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Old 12-20-2008, 02:41 PM   #251
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Ms. Crowbar... You remind me of me to an extent.

Look, you're going to have to get a job. I'm not telling you to stop dressing gothy and worshiping Venus or something, but you need to find something in order to get ahead in some way or another.

I'm not even suggesting you get out on your own right away. Identify what you need to take care of and do things in baby steps. No one is asking you to be an adult all in one day.

Think about it... go get a job stocking shelves at a store while going to school. It's easy and it doesn't require a lot of responsibility. Then go and accumulate some bills such as a cell phone or a car payment. Once you can do that stuff, then imagine being able to stay at your own place and doing your own things. Sure, you wont be able to devote all your time to studying Elvish, but at least you'll have things to work towards.

Yes, there are some nasty people out there, YES people will fire you for your Demonia boots if you wear them to work, but if you fall flat on your face and fail, you can at least go back to your parents place. Right? Some people don't even have that.

Man, I can't believe I'm going to say this because my father told me the same things, but what would you do if your parents were both to drop dead all at once? What if you lost your whole family in some accident and everything was up to you. What would you do?
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Old 12-21-2008, 05:28 AM   #252
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Originally Posted by Alarica
Volunteering is not the same. opening bags of clothes and goods and sorting them out is going to give you what experience EXACTLY for a REAL job? I'm curious. In the mean time, keep scrounging off your parents. I'd stop doing your laundry and leave you to starve for a few days just to teach you the value of contributing to your household.

And exactly my p oint on the acting love. You are far from professional. You are merely doing high school drama with older kids. So stop harping about how hard it fucking is. You clearly wouldnt know hard work if it jumped up and bit you.
I wash and iron my own clothes, I'll have you know.
I also clean my own room because I don't allow anyone in there while I'm in the vicinity (which is why I'm so pissed off at the fact that my Mum went into my room when I made it quite clear that she wasn't allowed in there)
Theatre Arts is a lot harder than highschool drama. If you fuck something up more than once, you get kicked out of the course. It's not like school. If you get kicked out of drama, you can alwasy transfer to another class. If it's College and you get kicked out, you have to apply to another course, but you won't always get in.
Voluntary work gives me experience. They'll teach me how to work a till and I'll learn how to communicate with the public. Once I've gained enough skills, I can put them on my CV and hopefully, that will allow me to get a proper paying job. Most people I know have started out as Christmas temps, Summer temps or Voluntary workers.
KontanKarite: I'm in College, not school. Slight difference.
Like I said, I've got a job. It involves sorting, stacking and cleaning. And I won't get paid for that. I've been looking for a place to stay on my own, but the rent for Student Accomodation is just too high for someone who doesn't have a paying job. £250 a month for The Hub, £200 a month if I wanna stay at The Old Mill. Dunno if I'd be able to get help from the College, but I don't want to pay it all back if I do.
What would I do if my parents were to drop dead right now? I'd cry. I'd probably hate myself for arguing with them so much, but I'm not exactly the daughter from Hell, am I? I do as I'm told. To an extent. I buy whatever the Hell I want to, regardless of what my parents say. But if they were to drop dead right now, I honestly don't know what I'd do. I couldn't stay here, but if I had somewhere to stay, I'd probably have already left by now. I don't know.
See, this is exactly why I don't wish harm upon them.
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Old 12-21-2008, 06:04 AM   #253
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Originally Posted by Ms.Crowbar
I wash and iron my own clothes, I'll have you know.
I also clean my own room
Wow, you're like, so independent! I totally want to be like you when I grow up!
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Old 12-21-2008, 07:18 AM   #254
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Originally Posted by Ms.Crowbar
I wash and iron my own clothes, I'll have you know.
I also clean my own room
Welcome to the club, I also am in charge of cleaning the living room, kitchen, restroom, washing my sisters clothes, taking care of the dogs, and cooking dinner most nights.
I have to pass school and if I want something, I have to earn the money for it, be it by extra work around the house (doing yard work), by babysitting, or whatever.
My parents still say that they're kicking me out when I'm eighteen.
I say your parents should just kick you out as well, not out of spite, but out of the fact that they probably don't want you to be forty years old, still living at their house, and not having a job.
If you can do volunteer work, you can go get an actual job.
You'll never amount to anything in life if you are afraid to do something because it's unfamiliar. Quite complaining about how terrible your pampered life is and get out and do something for yourself.
I think that covers most of it.
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Old 12-21-2008, 07:25 AM   #255
Tam Li Hua
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Originally Posted by Ms.Crowbar
I wash and iron my own clothes, I'll have you know.
I also clean my own room because I don't allow anyone in there while I'm in the vicinity (which is why I'm so pissed off at the fact that my Mum went into my room when I made it quite clear that she wasn't allowed in there) you pay rent for that room, or help pay for the house in any way..?

If not, then yeah; she has -every- right to be in there, silly girl.

[Why do I feel we've gotten back to Stage 1 in this conversation?? -_-;;;

Theatre Arts is a lot harder than highschool drama. If you fuck something up more than once, you get kicked out of the course. It's not like school. If you get kicked out of drama, you can alwasy transfer to another class. If it's College and you get kicked out, you have to apply to another course, but you won't always get in.
I had a few friends who were involved in the theater in college, and even a couple who majored in it.

They never took it this seriously, and were able to memorize their lines and all just fine.

Voluntary work gives me experience. They'll teach me how to work a till and I'll learn how to communicate with the public. Once I've gained enough skills, I can put them on my CV and hopefully, that will allow me to get a proper paying job. Most people I know have started out as Christmas temps, Summer temps or Voluntary workers.
Well, at least you are attempting -something-, I'll give you that.

KontanKarite: I'm in College, not school. Slight difference.
College is a kind of school, though...

Like I said, I've got a job. It involves sorting, stacking and cleaning. And I won't get paid for that. I've been looking for a place to stay on my own, but the rent for Student Accomodation is just too high for someone who doesn't have a paying job. £250 a month for The Hub, £200 a month if I wanna stay at The Old Mill. Dunno if I'd be able to get help from the College, but I don't want to pay it all back if I do.
Have you asked your parents for advice, or if they would be willing to pay for part of this..?

What would I do if my parents were to drop dead right now? I'd cry. I'd probably hate myself for arguing with them so much, but I'm not exactly the daughter from Hell, am I? I do as I'm told. To an extent. I buy whatever the Hell I want to, regardless of what my parents say. But if they were to drop dead right now, I honestly don't know what I'd do. I couldn't stay here, but if I had somewhere to stay, I'd probably have already left by now. I don't know.
...and that's the point everyone is trying to make. You need to have a plan for yourself for if the unthinkable happens, because things -do- happen in life, and you just can't go around blind wishing they wouldn't.

Losing a parent is awful enough when you -can- take care of yourself. Trust me, I should know....

See, this is exactly why I don't wish harm upon them.
I still want to know why your covenmates couldn't help you...
"Follow your bliss..."
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Old 12-21-2008, 07:43 AM   #256
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Originally Posted by GothicChristian
Welcome to the club, I also am in charge of cleaning the living room, kitchen, restroom, washing my sisters clothes, taking care of the dogs, and cooking dinner most nights.
I have to pass school and if I want something, I have to earn the money for it, be it by extra work around the house (doing yard work), by babysitting, or whatever.
My parents still say that they're kicking me out when I'm eighteen.
I say your parents should just kick you out as well, not out of spite, but out of the fact that they probably don't want you to be forty years old, still living at their house, and not having a job.
If you can do volunteer work, you can go get an actual job.
You'll never amount to anything in life if you are afraid to do something because it's unfamiliar. Quite complaining about how terrible your pampered life is and get out and do something for yourself.
I think that covers most of it.
Uhhh, no I can't. I've already applied in sevral different shops in both Dundee and St. Andrews. I havn't heard anything from any of them.
My Mum does the housework. She never asks me to clean the other rooms, just mine. I don't have any pets, so.....
If I don't get asked to, then I don't. I don't have any younger siblings and there's already someone in this village that walks dogs, does the paper round and babysits (not the same person, but they're all in the same family. They kidn of stole the jobs available in this village before anyone else could get them. And there's 6 of them, too).
And I don't plan on staying here until I'm 40, mate.
Tam, no she doesn't. She said that she wouldn't go in there, no, sorry, swore, that she wouldn't go into me room, because, well, it's my room. I don't go into hers and Dads room, so, yeah.... I have the right to privacy, just as much as she and Dad do. I respect their privacy, and they should respect mine.
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Old 12-21-2008, 07:44 AM   #257
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Originally Posted by Tam Li Hua

I still want to know why your covenmates couldn't help you...

Maybe because I'm not part of a Coven yet.
I already said, I need to join a Coven because I'm sick of being Solitary.
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Old 12-21-2008, 08:10 AM   #258
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Buy whatever the hell you want?

With shirt buttons, right? You will be able to collect like LOADS of those when you are sorting all the clothes and shit donated to the charity shop, whos back room you will be working in. Good for you.
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Old 12-21-2008, 08:11 AM   #259
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Sometimes you just have to jump. Jump in that is, take the plunge. You'd be amazed what you can do with 200 bucks in your name, a friend who offers to be a roommate and a really crappy job in another city. Moving out of what little rinky dink area you live in seems to be the best option. Move where the jobs are, if you're looking for some where small or nice and quiet wait until you have kids then move back.

Right now though... you might ask around and see if any friends in other cities or areas have a room or hell even a couch available for a few weeks or months whatever they're willing to donate. Pay them for it, pay them back for it however you want to do it. Eventually you'll get on top of things.

Most all of us have already taken this plunge, it's scary as fuck. You'll survive. Even if you end up living in a box under a bridge, it's your damn box and no one elses.
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Old 12-21-2008, 09:44 AM   #260
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Originally Posted by Ms.Crowbar
Uhhh, no I can't. I've already applied in several different shops in both Dundee and St. Andrews. I haven't heard anything from any of them.
You're not trying hard enough you stupid twat. Almost anyone without mental or physical disabilities can get a job, and even they manage it sometimes. It's not difficult getting a job, you're just not trying hard enough. Just admit that you like leeching off your parents and stop whining about not being able to get a job. You can get one, you just don't want one because you enjoy the lifestyle you've become accustomed to.
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Old 12-21-2008, 11:56 AM   #261
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Originally Posted by jack_the_knife
You're not trying hard enough you stupid twat. Almost anyone without mental or physical disabilities can get a job, and even they manage it sometimes. It's not difficult getting a job, you're just not trying hard enough. Just admit that you like leeching off your parents and stop whining about not being able to get a job. You can get one, you just don't want one because you enjoy the lifestyle you've become accustomed to.

Listen mate.
I filled out the damned application form, I printed off my two page CV and handed them in to each respective shop the day after they gave me the apps. I waited a whole month, like I was told to, and nothing. I'm still waiting, and I applied long before Christmas. I applied for each of these shops in August. Not one of those shops even offered me a damned Christmas temp job, either. I'm old enough to work in Zavvi and HMV. Neither of them got back to me about an interview. And I love going into both of those shops. The manager in Zavvi loves the same bands as I do, and he loves just about the same films as I do. He's an awesome guy, yet, I never got offered a job there once I handed in my App form and CV.

To be brutally honest, I'm sick of people like you saying "Get a job". Well I've fucking tried to get a fucking job everywhere I can bloody think of. When I've been in the shops to ask for an app form, I've looked just about as normal as I can get.
But you know what has always been missing from my CV? The fact that I've never had previous work experience.
And you know what people's problem is? The fact that they can't be bothered to fucking train new staff anymore. I have to work in a Charity in order to gain experience because shops today require you to know how to work a till or be able to communicate with the public properly.
Maybe it's about fucking time that you understand just how hard I've tried to find a job. Maybe it's about fucking time that you understood what it's like to be left in the dark, not knowing if you should get ready for an interview, or cancel plans that you had that weekend to go to the cinema with your friends. I'm sick of being turned down simply because I've got no previous experience in the work place.
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Old 12-21-2008, 12:10 PM   #262
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Originally Posted by Ms.Crowbar
Maybe because I'm not part of a Coven yet.
I already said, I need to join a Coven because I'm sick of being Solitary.

No. You want to join a coven because you are sick of being solitary. No one needs to join a coven and those that feel they do are the ones who need to work solitary even more. No one can teach you the things you are seeking because much of it is innate. No one can teach you common sense.
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Old 12-21-2008, 12:40 PM   #263
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Originally Posted by Ms.Crowbar
Listen mate.
I filled out the damned application form, I printed off my two page CV and handed them in to each respective shop the day after they gave me the apps. I waited a whole month, like I was told to, and nothing. I'm still waiting, and I applied long before Christmas. I applied for each of these shops in August. Not one of those shops even offered me a damned Christmas temp job, either. I'm old enough to work in Zavvi and HMV. Neither of them got back to me about an interview. And I love going into both of those shops. The manager in Zavvi loves the same bands as I do, and he loves just about the same films as I do. He's an awesome guy, yet, I never got offered a job there once I handed in my App form and CV.

To be brutally honest, I'm sick of people like you saying "Get a job". Well I've fucking tried to get a fucking job everywhere I can bloody think of. When I've been in the shops to ask for an app form, I've looked just about as normal as I can get.
But you know what has always been missing from my CV? The fact that I've never had previous work experience.
And you know what people's problem is? The fact that they can't be bothered to fucking train new staff anymore. I have to work in a Charity in order to gain experience because shops today require you to know how to work a till or be able to communicate with the public properly.
Maybe it's about fucking time that you understand just how hard I've tried to find a job. Maybe it's about fucking time that you understood what it's like to be left in the dark, not knowing if you should get ready for an interview, or cancel plans that you had that weekend to go to the cinema with your friends. I'm sick of being turned down simply because I've got no previous experience in the work place.
LOOK HARDER. Try Petrol Stations, Bars, Fast food restaurants. Try asking favors from people that owe you one. It's not hard to find a job.

All the same, you should be ready for an interview anyway if you've applied for a job somewhere. And canceling plans to go out to the cinema is hardly a big deal now is it? The cinema is hardly going anywhere.
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Old 12-21-2008, 12:55 PM   #264
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Originally Posted by jack_the_knife
LOOK HARDER. Try Petrol Stations, Bars, Fast food restaurants. Try asking favors from people that owe you one. It's not hard to find a job.

All the same, you should be ready for an interview anyway if you've applied for a job somewhere. And canceling plans to go out to the cinema is hardly a big deal now is it? The cinema is hardly going anywhere.
I thought I mentioned that I am Vegan and cannot work around meat or chicken because the smell makes me feel ill.
And, are you incapable of reading my posts? Most shops now require that you have previous work experience. Most shops have tills and, you have to know how to work one if you're going to work at that shop. You also have to learn how to be assertive, something which I am not.
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Old 12-21-2008, 12:57 PM   #265
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Originally Posted by Ms.Crowbar
I thought I mentioned that I am Vegan and cannot work around meat or chicken because the smell makes me feel ill.
And, are you incapable of reading my posts? Most shops now require that you have previous work experience. Most shops have tills and, you have to know how to work one if you're going to work at that shop. You also have to learn how to be assertive, something which I am not.
Well, gee. I guess you'll just have to fucking fail at life then.

End of thread.
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Old 12-21-2008, 01:06 PM   #266
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Originally Posted by Ms.Crowbar
I thought I mentioned that I am Vegan and cannot work around meat or chicken because the smell makes me feel ill.
And, are you incapable of reading my posts? Most shops now require that you have previous work experience. Most shops have tills and, you have to know how to work one if you're going to work at that shop. You also have to learn how to be assertive, something which I am not.
You know what, you're an unemployable unwanted child. The reason they won't employ you is probably because your attitude is shitty. I sincerely wish you all the luck in the world, because you're going to need it.
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Old 12-21-2008, 01:14 PM   #267
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Originally Posted by jack_the_knife
You know what, you're an unemployable unwanted child. The reason they won't employ you is probably because your attitude is shitty. I sincerely wish you all the luck in the world, because you're going to need it.

Go back to your homes.
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Old 12-21-2008, 01:54 PM   #268
Underwater Ophelia
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Originally Posted by Ms.Crowbar
Tam, no she doesn't. She said that she wouldn't go in there, no, sorry, swore, that she wouldn't go into me room, because, well, it's my room. I don't go into hers and Dads room, so, yeah.... I have the right to privacy, just as much as she and Dad do. I respect their privacy, and they should respect mine.
It doesn't matter. Her saying she won't go in your room doesn't take away her right to be in there.
She would be 100% in her right if she walked up while you were in there, threw you out, and cut up your clothing. 100% within her right.

She and your father bought the house, and she and your father pay the bills. It is NOT your room. It's their room, and they're being kind enough to let you sleep in it.

No, you do NOT have the right to privacy. The only right to privacy that applies to you is sexual privacy. Legally, you have no "rights" when it comes to your parents touching your belongings, reading your diary, or just snooping.
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Old 12-21-2008, 06:10 PM   #269
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I think it's safe to say shes not taken on board anything anyone has said, certainly not any of the advice or info honeythorn gave her. She doesnt want to work, and is full of all the excuses most kids in her position have. Shes the only child living with her parents. She'd got a fucking easy life and money to, in her own words, 'buy whatever the hell I want'. So shes still getting pocket money too. Her mum doesnt ask her to help out with cleaning, yet her parents both work. Selfish brat can do volunteer work but cant offer to to the cleaning for her mum once in a while.
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Old 12-21-2008, 06:22 PM   #270
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Originally Posted by Ms.Crowbar

To be brutally honest, I'm sick of people like you saying "Get a job". Well I've fucking tried to get a fucking job everywhere I can bloody think of. When I've been in the shops to ask for an app form, I've looked just about as normal as I can get.
No. Not normal for you. Normal. Average. Common.
Originally Posted by Ms.Crowbar
But you know what has always been missing from my CV? The fact that I've never had previous work experience.
And you know what people's problem is? The fact that they can't be bothered to fucking train new staff anymore.
No, it isn't, you idiot.
You're completely ignorant of the hiring process and the workplace, so don't make statements like that.
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Old 12-21-2008, 08:19 PM   #271
Tam Li Hua
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Originally Posted by Ms.Crowbar
Maybe because I'm not part of a Coven yet.
I already said, I need to join a Coven because I'm sick of being Solitary.
If you're just plain lonely, then maybe you should try making friends at school first before joining a coven..

I know that just getting away from home and making friends on my own helped me a ton.
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Old 12-22-2008, 11:03 AM   #272
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Originally Posted by Ms.Crowbar
I thought I mentioned that I am Vegan and cannot work around meat or chicken because the smell makes me feel ill.
And, are you incapable of reading my posts? Most shops now require that you have previous work experience. Most shops have tills and, you have to know how to work one if you're going to work at that shop. You also have to learn how to be assertive, something which I am not.
Oh hush up, I'm a veggie and a cashier at a grocery store. I often have to handle bleeding meat packages (lulz) and foul smelling's NOT a big deal, AT ALL.
Go get a job at a grocery store, those are the easiest fucking jobs to get.
Also, the cash register is NOT hard to learn.
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Old 12-22-2008, 06:27 PM   #273
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Haha, my first day working in a shop the owner just said "So there's the till, it's fucking easy you'll work it out", then left for the rest of the day. I did work it out.

Oh and hey, I'm not keen on meat at all and part of my job involves stacking raw, bloody beef. I don't even need that job either - my parents are rich, generous and respect my personal space. I just don't feel comfortable leeching.
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Old 12-22-2008, 08:18 PM   #274
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Yeah, but you aren't a pathetic whiny cooze who pretends to want to better herself, either. I respect that about you. That, and your hair.
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Old 12-22-2008, 08:50 PM   #275
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Originally Posted by Ms.Crowbar
Listen mate.
I filled out the damned application form, I printed off my two page CV and handed them in to each respective shop the day after they gave me the apps. I waited a whole month, like I was told to, and nothing.
um...did you call? Most job markets are a little flooded with applicants at the moment so YOU need to put forth the effort to get back in touch with potential employers, if you don't then it only shows that you aren't as motivated as the people who did and funny thing how people showing a bit of drive are the ones who tend to get the job.

Don't use your lack of work experience as an excuse. I have work experience, in fact I have some pretty outstanding references, much more impressive than most of my friends, but I don't have a job and they do because they need the money and took whatever they could get but I'm being picky.
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