongs for ya.

Let's take this one step by step...

I had a few, just small reasons for leaving, but again I spoke to Mael and resolved those, but you are right, Teapot was a major catalyst in me leaving. I was pissed that I seem to be the one she goes after, and at the time it bothered me that I was not only her only "victim", that no one else stood up to her. Apparently it was because no one was here this weekend, because I got a TON of emails, PMs, and IMs who agreed with me. EVERYONE here goes after Sternn, even Teapot's roomate, but for whatever reason I am the only one that she goes after when she gets a hair up her ass sideways.
*EDIT* Let it be known that you were a major catalyst in one of the most beloved and favored members of

And TStone and EPS are right: She gets furious at the drop of a hat and takes it as personal as she possibly can over little shit. That isn't healthy. Worst part is she never apologizes. I got flack from EPS for not shunning Teapot after the FIRST attack she made to Wolfy, and she is right, I still feel guilty. You don't make comments about ANYONE'S child, much less their unborn child. It'd be one thing if she spologized later (we all fly off the handle every so often) but she so rarely does. She's proud of what she says, and that is why I think medication is in order. Hell, I'm on em.
How quickly we forget... I *did* apologize for the last time I had it out with "Wolfy". She, however, did not apologize for the personal attacks she made on me. Just so we're clear, here.
But I mean, honestly- you sound like you're describing Satan herself... take a chill pill, buddy.

Not only do I DEMAND an apology to Wolfmoon, I think afterwards this thread should be deleted or at least Teapot's posts.
You *demand*? No, sir. You don't *demand* anything from me. I apologize for calling her ugly and fat, but nothing else. Her posts were provokative and stupid, and I was justified in my anger.

Also, I am indirectly to blame for Maimy's leaving, because I went after kog, whom no one liked. He went after EPS, and I don't care the rules, it's a given if you go after her or Manimal I become your new bane. And as I said before, I didn't mean for Maimy to leave, but no one, AND I MEAN NO ONE, did what I did when he'd go after people and make it personal. So, I am sorry to those who miss Maimy, but I am not sorry I handed kog his ass.
So that's two members (long-term members) gone because of you, and nobody's named anybody who left because of me. Not a freaking soul.

edit: I have been interrupted several times since starting typing this and read Mael's response in another window. This thread was named after me, about me, so I responded.

And though it would suck for those who dig Granny to miss updates on how she is doing, I think that Teapot, you need to do the right thing and take a break for awhile. For however long it takes for you to realize this was disgusting and wrong.
Put things in perspective. Everybody.
Study math.

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Old 05-03-2005, 07:51 PM   #437
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Just leave. You know it's the right thing to do, but pride is telling you otherwise.

Just leave.

edit: See how she got personal at the drop of a hat? Even going so far as to mention the pain meds I am on for a serious back condition? I should say "legally" on, since I, unlike some, am not addicted to meth and keeps the fact that I snort coke from my roomie WHO, for whatever reason it was she left, cannot blame me, because it was I who stopped talking to her when she insulted a pic of mine. I have EPS to back me on that, sorry, cause she knew the whole thing.

Don't DCreep or BoniorBabe, don't fight to stay, just leave.
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Old 05-03-2005, 08:14 PM   #438
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Everything was fine until WolfMoon and EPS and TStone and you started getting personal. If we all kept this at a "friendly strangers" level, as things should be kept on the internet, everything would be fine.

I've received PM's of support from members here, members that I don't talk to outside of, so, no, I don't think me leaving will be happening. Think of it- if *you* had just left, none of this would be happening.

Now for the corrections- I have never tried meth. I do adderall, thankyouverymuch. I don't keep the fact that I snort *ephedrine* (not cocaine) from my room mate. On the contrary, she wanted to try it, and I gave her some.

And I wasn't going to bring up DCreep (You did), but I must say, you do a nice impression of him when you're talking to Sabrina.
Study math.

-Add me on myspace, because I'm pretty sure I've tried to add you!
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Old 05-03-2005, 08:22 PM   #439
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Amazing! A whole post of paragraphs and not one fucking truth!

You do meth when you can't get coke or someone else's adderall, and I don't want to know how you got the latter considering someone probably needs it and now has it missing from their medicine cabinet because of addicts like yourself.

And how the hell can you say we three "started" with the personal attacks? Once again you get furious and call people fat (in a glass house no less) and you think we can't scroll back up and see you doing that?

Speaking of DCreep, that shows what kind of ungreatful and short-term memoried little cunt you are. Who was it that purposely took on DCreep and put his own self in danger because some nut in Maryland knew what school you went to and wouldn't take "no" for an answer? And don't do the "Well I didn't ask you to" bit because that's just what you said when you found out Mael and EPS have, in the past, deleted your posts because, SHOCKER, you went too far.

That's great Solumnia is PMing you and telling you to stay. But still, you should leave.
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Old 05-03-2005, 09:00 PM   #440
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and one time...

at band camp...

i stuck my flute up my pussy.
"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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Old 05-03-2005, 09:05 PM   #441
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hahahaha there you are!!

I found a gif for you!

Now I am not expecting you to use it as an avatar, but when I finished laughing at it, first words in my head? edible_eye.

haha look at him go! Run dude!
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Old 05-03-2005, 09:17 PM   #442
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Al and Tea: you're losing other people's respect for you by doing this. If I modded this forum, I'd have deleted your posts for both your sakes.

I urge you to do this editing yourselves, as not only you're injuring yourselves, you're also injuring Granny, who isn't here to speak for her knowledge of this or use of that.

I mean, really guys, in order to inflict pain on eachother you revealed things about another person. I don't think you should, even if you have the right.

I am not addressing this subject again except to say I wish Tea apologized to Wolf for the children remarks.

I think a lot of you guys ARE fat. And so fucking what? I'd rather be fat than ignorant. It's still easier to lose weight than to become a decent educated human being.
Undead again...
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Old 05-03-2005, 09:25 PM   #443
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i'm not particularly keen on revealing tid-bits discussed in confidence either. i'd like it if such information was edited out so that anyone who read it tonight had no ability to go back and find it at a future date.

then again, there are lots of things i'd like in life. i don't always get the things i want. i know that and have come to accept it.

every experience is a learning one, for good or ill, and that's the truth.
"How many times can I say I'm not sorry? And how many ways can I show I don't care?" - Type O Negative
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Old 05-03-2005, 09:29 PM   #444
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Originally Posted by MrMaelstrom
I urge you to do this editing yourselves, as not only you're injuring yourselves, you're also injuring Granny, who isn't here to speak for her knowledge of this or use of that.
I agree Mael. The problem is, in the past, when we have fought, without being prompted to, I did that. I felt bad for what I said, so I'd go back and delete it. She would not, so if one would go back and reread the thread, they'd see her bashing me and me not saying shit in return. I am not against the idea, ie if EPS wants to that's fine, but I won't be the one doing the right thing AS I ALWAYS DO WITH HER AND I.

I think a lot of you guys ARE fat. And so fucking what? I'd rather be fat than ignorant. It's still easier to lose weight than to become a decent educated human being.
hahaha fuck you Mael!
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Old 05-03-2005, 10:09 PM   #445
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Originally Posted by AlKilyu
Originally Posted by MrMaelstrom
It's still easier to lose weight than to become a decent educated human being.
hahaha fuck you Mael!
I'll never be a decent human being, let alone educated, so it will always be easier for me to lose weight. :P
Undead again...
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Old 05-04-2005, 05:16 AM   #446
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Where is Solly when we need her? :cry:
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Old 05-04-2005, 05:50 AM   #447
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see what happens when i don't visit for a couple days?

this is a sad thing all this fighting..
members who we all know and a-fucking-dore no less...

anyway.. i'm not going to get my nose any farther into this..

*sings* what the world needs now, is love, sweet love*

on a semi ranty note..
a child molester with a taste for little girls moved in 5 houses down from me..
this makes me quite nervous.. the niece aint afraid of the red headed devil..
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Old 05-04-2005, 06:05 AM   #448
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I don't know what the hell just happened, here, but I figure I can toss in a couple cents (or sense, depending on your POV).

Not directed at anyone in particular, and perhaps everyone in general, but personal insults don't belong in a forum. It does no one any good when someone starts in with hurling epithets at someone else for reasons beyond the thread in question. All that happens is, someone gets hurt, and they give tit-for-tat, and then it escalates into a flamewar.

Consider the source, and move on.

Now, don't get me wrong, if someone gets nasty and personal, this should be addressed right away. The mods have every right to go in and edit the post to remove the insult, and deal with it beyond that in their own way. But when the whole board starts sniping at each other, it is no longer a message board.

I can't give an opinion about some of the things mentioned, because I wasn't there, but as far as the comment about my butt, I didn't take it all that personally, and Teapot did apologize to me in a PM. IMO, that was the end of it. I appreciate all of you who came to my defense, but that little incident is over. No point in dragging it out.

Not everyone is going to like everyone else. It's human nature. We're not going to be all sweetness and light all the time (some of us, not at all), but I think we can keep the personal stuff off the public board, and bring it back to the PMs. And if the other party doesn't answer, then perhaps it should be dropped. If it's grievious enough, take it to a mod.

Of course, this is just my own, irrascable opinion. With that and $1.25, you can get a cup of coffee at IHOP.
Lover, Bard, Phone Monkey, and MILF!
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Old 05-04-2005, 08:57 AM   #449
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Originally Posted by AlKilyu
Amazing! A whole post of paragraphs and not one fucking truth!

You do meth when you can't get coke or someone else's adderall, and I don't want to know how you got the latter considering someone probably needs it and now has it missing from their medicine cabinet because of addicts like yourself.
This is just bullshit... I don't even understand why you're making stuff up. It's really sad to see you scrounge around the internet, stealing other peoples' horror stories. Sad.

I *wish* I could get meth, or had ever even tried it. But I haven't- seriously- and the adderall I get is *not* from peoples' perscriptions. I don't plan on telling you where it's from, but I just want to confirm that I don't take candy from babies, eh?

Originally Posted by AlKilyu
Speaking of DCreep, that shows what kind of ungreatful and short-term memoried little cunt you are. Who was it that purposely took on DCreep and put his own self in danger because some nut in Maryland knew what school you went to and wouldn't take "no" for an answer? And don't do the "Well I didn't ask you to" bit because that's just what you said when you found out Mael and EPS have, in the past, deleted your posts because, SHOCKER, you went too far.
I thanked EPS, Seth, and Darren for stopping DCreep, because they did. What you did was provoke a psychopath. Thanks for doing that...? No.

Originally Posted by TStone
I followed that with an observational post. Yeah, it wasn't a personal attack, no tongue in cheek, I just called it like I've seen it. I might have have been moved to say such in a pm enviroment, had you ever replied to the message I sent you a while back concerning the healthy dump you took on drgnlvr in the picture thread, but you do what you do and it is what it is.
When people are calling you on your alcohol problem, they're just observing, too. But it's not there place to. It wasn't your place to say anything, here, really, let alone make an attempt at mental health diagnosis when 1) you are definitely not qualified and 2) all you know if me about three or four pages worth of posting, if that. So just keep the pretention to yourself, that's all I ask.

Originally Posted by Mael
I am not addressing this subject again except to say I wish Tea apologized to Wolf for the children remarks.
No remarks about anybody's child were made, this 'bout around, and I did apologize for the remarks I made about her child, last time around.

Originally Posted by AlKilyu
I agree Mael. The problem is, in the past, when we have fought, without being prompted to, I did that. I felt bad for what I said, so I'd go back and delete it. She would not, so if one would go back and reread the thread, they'd see her bashing me and me not saying shit in return. I am not against the idea, ie if EPS wants to that's fine, but I won't be the one doing the right thing AS I ALWAYS DO WITH HER AND I.
Kissing Mael's ass doesn't mean you're a good person, Al. You get all high and mighty, like you've never done anything wrong. Well, you have, and you continue to everytime you lie, everytime you start with the personal attacks on Solly, Onixx, and CptSternn. The fact is that you create an environment of hate around you, and then get upset when it backfires. Welcome to your life- if you continue to be so negative, others will have a negative attitude towards you, as well.

Also, I think you should actually *listen* to what Mael says, instead of just praising him and going back to your usual spew of hatred. He asked you to edit your post. I edited mine, and I'm waiting for you to practice what you preach. I've been looking back at your posts, and I don't see one shred of evidence that you edit, as you say you do. I did- if you look back at any of the attack posts, they are edited. I don't know Al, lying works if you're a politician, but you're not- you're a person, and this is a forum.
Mael also took the stance of not *forcibly demanding* people to apologize. Your demands are actually keeping me from apologizing, as if I *do* decide to selectively apologize for any of the remarks, it would be my own doing, and that's ridiculous for you to say that, just so you could get the credit. It's like you have control issues- people only turn good because you make them, wrong people are only brought to justice because you bring them there.

Talk about being ungrateful... was it you that banned all of DCreeps IP #'s? Cuz I'm pretty sure it was Seth. I'm sorry, but I don't owe you any thanks in that ordeal. That was all the mods, and to *them* I am eternally grateful.

"Just Leave Just Leave Just Leave"- you sound like a three-year-old guarding your territory at a playground. I'm sorry, ****, but adults don't act like this. Grow up.


*We don't disclose real names here without permission
Study math.

-Add me on myspace, because I'm pretty sure I've tried to add you!
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Old 05-04-2005, 09:51 AM   #450
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Though I'm usually in favor of keeping my head below the radar, I would like to offer a suggestion if I may. . .

Why don't you just rip each other apart in PMs? Last time I checked, this isn't France, so fighting like this in a public way is not going to just be glossed over. You're hijacking alot of threads that could be a lot of fun and turning them into war zones.

There's a line between an acceptable amount of criticism, and an all out free fire zone. And that line was way back a ways.

Honestly, the drama on the board is getting to be no fun at all. I come to this place it unwind, not to see the on going spat between everybody and everbody else.

So, I suppose that this is not the place to come anymore. I realize I don't post enough to eb properly missed, but I suppose that's for the best anyway.

In wrap up, be assholes to each other in private, and catch you all later.
Will we walk all night through solitary streets?
The trees add shade to shade, lights out in the houses,
we'll both be lonely.
Will we stroll dreaming of the lost America of love
past blue automobiles in driveways, home to our silent
-Allen Ginsberg, A Supermarket in California
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