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Old 09-06-2005, 10:52 AM   #126
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Theres no logical arguement for why gay marraige shouldn't be allowed. "To protect the sanctity of Holy Matrimony" my ass. Holy matrimony lost it's sanctity when they put "Who wants to Marry a Multi Millionare" on TV. "If you allow gays to marry, people will want to marry a goat next!". How do you make that jump? Gays are PEOPLE, goats are ANIMALS. Durp-a durp-a fucking durp. "God hates fags!" Who gives a flying shit? I don't force my worship of the Great Flying Spaghetti Monster on you, don't force your stupid ass Christianity on me. Keep your religion out of our government and be happy that your slimy business already gets out of paying property tax.
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Old 09-08-2005, 09:02 PM   #127
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oh please, xngie. The last thing I remember is you kidnapping Drgnlovers boobies...and then leaving me out of it!!
Truth, justice, honor...none of that's worth shit. What matters is people, and people aren't honest or just or honorable. They're petty and they're angry and they're afraid, and all anyone really wants, deep down, is to be wanted. And what's truth to that?
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Old 09-08-2005, 09:56 PM   #128
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come on im mean gay people should be able to do anything they want like get married or **** each other. i know in america the vilifacation of gays is country wide but most americans who have serious problems with gays have serious problems with '''******s'' and marry their cousins and live in a trailer park earning 50 bucks a week to feed their 13 kids and two wives........... of course i dont have much against yokels or hicks but let the gays live life how they want to oh and spazik is entirely right with the whole god hates fags thing

Last edited by mortiis; 09-08-2005 at 09:57 PM. Reason: adding comment
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Old 09-13-2005, 03:20 PM   #129
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Aww... too many comments in here from people putting it all on the Christians. Contrary to popular belief, true Christians are not like that. WE actually believe in *gasp* CHRIST.

He taught people to be loving and compassionate. He befriended prostitutes and thieves. I can hardly imagine Jesus saying, "Well, that whore over there who destroyed twenty marriages is just great! However, the homosexual over there who has been kind to others and ever faithful to his significant other... now, he's just awful!"

Those so~called "Christians" just like to spit out words like "God" and "Bible" to validate their ignorance. Please don't lump the real Christians in with them, because they're an insult to all we believe in.

As for gay couples adopting? I still don't understand the mentality that they shouldn't. It's as annoying to me as the people who are against interracial adoptions. There are too many children who need to be raised in nuturing homes, and too many nurturing homes that WANT to take in those children... but can't just because of the ignorance of others.
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Old 09-13-2005, 04:18 PM   #130
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Originally Posted by Xnguela
Wait a second... Binkie likes girls?

Why does the best shit have to happen while I'm gone?

Damn it.
Man, I've been all over that for months..

Although I have yet to do more than make her smile a few times, I think..


But yeah, that has been the ' oh so tantalizing ' known and much discussed fact for many months now.

Since even before we went down for those few months..

Not me and Binkie.. Gothic.Net.. Ha..

I can dream though right??

Soft Sigh..

She is the world's most perfect woman ykno?

Oh Yes...

Last edited by Empty_Purple_Stars; 09-13-2005 at 04:28 PM.
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Old 09-22-2005, 07:52 AM   #131
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umm.. Well my views.. hmm..
yes gay marriage should be sanction in all countries, states, all over the world..
and as for adoption.. why the hell not..
If a couple of the same sex wants to have a family of their own, then whats the govt. or anyone else got to do with it?..
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Old 09-22-2005, 08:50 AM   #132
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Well I obviously support gay marriage and feel sorry for anyone who is against it , I dont mind others having differnt opinions but in this case you have to be a pretty pathetic person to believe people dont deserve the right to show there love for each other just because there the same sex.

I find it fairly disgusting bush let his religious views get infront of his politics something he promised he would never let happen but honestly what else could we expect from him ?
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Old 09-22-2005, 09:46 AM   #133
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Originally Posted by NoneSuch
I find it fairly disgusting bush ...
I find Bush 'fairly' disgusting.
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Old 09-22-2005, 10:02 AM   #134
Star of Blight
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Well first I would like to preface this with Good Morning (for reference it's 9am here) It looks like a rather nice Thursday morning, I actually managed to not sleep again last night (5th in a row) and I feel rather bad about not putting in my two cents here yet. So if none of you mind I'm just gonna bable and rant a bit. Given the subject I'll probably stop when my fingers start huring (or just plain fall off)

Now in the social circle that I nominally associate with, there's a healthy mix of sexual lifestyles, everything to your rather vanilla straight folks to the chick who likes gay Furry bondage porn. I also happen to have a dispropotionate number of homosexual friends and quite a few homosexual relatives (maybe I have a gay magnet or something). Now, for the most part, I've noticed that people in homosexual relationships tend to be more stable in those relationships, and that homosexual people in general tend to just be better, more social aware and forward thinking people. Granted if I was a member of the most hated minority since Jews in Berlin then I think I would be too. And you've gotta admit, if the "moral majority" in the United States had it's way about it then it would be like Ramses and the Hebrew's all over again. But I digress. Well....sorta.

So we've got alot of generally good, stable and nice people who are wanting equal rights to everyone else, and in the end they aren't getting them because of who and how they fuck and the lifestyle they want for themselves. The government just loves to get in peoples faces about how they should and should not live their lives. Most of it stemming from some moral code that not everyone believes to be proper. And this moral code happens to be supported by the lowest common denominator of the voting public. Yes, I'm talking about the slackjawed fuckwits out there who think Jerry Springer is insightful television, thinks FoxNews Network is unbiased and accurate...that's right boys and girls I'm talking about Joe Average America. Joe, who thinks sodomy should be illegal yet has no problems with drinking a 12 pack of Bud and slapping his wife around. Joe, who has five kids, all of them just as stupid as he is, all of them growing up to be just like him. And Joe isn't just from some midwest of south east state, driving a pickup and wearing a John Deere hat. Joe's also from the suburbs of San Jose, driving his SUV and going to his job as some middle management shmuck. Joe lives in the ghetto's of LA, listens to rap music and likes sportswear and may or may not run with a gang. Joe comes from all walks of life where you find the average and the mundane. This is Joe Average America...and to people who would like to just live their lives and be happy, he's public enemy number one, even though most people don't know it.

Now I'm not advocating that we do something drastic and kill Joe here (even though Joe's responsible for most the crime, environmental distruction, intollerance and hate found in this country) at least....not yet. This wouldn't be a S.O.B. rant if there wasn't threats of bodily harm to someone. But first I would like to point out Joe's big crime in this case, which is intolerance. Intolerance, in my mind, just boils down to one thing though, that being arrogance. Extreme arrogance at that. The belief that you are so morally right, that your opinion is the correct one, beyond reproache, and that anyone who does not agree with and follow your moral masturbation is wrong, imoral, sinfull and going to hell (or what the fuck ever). So Joe's an arrogant motherfucker. Personally I think Joe needs a heavy dose of humility.

Now this could be done many ways. There's the "wear him down" method, which is what people seem to be going with so far. Personally I like the "smacking him upside the head with a sharp brick" method. I don't know about you, but I would be pretty fucking humble....after waking up from the coma that is.

(see, told you there would be threats of violence)

But at the same time, the gay community does a few things to make it hard on themselves as well. Look at me, I'm equal opportunity.

First of all, acceptance comes not by force feeding it to people, but by slipping into the mainstream. Having flaming homosexuals running around in TV giving straght guy's fashion tips isn't exactly helping the "cause", it just makes you look like wierdo's.

Pride Parades, a personal peeve of mine. To quote something I heard on the net one time. "The only thing these parades do is make straight folks think that the S&M rainbow Apocylipse is coming to town" And it's true, not really great ways of getting accepted into the mainstream.

And speaking of rainbows, who thought this was a good idea? Do straight people walk around with t-shirts, bumper stickers, coffee mugs, key chains and pride parades declaring their sexual preference? No, they don't. Do you see people who practice other forms of alternative lifestyles and/or sexualities go on about it as much as you do? No. Well, a select few cummolds do but not the vast majority. Respect is a two way street folks, you have to give respect in order to earn it. And the best way to get respect from Joe Average America is to not force it down his throat but to work your way into it. Yeah it may not happen in your lifetime (unless you force it down his throat, and then you just breed the long lasting resentment that we still to this day see as a result of the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's) but it will happen. Give it time people. And this whole bit here brings me to todays word of the day....

Marked by, exercising, or showing prudence and wise self-restraint in speech and behavior; circumspect.
Free from ostentation or pretension; modest.

Try using a little discretion now and then, everyone. Again it's a two way street. What people do in intimate situations shouldn't concern us (unless it's actually harmful ie. dangerous to others). Keep your noses out of each others bedrooms. It shouldn't matter what people think is appropreat sex. I tend to like a little kink, I have friends who are heavily into bondage, I have others that are totaly vanilla and as I said before I know a girl who's into gay Furry bondage porn. But it's not our job to police each others fucking. And it sure as fuck isn't our job to rub it in other peoples faces.

Well, I think I'm done for now.
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Old 09-26-2005, 03:52 PM   #135
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I personally think that if two people want to get married they should, hell if three people want to get married they very well should, it is not going to stop the stars from comming out at night and it won't bring horsemen ridding in from the underworld, what anyone does in the privacy of their homes is their business and every persons sexual preference should not determine their social status or standing.
I won't go out on the street with a huge sign "support gay marriage" nor with "ban gay marriage" sign. I believe love is greater than all things and who is anyone to say the love of your life has to be of the oposite sex.
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Old 09-26-2005, 04:57 PM   #136
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Originally Posted by demoncross
I personally think that if two people want to get married they should, hell if three people want to get married they very well should, it is not going to stop the stars from comming out at night and it won't bring horsemen ridding in from the underworld, what anyone does in the privacy of their homes is their business and every persons sexual preference should not determine their social status or standing.
I won't go out on the street with a huge sign "support gay marriage" nor with "ban gay marriage" sign. I believe love is greater than all things and who is anyone to say the love of your life has to be of the oposite sex.

But .. But ! Its destroying "Good American Family Values!"

What aload of bullshit I really do not know what these religious nutters have against it
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Old 09-26-2005, 05:46 PM   #137
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Originally Posted by spoonjigglesatan
yes, of course gay persons should be allowed to get married and adopt children. why not?
totally agree...and on lesbianism godmother is a lesbian

not like you needed to know
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Old 09-27-2005, 11:17 AM   #138
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Originally Posted by Spooky_Gurl
totally agree...and on lesbianism godmother is a lesbian

not like you needed to know
Yes, that was exactly my point it should not be:
john the bisexual
jane the lesbian
jude the asexual
jackie the pansexual
andrew the stereosexual
mary the heterosexual

Why should a sexual preference matter? they are all people with graces and flaws. Whats next labeling people by their fetishes: algolagnia, exhibitionism, fetishism, balloon fetishism, fur fetishism, leather fetishism, panty fetishism, robot fetishism, rubber fetishism, shoe fetishism, smoking fetishism, spandex fetishism, transvestic fetishism, autogynephilia, sadomasochism, urolagnia, voyeurism. So it will be jane the shoe fetishism-urolagnia lesbian

It should be plain and simple: "If two consenting capable adults want to get married, they should"
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Old 09-27-2005, 11:40 AM   #139
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Originally Posted by demoncross
So it will be jane the shoe fetishism-urolagnia lesbian

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Old 09-27-2005, 10:06 PM   #140
Hidden Rage
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Well, this issue it touchy for me, and I could waste time explaining exactly why I feel badly towards it, but I won't. Let me make this known: I DO NOT hate homosexuals. I love them. I simply feel that homosexuality is wrong, but the people themselves I will never hate.

Also: I will always accept people for who they are, even if I dont agree with everything that they do. That's what part of being a Goth is, right? Being a free thinker, being open minded? I think it's ridiculous when someone hates another person for simply being different than they are.
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Old 09-28-2005, 12:47 AM   #141
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Originally Posted by Hidden Rage
Well, this issue it touchy for me, and I could waste time explaining exactly why I feel badly towards it, but I won't. Let me make this known: I DO NOT hate homosexuals. I love them. I simply feel that homosexuality is wrong, but the people themselves I will never hate.

Also: I will always accept people for who they are, even if I dont agree with everything that they do. That's what part of being a Goth is, right? Being a free thinker, being open minded? I think it's ridiculous when someone hates another person for simply being different than they are.
Well , Of course I'm going to automaticly be offended by that comment but then I forced myself to remember each deserve their own opinion and if it does not get in the way of how they see / judge someone then theres no problems with them having it. :smile:
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Old 09-28-2005, 12:54 PM   #142
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I'm for it.I don't see anything wrong with it...I mean if two people love each other whether same sex partners or different genders shouldn't they be together?I mean I'm bisexual so...

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Old 09-28-2005, 02:59 PM   #143
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Originally Posted by Goth4Jesus
I'm for it.I don't see anything wrong with it...I mean if two people love each other whether same sex partners or different genders shouldn't they be together?I mean I'm bisexual so...

Heehee.. I find you quite intersesting. Your name being "Goth4Jesus" and saying that you're bisexual is quite odd. Doesn't your God believe that any form of homosexuality is evil? Well, that's what that joke book called The Bible says; and I believe it's all a load of crap.

But, getting back on topic...I do agree with you. I don't see anything wrong with it. We can't help who we love, and no one should keep anyone from expressing their love for each other.
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Old 09-28-2005, 03:41 PM   #144
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Originally Posted by punkirony
Heehee.. I find you quite intersesting. Your name being "Goth4Jesus" and saying that you're bisexual is quite odd. Doesn't your God believe that any form of homosexuality is evil? Well, that's what that joke book called The Bible says; and I believe it's all a load of crap.

But, getting back on topic...I do agree with you. I don't see anything wrong with it. We can't help who we love, and no one should keep anyone from expressing their love for each other.

I believe that God created everyone bisexual.Some go heterosexual,some go homosexual,some stay bi,and some loose interest in either gender all together.Besides,Jesus never said anything against homosexuality.The Bible teached that he loves everyone equally.

I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone,I'm not here to preach,I'm here for friends.Thanks for finding me interesting by the way.

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Old 09-28-2005, 04:02 PM   #145
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Originally Posted by Goth4Jesus
I believe that God created everyone bisexual.Some go heterosexual,some go homosexual,some stay bi,and some loose interest in either gender all together.

I must say that that is a really awesome opinion!! I may not believe in God, but jeez!...Where did you come up with that!?! Now, when people have something negative to say about gender preferences, I will say that to them.

You are an extremely intelligent person and are offending no one. In fact, you've just made yourself a new friend. I like your mind. (and that's really saying something.)
"Jessie, you're so optimistic, I bet you fart sunshine." - Tris
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Old 09-28-2005, 04:50 PM   #146
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Originally Posted by punkirony
I must say that that is a really awesome opinion!! I may not believe in God, but jeez!...Where did you come up with that!?! Now, when people have something negative to say about gender preferences, I will say that to them.

You are an extremely intelligent person and are offending no one. In fact, you've just made yourself a new friend. I like your mind. (and that's really saying something.)
Aw,I will so loved!*huggles*After a lot of thinking that idea popped into my head and refused to leave.So,I thought about it...This has to do with my beliefs but here goes...if homosexuality is a sin then why does did God make it?He created us all with our own characteristics...we are all biologically bisexual,although our sexuality may change as we get older,like I said some will stay that way,some will turn to the opposite sex,and others with go for thier same sex,and soem may loose interest in both sexes all together.He told us he made us the way we are and that he loves us the way we are.And Jesus never spoke out against homosexuality.

You reality,Exodus(one of the books in the Old Testament)actaully says that people were not to practice homosexuality because of something that has to do with reproducment but that doesn't neccarcialy means that it was wrong.But when Jesus came and died for us he conquered those sins so now they are not axzactly called sins anymore.The thing where it speaks out agaisnt homosexuality was just a rule of reproducement for the Jews,not for us(although it's noty exzactly considered a sin anymore).However,God still gave us the Ten Commandments which he wants us to live by.It sayd so in the Binle that God amde us all uniquely and with our own personality(that includes sexuality).

Again,I say that I am not trynig to get anyone to convert I was just saying how I came to believe that. Thanks for listening.If you don't understand please tell me.

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Old 09-28-2005, 06:35 PM   #147
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>> Pat The Twat <<
It was the lesbians what done it

Is George Bush's negligence at all to blame
for the Hurricane Katrina debacle? Not if
you ask one of Bush's richest religious
conservative backers, the Rev Pat Robertson.
According to Robertson, it's all the fault
of... lesbians.

"This is the second time in a row that God has
invoked a disaster shortly before lesbian
Ellen Degeneres hosted the Emmy Awards," said
Pat. "Is it any surprise that the Almighty
chose to strike at Miss Degeneres' hometown?
... God already allows one awards show to
promote the homosexual agenda. But clearly
He will not tolerate such sinful behavior to
spread beyond the Tonys."

The loon also claims that it's no coincidence
that the Iraq insurgency started in September
2003. It's because Ellen's TV talk show
started that month.

(This was posted by Mael in The New Joke Thread.)

I can't stand those close-minded religious people. They suck more than Athiest close-minded people. (I have a thing against religion if you haven't noticed yet.)
"Jessie, you're so optimistic, I bet you fart sunshine." - Tris
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Old 09-28-2005, 08:27 PM   #148
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Originally Posted by demoncross
I personally think that if two people want to get married they should, hell if three people want to get married they very well should, it is not going to stop the stars from comming out at night and it won't bring horsemen ridding in from the underworld, what anyone does in the privacy of their homes is their business and every persons sexual preference should not determine their social status or standing.
I won't go out on the street with a huge sign "support gay marriage" nor with "ban gay marriage" sign. I believe love is greater than all things and who is anyone to say the love of your life has to be of the oposite sex.
Yeah but if three people got married how would you figure out the taxes? Head of household? uh.... not to mention the poor sap that marries two chicks cause it's cool and then ends up divorced for whatever reason and has to pay two alimony checks and gets to keep 1/3 (or less) of his possessions. Bad for people... good for Lawyers.
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Old 09-29-2005, 02:06 AM   #149
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I can't sit quiet on this. Tho this thread has obviously existed for a while, I just discovered it. And since I'm new here, only a few days in, I'm still discovering a lot of things about these forums and the people that speak in them. Browsing through this particular thread, I've noticed a lot of things mentioned that I wanted to comment on, speaking from a somewhat knowledgeable possition on the entire subject. So, in no particular order...

Specifically relating to Star Of Blight's post, I agree with a lot of your points. However there are some things that you're missing. First off, you are right, 100%, that the gay community brings a lot of hardship down on themselves by their actions. They irritate me too in a lot of ways. But I see both sides of it. After so many countless years of oppression, violence and ignorance against them, they had to make themselves heard in a big way. Have you, or anyone here for that matter, ever heard of Stonewall? Its what is responsible for the birth of organizations like GLBT, P-FLAG, among others, and very much the basis for gay pride parades. I'll post a quoted, summarized description of what Stonewall is/was.

"On Friday evening, June 27, 1969, the New York City tactical police force raided a popular Greenwich Village gay bar, the Stonewall Inn. Raids were not unusual in 1969; in fact, they were conducted regularly without much resistance. However, that night the street erupted into violent protest as the crowds in the bar fought back. The backlash and several nights of protest that followed have come to be known as the Stonewall Riots.
Prior to that summer there was little public expression of the lives and experiences of gays and lesbians. The Stonewall Riots marked the beginning of the gay liberation movement that has transformed the oppression of gays and lesbians into calls for pride and action..."

End quote.

This is why most pride parades across the country are held annually in late spring, early summer, centering around the date of June 27th.

Your call for discretion is understandable, but it also needs to come at a specific time and place. Have you ever had to hide your thoughts or feelings from your family or closest friends out of fear or uncertainty of what they might think of you if they knew? Have you ever had to pretend you liked something, say an obviously attractive girl passing by, while you sat having a drink with your buddies at the bar, even tho you know inside you really weren't attracted to her but if you didn't go along with it your buddies might think or say derogatory shit about you? Probably not. So let's take it a step further. Have you ever once walked down the street holding your girlfriend's hand? Have you ever kissed a girl in a public place where others passing by could see you? Have you ever thought anything of it? Like maybe we shouldn't be doing this here, somebody might say or throw something. Or maybe you want to reach for her hand but see a group of guys across the street and wonder if they saw what you were doing they might come kick your ass, leave you bleeding and broken on the concrete. Or worse, kill your girlfriend while you were restrained and forced to watch helplessly. Or maybe they'll take you out to some deserted cow pasture and tie you to a fence, beating you to near death and set you on fire, or just leave you there to die. Maybe you'll be found in an hour. Or a week. All because they saw you reach for your girl's hand. Pretty fucking harsh, isn't it? But of course you've never had to think about shit like that, or fear it happening to you at random. You're straight.

You're right that you don't see "Straight Pride Parades" or coffee mugs and key chains proclaiming heterosexual pride, but you also have to realize that there have NEVER been cases of police and swat teams raiding straight bars across the united states, to beat, arrest and in many cases kill the patrons of that bar simply due to their sexual orientation and not what acts may or may not be taking place inside. Yet this is what the gay community has dealt with for decades. There was a time in this country that homosexuality was punishable by imprisonment and in some cases death. Oscar Wilde served two years in prison for being homosexual, and consequently wrote volumes about his experiences and feelings while there. And so many others have faced much harsher punishments.

So ask yourself again why gays and lesbians have to be so blantant and in-your-face about their sexuality, force-feeding it to the public relentlessly. Its because for decades - even centuries - before Stonewall, and subsequent similar events, they were forced into discretion, secrecy and shame by their fellow 'good christians'. Finally the day came when those at Stonewall and others like them decided 'fuck this shit' and stood up for who and what they are.

Pride parades get on my nerves too, probably even more than yours. I can't stand seeing a man in a dress, much less a whole slew of them marching down the street in fishnets and pumps. But I understand why they're doing it, as a whole, and I know that If they hadn't started doing it, they'd still be being drug out of their homes and favorite bars to be beaten in the streets by the police that we hire to protect us. But sadly, whether you want to believe it or not, that sort of thing still happens. Its not nearly as frequent now as it was 20 and 30 years ago, but it still goes on, in this country and the rest of the so-called 'modern' world. Sometimes there's only so much talking and pleeding and debating you can do without any possitive response and change, so you're left with no other choice but to force others into acknowledging you. Or go back into the shadows.

~v~ ~v~ ~v~

"What if everything around you
Isn't quite as it seems?
What if all the world you think you know
Is an elaborate dream?
And if you look at your reflection
Is it all you wanted to be?
What if you could look right through the cracks?
Would you find yourself [or]
Find yourself afraid to see?..." -NIN
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