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Old 08-24-2007, 12:14 PM   #1
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John Couey senteced to death for murder of 9 yr old.

(CNN) -- John Evander Couey was sentenced Friday to death for abducting, ****** and killing a 9-year-old Florida girl in 2005.

Well, I for one say it's about fucking time.
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Old 08-24-2007, 12:26 PM   #2
Don't Look Behind You
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and I say we are not living in the middle ages.
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Old 08-24-2007, 12:32 PM   #3
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This man ***** her and buried her alive. The punishment fits the crime. I have no sympathy at all for this man.
J.P. Monroe: Jesus Christ!
Pinhead: Not quite.
-Hellraiser 3: Hell On Earth

Pinhead: What you think of as pain is a shadow. Pain has a face. Allow me to show it to you. Gentlemen, I... Am... Pain
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Old 08-24-2007, 12:35 PM   #4
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Niether do I. But if the government is allowed to kill such hopelessly criminal people it will also be able to kill those that can be changed. One can just go and kill everybody following that policy. THEN you won't have any crimes.

Killing is TOTALY useless. Even brainwashing is better.

Personally, i would be terrified to live in a country that LAWFULLY can take someone's life. That is not even an illusion of justice...unless you are the eye for an eye kind of person.....which means simply savage.
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Old 08-24-2007, 12:40 PM   #5
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Punishment is subjective, anyways. I could think of punishments that's far worse for ME than death, but for someone else it wouldn't be. Room 101.
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Old 08-24-2007, 05:15 PM   #6
Underwater Ophelia
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As for me, I think the death penalty is wrong 100% of the time. It is no human's choice when another should die.
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Old 08-27-2007, 06:26 AM   #7
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no government's choice, most certainly, as well as no human's choice.

oh, and Cyntrox, I would say death isn't even a punishment since punishments are supposed to teach you something. Being dead, you can't really learn that you shouldn't act a certain way, can you?

Supposedly the death penalty is supposed to be good for society since it stops criminals from repeating their crimes. Ironically though, if it supposed to be good for society, how come it just implants the idea that killing another human being is okay if they did a crime? It distorts all illusions and ideals of justice and throws us into the Middle Ages. I don't get how that's good for society.
--If you want to love me you'll have to love my shadow. This black creature that is stuck to my feet and that hates the light whithout which it wouldn't exist. Sometimes, I think it is more me than I am. Please be gentle as you make my shadow white.

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Old 08-27-2007, 06:50 AM   #8
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There is still the fear of the punishment, though.

The western world is one big terror regime.
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Old 08-27-2007, 06:51 AM   #9
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I am against the death penalty, no doubt about it. Statistics show that in the areas where the death penalty is the norm (Texas, for example) the crime rates are actually higher than those states where the death penalty is legal. So, the deterence excuse is a lie. It's quite simply murdering a murderer and two wrongs do not make a right. Not to mention the fact that it's forcing tax payers to pay for someone's death.
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Old 08-27-2007, 07:24 AM   #10
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I don't really care what punishment he got, he deserves something. He killed and r@ped that poor girl. And the way she died, that's horrible.
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Old 08-27-2007, 07:24 AM   #11
Vyvian Blackthorne
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Guess my position in this argument is hard to pick. But at the end of the day I think DLBY has a good point. One pillar of modern society is to treat people humanely (while I think this sick bastard needs no sympathy from anyone) but the government totally restricts that order.

This situation I don't honestly think someone like this can be helped, much less released or kept alive. But then again, there is a vast number of countries that don't allow the death penalty.

Hmhh...What I can say is that the death penalty is out of the question. I hope I don't sound like I sympathizes this man. It just goes into an Orwellian like concept; how the government controls whether someone lives or die. Threaten him, brainwash him, socially manipulate him, there are for more intelligent punishments then such a penalty.

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Old 08-27-2007, 07:43 AM   #12
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An eye for an eye and we make the world blind...

I think that is such a wonderful little saying when it comes to something like capital punishment, two wrongs don't make a right and all that.
But then, on the flipside, you have to ask if you really want someone imprisoned for the rest of their lives?
Or, if not for the rest of their lives, then for a great deal of it before finally being released to stalk the streets once again.

It's a very difficult subject to come up with a decent answer too. It's fairly obvious that the death penalty is about as much of a deterrent as any other punishment. So clearly it doesn't work in that regard as much as people would like to think it does.
The only real reason capital punishment 'works' is as a medium for what effectively works out as revenge.

Still, it's cheaper than locking them up. ><

While a surprisingly large number of the general public are increasingly in favor of the death penalty, if you actually sat them down and explained to them that their decision has caused a real human being to die, they might not be so keen on the idea.

I'm quite happy to live in the EU, as every country that makes up the Union has done away with the death penalty.

Anyway. This serves to illustrate that while the wheels of justice grind slowly, the grind exceeding strong.

I wonder how they caught him?
And then a chubby puppy with teensy legs rolls past which makes me giggle like a little school girl and forget what I was thinking about...

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Old 08-27-2007, 08:07 AM   #13
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This happened near where I live. It's easy to say "Two wrongs don't make a right," when you didn't have to see Jessica Lunsford's parents on the local news every day pleading for anyone who knew where she was to come forward. It's easy to say, "Well, maybe John Couey could be rehabilitated," when you didn't have to see photos of Jessica all over the paper for weeks. Reality is a fucker like that.

It might sound cruel, but as a parent, if anyone did something like that to my child, that person had better pray the police find him before I do. I used to be against the death penalty, but then my perspective changed and I realized that there are some crimes that are unforgivable. I think everyone who intentionally harms a child needs to be dismembered by rabid dogs... I guess that makes me a horrid backward person, but that's how I feel. You say "John Couey is a real human being." No he isn't. He's trash.

No, I'm not against the death penalty. I am bothered by the faulty, biased justice systems that exist in many counties around the country and the fact that innocent people are sometimes convicted. But that's a different discussion alltogether.
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Old 08-27-2007, 10:11 AM   #14
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I'm against the death penalty as well. People who commit this sort of crime are mentally ill. They need treatment, not a death sentence. In fact, people like this are easier to rehabilitate than an ordinary burglar, because these sorts are driven by impulses, not greed or a need to survive. They can be medicated to make them a contributing part of society, if you kill them off without even attempting to help them, it makes you no better than a lynch mob. A society that supports hunting down and killing sick individuals merely to satisfy their own personal blood lust is nothing short of barbaric.
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Old 08-27-2007, 10:22 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by CtpSternn
In fact, people like this are easier to rehabilitate than an ordinary burglar
52% of people who commit sex crimes against children will be convicted of subsequent offenses. That's not even taking into consideration the vast number of sex crimes that go unreported.

Burglars steal things. They don't r@pe people and bury them alive. There is no viable comparison here.
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Old 08-27-2007, 10:39 AM   #16
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Porphyria, that's what I'm trying to say. I know that if someone came along and killed someone very close to me, I would wish that person dead! No matter how many times someone said "an eye for an eye... etc" And you are very right, there are times where rehab isn't an option, there are some crimes that are too heinous.

But is killing them the answer?

I don't feel so.

*Rambles on about Life Imprisionment and how Life should mean Life...*
And then a chubby puppy with teensy legs rolls past which makes me giggle like a little school girl and forget what I was thinking about...

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Old 08-27-2007, 02:45 PM   #17
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revenge is a very emmotional and utterly subjective feeling. A GOVERNMENT should not be the one dealing with things such as revenge, since a governemt symbolizes (mind you "symbolizes" not "is") justice it must try being objective.

So from the individual point of view that bastard deserves to be killed or even better tortured. BUT, from the point of view of society, killing is totaly wrong.

Sternn, I don't think there is much hope for rehabilitation, since an illness is an illness whereas burglary is a consequence of life style/life problems. An illness is much more difficult to treat.
I am not saying it shouldn't be treated. in fact, it should. But little hope should be bestowed on all criminal tendencies being treated out of such a person. Unless you want a Clockwork Orange scenario.
--If you want to love me you'll have to love my shadow. This black creature that is stuck to my feet and that hates the light whithout which it wouldn't exist. Sometimes, I think it is more me than I am. Please be gentle as you make my shadow white.

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Old 08-27-2007, 02:58 PM   #18
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Life in jail is a waste of our taxpayer dollars

I don't want a person who rapes and kills children walking around on the streets, and I don't want to pay for him to have free room and board for the next twenty years, burn the fucker to the ground.

I am 100% for the death penalty, and 100% AGAINST life in prison, it is a waste of our money, our time, and space, kill them all and do it faster, 20 years on death row indeed.

Lethal injection is bullshit to the highest degree. $85 a person? Nuts to that give me seven dollars worth of rope and a tree and I'll kill the mother fucker myself.

As for the mentally ill, I believe that one of the biggest flaws in the justice system is Guilty by reason of insanity, then sending him to an asylum. That is utter bullshit, along with special ed schools and nonsense like that, do you know what happens to retarded or insane animals in the wild? THEY GET EATEN! I don't think that we should think ourselves so high above animals, the retarded animals get eaten, the crazy ones die, and the animals that attack members of another herd of animals get killed by the herd of the attacked. Justice, nature style. Guilty by reason of insanity indeed. A mentally insane person who killed someone still KILLED SOME ONE. I'm all for equality, in ever sense. You know why I love Texas in spite of it's inhabitants? They have a law stating if you kill someone and more than three people saw you do it, you get moved up to the front of the execution list. THEY HAVE A DEATH ROW EXPRESS LANE! I think that's brilliant. I do not believe in mercy for criminals, not now, not ever, no ifs, no ands, no buts.

If we killed everyone who killed someone (intentionally) a lot less people would be killing people. I live in California, the most liberal pussy state in the world when it comes to punishment, but I firmly believe in the death penalty, in fact, you guys go ahead and vote against the death penalty, I myself will vote to reinstate the gallows.
NyQuil – the stuffy, sneezy, why-the-heck-is-the-room-spinning medicine

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Old 08-27-2007, 03:37 PM   #19
Underwater Ophelia
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Originally Posted by Porphyria
You say "John Couey is a real human being." No he isn't. He's trash.
Uh...regardless of what he did, who the hell are you to say that? Who the hell is ANYONE to say something like that?

You feel it's wrong to r ape and murder someone. Why would it be ok to do that to someone just because they did it? It doesn't make sense.

Not only that, but people who do things like that are sick. Do you think mentally retarded people or OCD people are trash, too?
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Old 08-27-2007, 03:49 PM   #20
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Originally Posted by Underwater Ophelia
Uh...regardless of what he did, who the hell are you to say that? Who the hell is ANYONE to say something like that?

You feel it's wrong to r ape and murder someone. Why would it be ok to do that to someone just because they did it? It doesn't make sense.

Not only that, but people who do things like that are sick. Do you think mentally retarded people or OCD people are trash, too?
yes, yes i do

they take up space, can never provide any service, they will only drain resources, and they depress the living hell out of anyone around them

so yes, i verily say that mentally retarded people are trash, along with repeat criminals, murderers, rapists, and the like
NyQuil – the stuffy, sneezy, why-the-heck-is-the-room-spinning medicine

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Old 08-27-2007, 04:19 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by Wormboy
yes, yes i do

they take up space, can never provide any service, they will only drain resources, and they depress the living hell out of anyone around them

so yes, i verily say that mentally retarded people are trash, along with repeat criminals, murderers, rapists, and the like
I'm gonna ignore that last statement, since it's clear you're talking out of your ass.
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Old 08-27-2007, 04:35 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Underwater Ophelia
I'm gonna ignore that last statement, since it's clear you're talking out of your ass.
whatever helps you sleep at night
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Old 08-27-2007, 04:49 PM   #23
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I must say I am inclined to agree with Ophelia...

Maybe we should kill all the old people too, eh Wormboy? Going by your philosophy.
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Old 08-27-2007, 05:16 PM   #24
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well if the old people arent committing any crimes then why should we? I mean I'm not saying go out and kill retards but if a retard commits a crime its no less a crime. Equality, period.
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Old 08-27-2007, 05:45 PM   #25
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"they take up space, can never provide any service, they will only drain resources, and they depress the living hell out of anyone around them"

To the old people's home! *Loads shotgun*

Who else are a drain on national resources?
The poor, homeless and unemployed!
Disabled people!
Receivers of international aid!
The sick!

They all must go! Only the strong shall survive! Nya ha ha!
Should we execute child criminals too?
Equality maaaan!


Might it occur to you that the Police might arrest the -wrong person-? Might it occur to you that mentally handicapped people don't know that they are even doing wrong?

And that, is an essential part of the legal system. The intention to have done wrong, the 'Guilty mind' as it were.
They do not have this, it's the equivalent of hitting someone in your car by accident and being charged with murder!
Yes, mentally handicapped offenders/people might be a burden on society but are you willing to line them up against a wall and plug them in the back of the head because they are a nuisance?

If the answer is yes, then you are a monster sir.
And then a chubby puppy with teensy legs rolls past which makes me giggle like a little school girl and forget what I was thinking about...

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