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Old 08-23-2008, 05:28 AM   #276
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Originally Posted by Apathy's_Child
You punched a guy for making fun of how you look? Well, I guess that's okay because you're a woman. But if he'd hit you back it would have been asault, right?

I don't get this whole inverse attitude towards violence between the sexist. If a chick full-on punched me, no, I wouldn't punch her back (in case I, y'know, broke her face); but I would totally slap her. Hard enough to get the message across that being female is not a goddamn license to behave like an animal.

Well, I'd pretty much had enough. It was an every time he saw me thing and we had three classes together, so yeah, at lunch I was just pissed and already upset about something. And he didn't really have a chance to hit me back, he ran off.

Are you implying that I behaved like an animal?
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Old 08-23-2008, 07:14 AM   #277
Disaffected Shoelaces
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Originally Posted by JCC
If a chick went to hit me I'd probably just block it, take her to the floor and be like "What the fuck's your problem?", then help her up, 'cause I do that to guys too.

EDIT: Actually. Damn, I don't know what I'd do eh, gotta approach it slightly differently.
I think I'm with Apathy on this one. Once you physically attack someone, you have only yourself to blame if you end up getting your ass handed to you. (Exceptions only in cases of extreme cruel provocation.) Plus it proves you can't fight with words.

Although I'm not really a fan of violence in any context, I have found that some people won't stop coming at you no matter how many times you put them on their ass. It's like watching a moth butt its head against a lightbulb, and the only cure is a good hard swat.
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Old 08-23-2008, 08:13 AM   #278
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Getting random obscenities shouted oh-so-politely from moving vehicles is an inevitability for subcultures where I live. Especially when you happen to stay well-shrouded in visual androgyny. ^^'
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Old 08-23-2008, 09:53 AM   #279
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Walk through Chicago and you'll see every sort of freak imaginable, especially around Wrigleyville (that's the gay neighborhood, not that we're all gay, we just seem to all wander around there).

So no, I've really never gotten any comments, I think people around here are just so acclimated to it.
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Old 08-23-2008, 10:27 AM   #280
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Originally Posted by MitsyMayhem

Well, I'd pretty much had enough. It was an every time he saw me thing and we had three classes together, so yeah, at lunch I was just pissed and already upset about something. And he didn't really have a chance to hit me back, he ran off.

Are you implying that I behaved like an animal?
Yeah, pretty much. Punching someone for making fun of you? Like Dis said, fight with words. Using your ability to physically hurt someone just makes you a bully. If he had punched you back, most people would probably have looked down on him for hitting a girl - and something tells me you were aware of that (cue inevitable denial.......). I've had girlfriends try using this shit against me before, and it fucking pisses me off. Equality MEANS equality.

Originally Posted by Disaffected Shoelaces
I think I'm with Apathy on this one. Once you physically attack someone, you have only yourself to blame if you end up getting your ass handed to you. (Exceptions only in cases of extreme cruel provocation.) Plus it proves you can't fight with words.

Although I'm not really a fan of violence in any context, I have found that some people won't stop coming at you no matter how many times you put them on their ass. It's like watching a moth butt its head against a lightbulb, and the only cure is a good hard swat.
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Witches have no wit, said the magician who was weak.
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Old 08-23-2008, 10:32 AM   #281
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I just moved to Suburbia. It's really freaky - everyone looks the same. I'm having a hard time seeing whether that person coming down the street is my neighbour or my landlord... same hair colour, tan, hairstyle, clothes... I didn't know this was even possible until getting here. I mean, even the houses look the same. And everyone has a black car. What the fuck?

Anyway, I am the weirdo of this place; I really stand out, even on those days that I try to blend in somewhat. I haven't gotten any comments yet, but I sure do get the "looks and whispers behind my back" routine. I don't say I care much. Sure, I keep my hawk down most of the time now, but that's because I want to keep my job. I still the shaved sides of my head, and my wardrobe doesn't allow me to dress "normal" in their sense anyway (I'm way too fond of pretty clothes for my own good... my retro dress collection is getting out of hand :P). At least everybody is extremely friendly (except a few people who try to avoid me).
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Old 08-23-2008, 11:50 AM   #282
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Originally Posted by PortraitOfSanity
Walk through Chicago and you'll see every sort of freak imaginable, especially around Wrigleyville (that's the gay neighborhood, not that we're all gay, we just seem to all wander around there).

So no, I've really never gotten any comments, I think people around here are just so acclimated to it.
I am FROM the north side of Chicago.
29 years.
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Old 08-23-2008, 11:53 AM   #283
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Um... yeah.

Originally Posted by TwilightLoves Cody
I just moved and Im cristian and I was going to this new church.
I wore my cross jewly. When I walked in they kick me out of the church Im like if I want to come to church i can. No matter who i am. They just cuss me out and go back in calling me names like "Satan worshiper" I dont worship satan thank you very much.b
Where the heck do you LIVE? In a hick-town??
Sheesh. They can't do that!
Not if they are actually practicing Christians and actually believe what they SAY they do.
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Old 08-23-2008, 12:07 PM   #284
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That is kind of messed up but why bother fighting them? Churches are private so they can technically refuse to let you in, then again would you really want to fight to be a part of something full of hateful, close minded people
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Old 08-23-2008, 08:03 PM   #285
TwilightLoves Cody
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Originally Posted by Godslayer Jillian
You don't? Well then what are you doing here?!
This is a gawffik forum!
Hey not all goths worship Satan. ok?
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Old 08-23-2008, 08:17 PM   #286
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I'm gonna be nice and tell you that it was evidently a joke.
But it still deserves this a little: THAT WAS DUMB!
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Originally Posted by George Carlin
People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think.
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Old 08-23-2008, 11:02 PM   #287
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The only time I've been made fun of in my adult life for looking goth is walking between Spot 6 and Nocturna at the Metro here in Chicago. Other Chicago goths might know of the horror of which I speak. WriglyVille. *vomit*

There are two fun gothy events that happen about a half mile down the street from each other occasionally if they both happen to fall on the same Saturday. One is Kinetic, a harder more stompy music night, and the other is Nocturna, the under 21 (and over too) goth night. Between them is half a mile of the most disgusting, post fraternity drunk bro and trixie wasteland ever, right around wrigly field. And if you don't have a car, you might make the stupid choice to cross this wasteland of cheap beer, vomit and polo shirts on your stompy booted feet.

In my adult life, no one has made fun of me for how I dress pretty much ever, because if they talk to me for like, half a second they realize I'm a pretty nice, normal person dispite the eyeliner. But the time I made the mistake to walk across wriglyville in full goth club wear, I had grown drunk men threaten to **** me, call me any number of awful rude names, and almost come to a physical altercation. I even had a dude lean out of his cab and try to spit on me. (he was drunk and he missed.) I was seriously like... WTF. These dudes are like, in their 30's, and they're still acting like they're in high school? I mean, this was out of the norm because usually people are civil to me.
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Old 08-24-2008, 05:04 AM   #288
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People don't make fun of me for looking "goth" - being born with dark hair is about as close as I come, and it's not even black. My buddies make fun of me for wandering around like a hobo. Unshaven, bag of beer cans, crumpled clothes. Good thing I'm fucking beautiful.
All pleasure is relief from tension. - William S. Burroughs

Witches have no wit, said the magician who was weak.
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Old 08-24-2008, 05:46 AM   #289
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I'm not dressing goth anymore, or well, I have a pair of kinda discreet boots, if you don't take a second look you don't see it's boots, I wear black jeans, some band t-shirt or something else that looks good, either black or white and a Tiger cape, so "normal" people just see a normal person who's having a "black day" :P
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Old 09-02-2008, 12:42 AM   #290
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Interestingly, I was standing at a bus stop and a car roared by and the jerks inside yelled out at me "cocksucker!!!!! Go kill yourself!!!!!"
I just smiled. My crooked smile.
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Old 09-02-2008, 04:09 PM   #291
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Never really got much complaines about it, I mainly went t an art school and well if people who go to an art school bully people who express themself then they should definetly go to some other school more close minded
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Old 09-02-2008, 04:14 PM   #292
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Well in clothing i suck, my skin can't handle the make-up it comes right off and i can't afford the clothes so i wear black all the time, mainly people tell by my art or thoughts and theories, i do however wear goth like jewelry that kinda gives the hint
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Old 09-02-2008, 04:31 PM   #293
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Originally Posted by Apathy's_Child
Yeah, pretty much. Punching someone for making fun of you? Like Dis said, fight with words. Using your ability to physically hurt someone just makes you a bully. If he had punched you back, most people would probably have looked down on him for hitting a girl - and something tells me you were aware of that (cue inevitable denial.......). I've had girlfriends try using this shit against me before, and it fucking pisses me off. Equality MEANS equality.

One day we will fuck, and it will be awesome.

So basically, me standing up for myself makes me a bully?
But according to the dictionary bullying is the harassment of another.
And is bullying not verbal too?
You did say:
Using your ability to physically hurt someone just makes you a bully.Also, since bullying can be verbal, by your logic is also seems that me responding with words would be considered bullying as well.
Even though I'm pretty sure you don't mean that.
And no, I wasn't thinking about it at all, just the fact that I was pissed.
It is might 'fucking piss you off', but don't bitch at me about equality.
I hit a guy.
It wasn't like I was complaining that he hit me back, now was I?
Even though he didn't. I understand the point you're trying to make, but sweetie, wrong person, really.
Just because your girlfriends pull 'shit' on you, doesn't mean I was pulling 'shit' on him.

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Old 09-03-2008, 01:30 AM   #294
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Originally Posted by MitsyMayhem

So basically, me standing up for myself makes me a bully?
But according to the dictionary bullying is the harassment of another.
And is bullying not verbal too?
You did say:
Using your ability to physically hurt someone just makes you a bully.Also, since bullying can be verbal, by your logic is also seems that me responding with words would be considered bullying as well.
Even though I'm pretty sure you don't mean that.
And no, I wasn't thinking about it at all, just the fact that I was pissed.
It is might 'fucking piss you off', but don't bitch at me about equality.
I hit a guy.
It wasn't like I was complaining that he hit me back, now was I?
Even though he didn't. I understand the point you're trying to make, but sweetie, wrong person, really.
Just because your girlfriends pull 'shit' on you, doesn't mean I was pulling 'shit' on him.

You’re obviously a little stupid, so I’m going to break it down for you.

Yes. Using your ability to physically hurt someone makes you a bully, ESPECIALLY if they’re in a situation which would make it difficult – for whatever reason – for them to hit you back. By he way, not complaining that he didn't hit you back doesn't mean shit when, by your own admission, he DIDN'T.

Yes, words can be used to bully. They can also be used in self-defense. I don’t know where you got the idea that I think fighting back with words would be bullying (especially considering that I actually SUGGESTED you do that), but to clarify, I do not think that, have never implied that to my knowledge, and suggest you STFU and actually read the post you’re trying to argue with before trying to get clever.

One more thing: let’s not make this ALL about gender politics. Vagina or none, beating on someone for making fun of you is low. Grow some goddamn balls (metaphorical balls, in your case).
All pleasure is relief from tension. - William S. Burroughs

Witches have no wit, said the magician who was weak.
Hula, hula, said the witches. - Norman Mailer
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Old 09-03-2008, 12:02 PM   #295
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heh, people are actually teasing me about dressing semi normal for once. Been too hot to goth it all the way up, except when I go out. My car died amd I am having to take the bus/walk everywhere so I have been wearing my grey cargo shorts and my black flip flops so I am not swimming in sweat when I get where I need to go. But it is humurous, tease me for dressing like a vampire, and then tease me for dressing in shorts and sandals, lol. Well, at least I have entertainment for awhile :P
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Old 09-03-2008, 03:34 PM   #296
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Actually Apathy, I wasn’t speaking in terms of what’s actually right and what’s actually wrong.
I was speaking in terms of logic like:

All dogs are green
Jan’s animal is green
Is Jan’s animal a dog?

That type of thing. We all know not all, if any dogs are green.

My definition is of bullying is instigating unnecessary confrontation, whether verbal or physical, as there is more than one form of bullying. Or even as I said bullying is the harassment of another. We both agree on this definition so in this argument, it’s fact.

In this situation, it flows like this, with his action first and then my response:

Him: Verbal
Me: Physical

Since we agree on the definition, let’s say I had done this instead:

Him: Verbal
Me: Verbal

Since in situation one, to you, I am bullying him, and situation two, by your logic, I would have still been bullying him. I know you suggested it, it was obvious, but I’m sure my example will clear things up. And hey, I might be wrong. I’m not going to be an arrogant punk and believe there’s no chance of it.

As for making this about gender, you did. When you brought up your ‘girlfriends’ and said this: I've had girlfriends try using this shit against me before, and it fucking pisses me off. Equality MEANS equality.
YOU made it about gender.
I didn’t.

And as a final note, not once did I personally insult you.
Here you are calling me stupid and note once have I insulted you.
I was simply having a debate and discussion.
If you can’t have a proper argument without tossing an insult it says more about you than my ‘low blow’ says about me.

And yes, I probably shouldn’t have hit him.
But he could have easily hit me back if he wanted too.
I didn’t put him in a bad situation on purpose, I wasn’t even thinking about the fact that he was male at all or that he couldn’t.
I’m not condoning my actions at all, but if he had hit me, I wouldn’t have complained.

Also, in most cases, I don’t agree with violence, but everything can’t be fought with words. Sometimes you have to knock someone a couple of times to get your point across. And obviously, in this situation it did.
Something else to add, and I don’t mean to pick on Uni, is that I fight fairly. I punched him, walked off about my business. By her situation, it seems that he goal was truly hurting the other girl.
That’s never my intention, ever.
I only do enough to get the point across.

I’m pretty much done. When you can grow up and not blatantly insult people please come back. I’d love to chat.
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Old 09-04-2008, 07:10 AM   #297
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I know how that feels

Originally Posted by KontanKarite
Of course. It comes with the territory.

The beauty behind it though, I've had so many people be honest with me and tell me that they envy me because I have the guts to actually look the way I want to without shame. They claim they wish they could pull off some of the cool shit I sport.
This is the same for me. I had people make fun of me for a while, not that I gave a good damn what they thought, but some of the chicks that made fun of me tell me that they wish they were as brave as me. They wish that they weren't afraid to be individuals. Which is kind of dumb. *shrugs*
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Old 09-04-2008, 09:51 AM   #298
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Originally Posted by MitsyMayhem
Actually Apathy, I wasn’t speaking in terms of what’s actually right and what’s actually wrong.
I was speaking in terms of logic like:

All dogs are green
Jan’s animal is green
Is Jan’s animal a dog?

That type of thing. We all know not all, if any dogs are green.

My definition is of bullying is instigating unnecessary confrontation, whether verbal or physical, as there is more than one form of bullying. Or even as I said bullying is the harassment of another. We both agree on this definition so in this argument, it’s fact.

In this situation, it flows like this, with his action first and then my response:

Him: Verbal
Me: Physical

Since we agree on the definition, let’s say I had done this instead:

Him: Verbal
Me: Verbal

Since in situation one, to you, I am bullying him, and situation two, by your logic, I would have still been bullying him. I know you suggested it, it was obvious, but I’m sure my example will clear things up. And hey, I might be wrong. I’m not going to be an arrogant punk and believe there’s no chance of it.
Hang in there while I walk your ass through some basic concepts that my four year nephew has understood for over a year.

PROPORTION. Say it with me. A disproportionate reaction is: that's right, ONE THAT'S OUT OF PROPORTION.

Your example is so flawed I'm clearly going to spoonfeed you one that actually applies. Let's use a hyperbolic example, in the hope that it has more of an impact on your density than simple good sense.

There are two guys - let's call them Dick and Chad. One day Dick, living up to his name, punches Chad. Chad then pulls out a gun and shoots Dick. Chad is prosecuted, and asked, on the stand, why he shot Dick. After all, no one's saying Dick didn't earn SOME kind of reaction - but why didn't he just punch Dick back? Chad replies, "because that would have made me as bad as him."

Doesn't make sense, does it?

So, because this is MY lame imaginary story, Dick gets herpes and dies. Yeah, right there on the stand. I rule at endings.

Originally Posted by MitsyMayhem
As for making this about gender, you did. When you brought up your ‘girlfriends’ and said this: I've had girlfriends try using this shit against me before, and it fucking pisses me off. Equality MEANS equality.
YOU made it about gender.
I didn’t.
Never said I didn't. I just wanted to make it clear that my enmity in this case isn't simply because you're a woman, as I realized reading over my previous posts that that was a stance I could be viewed as having taken.

Originally Posted by MitsyMayhem
And as a final note, not once did I personally insult you.
Here you are calling me stupid and note once have I insulted you.
I was simply having a debate and discussion.
If you can’t have a proper argument without tossing an insult it says more about you than my ‘low blow’ says about me.
Dude, you fucking used your fists on someone. You seriously want to take the moral high ground when someone calls you stupid for using physical violence?

Originally Posted by MitsyMayhem
I’m pretty much done. When you can grow up and not blatantly insult people please come back. I’d love to chat.
Take your top off and we'll talk.
All pleasure is relief from tension. - William S. Burroughs

Witches have no wit, said the magician who was weak.
Hula, hula, said the witches. - Norman Mailer
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Old 09-04-2008, 12:29 PM   #299
a morbid curiosity
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I was walking down a corridor with my friend and we passed a group of idiots, one of which yelled "Holy Jesus!" and proceeded to mock my taste in attire.
My friend then responded with a very irreverent joke about Jesus' holiness.

Oh, and someone else told me my favourite skirt looked like a curtain.

It amuses me more than it insults me.

And I'm not going to comment on the argument that precedes my post, because that would mean having to make a post that actually meant something to anyone. Tuh.
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Old 09-04-2008, 12:56 PM   #300
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I have a skirt that really is made out of a curtain. I love it, and really it's funny when people make comments like that.
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