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Politics "Under democracy, one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule -and both commonly succeed, and are right." -H.L. Menken

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Old 08-05-2007, 08:55 PM   #26
Tha Duckman
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I fucking hate chicks who dress like hookers, and then bitch at you if you gawp. You don't want me looking? WEAR A DUFFEL COAT, YOU DUMB BITCH!!!
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Old 08-05-2007, 09:03 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Wise Child
If there's two things I can't stand, it's fluttering and giggling. Makes me loathe my sex.
Trust me, I feel your pain.
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Old 08-05-2007, 09:04 PM   #28
Wise Child
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Well, that's because they're little twats who like it really, and pretend not to so that they can pretend they're pissed off about disresepct rather than the vapid reality of their sad lives. What'd they have to bitch about if men stopped looking? Their favourite contestant getting evicted from the Big Brother House makes for comparatively slim pickings.
The meek shall inherit the earth. Just as soon as the rest of us have finished with it.

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Old 08-05-2007, 09:06 PM   #29
Tha Duckman
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I like to piss off chicks by completely ignoring them. Those sort of females bug the living shit out of me.
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Old 08-05-2007, 09:15 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by Wise Child
What'd they have to bitch about if men stopped looking? Their favourite contestant getting evicted from the Big Brother House makes for comparatively slim pickings.
No, they'd whine about how "unsexy" and how "unfeminine" they feel because noone looks at them anymore.
~:She Is Your Suffering:~
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Old 08-05-2007, 09:21 PM   #31
Beneath the Shadows
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Originally Posted by Tha Duckman
I like to piss off chicks by completely ignoring them. Those sort of females bug the living shit out of me.
I'm sure that in your case, that gives them cause for celebration.
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Old 08-05-2007, 09:28 PM   #32
Tha Duckman
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More than likely. When I'm drunk, I like to shout "Show us yer tits, love!" and when one of them scoffs or says something, I reply, not you, ya skanger, your friend." Then the friend gets a one up and the chick looks like a moron.
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Old 08-05-2007, 09:48 PM   #33
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Originally Posted by TopHaggardDoll
No, they'd whine about how "unsexy" and how "unfeminine" they feel because noone looks at them anymore.
Don't forget FAT! They'd bitch about how fat they were too and that's why the men aren't coming around like they used to.
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Old 08-05-2007, 09:48 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by Tha Duckman
More than likely. When I'm drunk, I like to shout "Show us yer tits, love!" and when one of them scoffs or says something, I reply, not you, ya skanger, your friend." Then the friend gets a one up and the chick looks like a moron.
I have to say, that is actually brilliant...
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Old 08-05-2007, 09:50 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by killer_asian_Dax
Don't forget FAT! They'd bitch about how fat they were too and that's why the men aren't coming around like they used to.
Damn straight they would......then they'd go on an attention seeking fest, getting men to compliment them and look at them, thus completing the never ending cycle......
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Old 08-05-2007, 09:51 PM   #36
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And then came the crystal meth........



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Old 08-05-2007, 09:55 PM   #37
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~:She Is Your Suffering:~
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Old 08-05-2007, 10:05 PM   #38
Tha Duckman
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Man, chicks are fuckin' dumb.
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Old 08-05-2007, 10:09 PM   #39
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both sexes are fuckin' dumb
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Old 08-05-2007, 10:11 PM   #40
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Guys are smarter. And so are sandwiches. And certain types of rock.
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Old 08-06-2007, 12:59 AM   #41
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Note to anyone who bitches about unequal pay: if you can't hang and do the work, of course you are going to be paid less. There ISN'T a double pay/promotion standard the way most people think.

I am female, a mechanic (as in employed as such, not just my own vehicles) and a bartender by trade, have worked in industrial, residential, and commercial construction, management, and several other types of work. I have never been paid less than a man in the same position with the same experience.

In a blue-collar environment, if you bust ass, do the job right the first time, clean up after yourself, show up on time, etc., you will be not only paid but recognized, because you are already ahead of most of the competition. If you can't do those things, whether it is because of lack of physical ability, training, or whatever else, you simply will not make the money, for the reason that an employer cannot depend on you to to make THEM money. Also, it helps general human relations if you act like a lady (aka polite, personable sort, according to the surrounding culture) but not like you have a stick up your ass.

Where the argument gets dicey and people bitch is in the corporate world. The difference is due to the fact that corporate structure is built on the same idea, the same basic pecking order as the military or in sports, like football teams.

A pyramidal structure where orders are given, and each person has to do their part according to the "rules" the way the company wants it. Each person has their job, or jobs, to do. Men are raised with that idea, in almost every activity, from birth onward. Women are raised in a more cooperative "sharing ideas and working together" type environment, so when they get thrown into another world at 18+, they don't have the same etiquette, language, or social skills.

Case in point: "teamwork"

Women's definition: We all discuss every facet of a situation, come to a general consensus of what needs to be done, and then all work on the different parts together, helping each other, multitasking, each of us completing tasks in pairs or groups. If you don't like or agree with something, we keep discussing until a compromise has been reached, so no one has hard feelings, and it is something each can be comfortable with. The more good ideas you have, the more people you make feel good, and the more people you help, the more you advance.

Men's definition: Someone in charge defines what the main goal/problem is. A few ideas are presented, a discussion through which a leader emerges, with a rough sketch of how things should go. Other possible ideas are presented, with a generalized, pass/fail from the accepted leader/ primary contenders. A more detailed plan emerges. The leader assigns tasks according to strength or weakness of the players in those tasks, or according to previously adopted duties. It is made clear to each person what is expected, and you do your part the best you can, whether you like it or not, because that is how the members of a team work together. If you succeed in your current position, and show that you do your part, and can compete, you advance.

Now, you take these mindsets, and plug them into the corporate world, that pyramidal structure. A woman can be busting ass, working twice as hard as everyone else, and if she has the first mindset about it, she becomes an executive secretary/mother figure at best ( if she has a good body, and flirts a bit at work, her reputation can become much worse), and is not awarded any real decision making power. She handles details for everyone else, because she has shown that is what she can do. It doesn't matter i f she can come up with the best plans, or excute them quicker or better, because that isn't how she has presented herself.

IF she takes the second perspective, however, and works from that, she can compete just as well as anybody else, maybe better, because it won't be expected. She won't busy herself trying to "help everybody get the job done", she will be getting her portion done to the best of her ability in an efficient manner, and present herself to the leader for further orders, or take charge of something closely related to her own task, after hers is completed.

It isn't because women can't do the job, or even because "nobody will let her". It is because most of us haven't been raised in a way that teaches us to compete or succeed in a structure like that.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with catsup." - unknown

Originally Posted by Stormtrooper of Death
Originally Posted by Beneath the Shadows
Because some people are dicks. And not everyone else is gay.
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Old 08-06-2007, 01:00 AM   #42
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Originally Posted by killer_asian_Dax
I fully agree that women should NOT be firefighters, but take a look at what you posted in the middle paragraph: "Feminists need to accept that men are stronger than them, and there are slight differences."

There in lies the problem. MOST feminists DO NOT understand or accept that. Having a vagina myself, I unfortunately sometimes bear witness to such (and to my dismay, so many) dumb feminist sluts who will NEVER understand this. On and on they go about how EVERYTHING should be equal for men and women regardless of the way nature made us (men and women) different from each other. There will never be a level playing field so long as women that don't understand out number the ones that do. And last I checked it was a 244,356,646,257,125,356,356:5 ratio.

We've come a long way baby, but there's still miles and miles to go. Don't hold your breath.
Well, I'm there. I'm just waiting for everyone to catch up.
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Old 08-06-2007, 01:01 AM   #43
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Originally Posted by TopHaggardDoll
Women create inequality for themselves, plus equality is as riduclous a notion as world peace, there are too many different opinions in the world for there to be that situation. Feminist or Femnazi bitch whores whatever you wanna call them, don't seem to want equality to me. They seem to want special treatment. I definately agree with Porphyria on that aspect. Plus, I think I need to add women create inequality for themselves by whoring themselves out then trying to pass it off as being a "strong woman", not to mention the fact women use their "assets" to get what they want from men.
They do all sorts of things like this, then get pissy if a guy looks at their legs because they're wearing a skirt the size of 4 teabags.
I wanna see a girl with a teabag that small.

Women REALLY don't make sense sometimes.
Neither do men.

As I said, firefighter women = no go. If you disagree, please give me a good reason.

What about female bodybuilders!?.....You're probably going to tell me i'm being ridiculous, but there is an example of women with enough strength to carry a person out of a burning building.
They are 'enhanced.' No woman on earth can acquire those sizes without drugs, and neither can a man.
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Old 08-06-2007, 01:03 AM   #44
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Originally Posted by MollyMac
Women make 71% of a man's salary because they settle and don't know how to ask for or demand their worth. They expect it to be offered or given freely as a complement; when it is usually fought for and won as a reward.
Yes, but many women do feel intimidated by their boss. This is expected, because most men feel intimidated too. But women are another ilk to them. They feel they can 'push' a man only so far, but a woman--even further. This is not true. Both men and women would respond the same. But, I suppose a man feels more threatening?
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Old 08-06-2007, 09:53 AM   #45
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Originally Posted by Onetwothree
Also, my thoughts on feminism are this:

Feminism is just one path to humanism. Women are looking for equality. Once they get that, they will become humanists. There will be a time when then inequality between men and women is gone.
Why couldn't you have just said that in the first place instead of trying to start yet another pointless flame war?

I always wondered if the unbalanced male to female ratios (and vice-versa) in certain job fields are more related to gender stereotypes or the natural inclination of the sexes toward various pursuits.

For example, are there more female nurses because it's traditionally a feminine occupation or is it because women are naturally predisposed to caring for others? Are there more male lawyers because men have historically been the ones who acheive that level of education or because they thrive in competitive environments?
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Old 08-06-2007, 10:35 AM   #46
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Originally Posted by emeraldlonewoulf
I am female, a mechanic (as in employed as such, not just my own vehicles) and a bartender by trade, have worked in industrial, residential, and commercial construction, management, and several other types of work. I have never been paid less than a man in the same position with the same experience.

In a blue-collar environment, if you bust ass, do the job right the first time, clean up after yourself, show up on time, etc., you will be not only paid but recognized, because you are already ahead of most of the competition. If you can't do those things, whether it is because of lack of physical ability, training, or whatever else, you simply will not make the money, for the reason that an employer cannot depend on you to to make THEM money. Also, it helps general human relations if you act like a lady (aka polite, personable sort, according to the surrounding culture) but not like you have a stick up your ass.

Where the argument gets dicey and people bitch is in the corporate world. The difference is due to the fact that corporate structure is built on the same idea, the same basic pecking order as the military or in sports, like football teams.

A pyramidal structure where orders are given, and each person has to do their part according to the "rules" the way the company wants it. Each person has their job, or jobs, to do. Men are raised with that idea, in almost every activity, from birth onward. Women are raised in a more cooperative "sharing ideas and working together" type environment, so when they get thrown into another world at 18+, they don't have the same etiquette, language, or social skills.

Case in point: "teamwork"

Women's definition: We all discuss every facet of a situation, come to a general consensus of what needs to be done, and then all work on the different parts together, helping each other, multitasking, each of us completing tasks in pairs or groups. If you don't like or agree with something, we keep discussing until a compromise has been reached, so no one has hard feelings, and it is something each can be comfortable with. The more good ideas you have, the more people you make feel good, and the more people you help, the more you advance.

Men's definition: Someone in charge defines what the main goal/problem is. A few ideas are presented, a discussion through which a leader emerges, with a rough sketch of how things should go. Other possible ideas are presented, with a generalized, pass/fail from the accepted leader/ primary contenders. A more detailed plan emerges. The leader assigns tasks according to strength or weakness of the players in those tasks, or according to previously adopted duties. It is made clear to each person what is expected, and you do your part the best you can, whether you like it or not, because that is how the members of a team work together. If you succeed in your current position, and show that you do your part, and can compete, you advance.

Now, you take these mindsets, and plug them into the corporate world, that pyramidal structure. A woman can be busting ass, working twice as hard as everyone else, and if she has the first mindset about it, she becomes an executive secretary/mother figure at best ( if she has a good body, and flirts a bit at work, her reputation can become much worse), and is not awarded any real decision making power. She handles details for everyone else, because she has shown that is what she can do. It doesn't matter i f she can come up with the best plans, or excute them quicker or better, because that isn't how she has presented herself.

IF she takes the second perspective, however, and works from that, she can compete just as well as anybody else, maybe better, because it won't be expected. She won't busy herself trying to "help everybody get the job done", she will be getting her portion done to the best of her ability in an efficient manner, and present herself to the leader for further orders, or take charge of something closely related to her own task, after hers is completed.

It isn't because women can't do the job, or even because "nobody will let her". It is because most of us haven't been raised in a way that teaches us to compete or succeed in a structure like that.

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Old 08-06-2007, 11:04 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by Porphyria
Why couldn't you have just said that in the first place instead of trying to start yet another pointless flame war?

I always wondered if the unbalanced male to female ratios (and vice-versa) in certain job fields are more related to gender stereotypes or the natural inclination of the sexes toward various pursuits.

For example, are there more female nurses because it's traditionally a feminine occupation or is it because women are naturally predisposed to caring for others? Are there more male lawyers because men have historically been the ones who acheive that level of education or because they thrive in competitive environments?
Men are very cut-throat, but I believe women can surely get there too, but it's too unlady like IMO. One thing you might want to know is this: more women are going to college now than men. Most of your educated class is going to be women, and we'll all have Honey Mooner's marriages, and Flintstonian weddings. Where one big, dumb slub marries a beautiful, radiant genius.

I can't fucking wait.


Also, I wasn't trying to start a flamewar. I just felt like what you said was intensely offensive, and I had to address it. The last time I heard a person call feminists bad, I freaked out on them. I am just sick of this stereotype of feminists that they are lesbians, or just crazy bitches who want ultimate power or some b.s.
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Old 08-06-2007, 11:43 AM   #48
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Originally Posted by Onetwothree
Also, I wasn't trying to start a flamewar. I just felt like what you said was intensely offensive, and I had to address it. The last time I heard a person call feminists bad, I freaked out on them. I am just sick of this stereotype of feminists that they are lesbians, or just crazy bitches who want ultimate power or some b.s.
It is possible to disagree without resorting to personal attacks.

What you're said and what I said are exactly the same, just with a difference in terminology. I said "feminist," and you said "fem-nazi," but we're talking about the same people and we both think they're a damaging influence on equality. So where's the argument?
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Old 08-06-2007, 02:45 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Porphyria
It is possible to disagree without resorting to personal attacks.

What you're said and what I said are exactly the same, just with a difference in terminology. I said "feminist," and you said "fem-nazi," but we're talking about the same people and we both think they're a damaging influence on equality. So where's the argument?
Because you are using the wrong term, and perpetuating the myth that feminists are all dykish bitches who just want super-powers.

I am just tired of seeing it. You're not the first person to do it and piss me off. It's like saying that atheist causes X when nothing can be done in the name of atheism.

Doing something in the name of feminism is still not being a feminist. Real feminism is about equality, not about over-powering men while retaining their right to be financially carried around by a man.

Real feminists view themselves as good as a man, and no better. But to confuse the two which are totally different animals pisses me off. At least say the 'feminists' you are talking about are not doing anything in the name of feminism, or at least give someone a hint that you are talking about people who have fallen off of the road. Besides the fact that the 'movement' has changed as you put it you didn't say anything else removing them from the real feminist movement. I know real feminists. The ones you are talking about are sexist women. They are the antithesis of real feminists. They are such polar-opposites that giving them the same name is the same as calling me a theist. It just doesn't make any sense. Women who are sexists who call themselves feminists are no more feminists than if Hitler were to call himself the savior of the world. You were talking about female-sexists from the start, and used the word feminist. I hate that shit. I don't tolerate it, and you should know that by now. Don't patronize me because you are wrong. You always have to have your guard up rather than put it down and just accept the fact that you fucked up. Never use the word feminist like that again.
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Old 08-06-2007, 04:58 PM   #50
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If women want to vote, have a job, be in the army, etc. etc. GOOD. I am all for it. Any woman could be just as good at doing a job as a man. Sometimes they're even better than a man could be at a job.

The whole a woman should stay at a home and be a maid and the man goes and works is complete bullshit to me.
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