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Old 07-25-2011, 11:57 AM   #6176
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CATCH sings a Smiths song in ill-fitting clothing. Oh, sweet jesus.
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Old 07-25-2011, 12:01 PM   #6177
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And then I died in a raging ball of fire.

Jesus wept.
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Old 07-25-2011, 08:35 PM   #6178
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Originally Posted by Saya View Post
Drug addiction is an illness, not a choice or simple circumstance. Besides, its not like she only had loving people around her desperately trying to get her to fix her up (although her family was), there was also a lot of people around her wanting her to stay drunk and pay for their own use.
Yes it is an illness, but there had to be a first time she tried drugs and there must have been some conscious thought where she figured out the probable outcome of her decision to take drugs could take her life.

I mean I can remember sitting with my ex and he said "Do you want to try some weed?" and I said "No," and believe me that "no" cost me dearly, but I still said it. But I should add that I'm of the believe that life itself, mostly nature, is the best drug in the world (god dam ecocentric).

Sure she probably had a few yes men - just look at Michael Jackson, same thing, surrounded by yes people who wanted to maintain their lifestyle and no one stood up and grew a pair of balls and said no and now where are they? Out on the streets, lost their meal ticket, bloody idiots.

Their problem was, they lost control of their lives... They handed the control over to others, because it was easier to leave it up to someone else.

Drug addiction is an illness but it's also an excuse, just like the dog peed on my homework, it's an excuse for not facing whatever it is you are using for.

You grab life by the balls and you do not let your past dictate who you are in the present and the future.

Everyone has the strength to do it, they just gotta find it inside, not outside with drugs or addictions or whatnot.


"Always be kind, for everyone is fighting a hard battle." - Plato

Help me, I'm holding on for dear life

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Old 07-25-2011, 09:05 PM   #6179
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Her mother admitted to being aware that Amy got into heavy drug use when she was 12, for all we know it may have started well before that. Do you really want to condemn someone for a mistake they made at that age, a mistake that more than likely came about from having to deal with a lot of trauma (note: this bit is not specifically about Winehouse but about the common reasons for substance abuse amongst people that young)?
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Old 07-25-2011, 10:23 PM   #6180
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Yeah, I grew up with a girl who started drinking when she was 10, and it was pretty much how she grew up learning to deal with her problems. There's the physical dependancy, but she also just found life too hard to cope with. I had the advantage to learn how to get through life without anything, but she didn't.

Plus, even if it didn't start at a young age, most people drink and smoke weed or soft drugs and do not get addicted. Drinking culture is pretty much inescapable for young adults, you're going to try it sometime, and it might only take one drink for someone to think "I need this."

Anyway, Bust nailed it on the head:

Like some sort of show pony, Amy didn't seem to have much of her life to herself once her fame hit, and she somehow seemed to be always walking around with a broken heart, perhaps never having quite gotten over her split from her ex-husband, "Blake Incarcerated." And while she stumbled her way through her life, there was the entire UK tabloid industry sucking up her every failure and sloppy evening like vampire that can never get enough blood.
I was sad to hear about Amy, but it was watching the videos that were made in Belgrade, just a short month ago, that brought me to tears over it. Although the videos were passed around at the time as some sort of unavoidable car wreck, it is in these performances that we see what it may have felt like to be Amy, in her drunk and drugged-out haze, and why she so badly wanted to stay wrapped up in that cloud, away from the audience, away from the demands, away from her heartbreak, her disappointments, her fears. Protected from reality. Protected from us. An escape from life.
Just because she was "just a dead junkie" doesn't make her death tragic, and honestly it just goes to show how mental health and addiction issues are easily dismissed these days. And I don't really remember Health Ledger being called out as just a junkie who pretty much had it coming, probably because his drug problem wasn't publicized much in the media and he wasn't seen as a trainwreck, seems we're just mad at Winehouse for being unable to hide her addiction, and having the audacity to die around the time another tragedy is happening. And a very particular one, fuck the famine happening in Africa.
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Old 07-26-2011, 04:34 PM   #6181
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Personally, I feel nothing for Amy Winehouse. Her tragic ending only makes me glad that some of my relatives wised up and kicked their addictions because they were headed in the same direction. It does take inner strength to kick an addiction, but for some it also takes someone who cares enough to show you that there is a way out.

Still, if she was addicted from the age of 12 why didn't her parents do anything?
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Old 07-26-2011, 08:16 PM   #6182
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It all depends on will power though. I mean I've been on the sauce good and proper since age 13 and haven't really slowed down ( apart from when I had appendicitis and I vomited blood ) . I'm still here. Yeah I'm depressed now and again but that can be rectified with a little bit of casual drug use. It's always your choice. It's just down to if you can hack it or not. Everybody has demons. Some people kick them out the door, some people let them walk all over themselves, some people let them run around a bit and occasionally kick the living fuck out of them. It all depends on what you're prepared to do to yourself.
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Old 07-26-2011, 09:41 PM   #6183
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Originally Posted by Grausamkeit View Post
Still, if she was addicted from the age of 12 why didn't her parents do anything?
Because parents are stupid, and they won't be there forever. It's not like they could keep you from it for too long anyway. Like Jack said, it's always a matter of choice and will power.
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Old 07-26-2011, 09:42 PM   #6184
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Unhappy And I thought I was the only victim who'd witnessed the singing flabbed fury.




Those videos are like something rejected from Tim and Eric's Awesome Show (Great Job) for being too not fitting the screen.
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Old 07-27-2011, 08:17 PM   #6185
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I keep having these odd vertigo/headache problems where I almost pass out.
I need to get to a doctor sometime soon, as it could be the same kind of AVM my dad had (worst senario).
My fucking head is killing me right now though.
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Old 07-30-2011, 06:08 AM   #6186
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I've just done something monumentally stupid and have fallen in love with my best friend... -.-
Avoid all needle drugs - The only dope worth shooting is Richard Nixon.
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Old 07-30-2011, 08:00 PM   #6187
Syconycteris australis
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Originally Posted by Saya View Post
Yeah, I grew up with a girl who started drinking when she was 10, and it was pretty much how she grew up learning to deal with her problems. There's the physical dependancy, but she also just found life too hard to cope with. I had the advantage to learn how to get through life without anything, but she didn't.
I totally understand the wanting to hide from everyday life, and having trouble coping.

When i came out of my first marriage, I had to go see a counsellor about how to deal with everyday life - because I couldn't deal with anything. I'd had so much trauma dumped on me in such a short period of time, that I was seriously fritzed.

But I found a way forward without turning to drugs. I did two years on prescription anti-depressants, five years later, but that was because I needed a break from having to control my PTSD moods and my reactions.

What's tragic is that mental health problems are still taboo and that most people have more empathy/sympathy towards someone who has lost a limb than someone who is suffering mental health issues, although both can be debilitating.

If I could, I'd slap society in general and tell them to get over it.

I remember arguing with a boss at work, because a colleague of mine had come back from leave and said she was on anti-depressants.

The boss wanted to annouce it to everyone and I said "No, you let x tell people, if she wants to" because it's part of the healing process admitting it and moving forward. Plus the boss shouldn't have been asking/telling me, she should have been asking the person with depression if they wanted it known through the department. I sure as heck wouldn't, that place was bitchy as all anything.

And I had a text from my girlfriend who's husband is on the heart transplant list. he's in intensive care. Was medi-vacced out to the big smoke on Friday... it's not good, and I'm feeling incredibly sad for her because he's a nice guy and she's the most loving person I know.

fuck life and it being totally unfair.

SinJParents get distracted and they forget what it's like to be a teenager. Everyone gets so absorbed with their own worlds and their own concerns they forget about their kids.
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Old 07-31-2011, 04:18 PM   #6188
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Some guy I met once who was a friend of my sisters is now he's annoying the shit out of me.

He's been signing on everything I am on, knowing he doesn't read it was funny seeing him on goodreads.
He's been adding my friends, not HIS, but mine. I doubt he has any.. I have a feeling he's been here too.

"I've an idea. Why don't we play a little game. Let's pretend that we're human beings, and that we're actually alive. Just for a while. What do you say? Let's pretend we're human. Oh, brother, it's such a long time since I was with anyone who got enthusiastic about anything."
Jack Osborne

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Old 08-03-2011, 08:44 AM   #6189
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So I think I mentioned a few weeks ago that my mother was due for breast reconstruction surgery following a mastectomy a few years ago. It was unsuccessful and she now has the expected three-month recovery period, a lot of painful physio, and jack shit to show for it. Oh, and she risked doing this during a layoff period at work because she wanted it so badly. Fucking stellar.

After the obvious bad couple of days, she's doing okay, and has been amazingly positive all things considered. But something happened to her in the hospital that I can't get out of my head. When she awoke in recovery after they tried to fix the problem, two nurses were talking over her. They ignored her. She asked them if the op had worked. They ignored her and continued their conversation. She asked again and they ignored her again. She was in tears by this point, for all the fuck they gave, and was so disoriented by the anaesthetic that she actually thought they couldn't see her because she was fucking dead. By the time she had started sobbing hard enough that they couldn't continue their conversation over her, one of them snapped at her to be quiet, then returned to chatting over her. THAT WAS IT.

It's been four days now and I still get angry enough to make me shake when I think about that too long. My mum doesn't want to take it any further, and I can understand that she doesn't have the will for it at the moment. But I fucking hate the thought of those people still being the first faces many people just out of theatre from major surgery see, and it kills me that there's nothing anyone can do unless my mother is prepared to make a complaint (I checked - I was pretty much ready to swing for someone when she first told me about it).

How you can look down at a sobbing, disoriented person who has just had over 20 hours of unsuccessful major surgery in 2 days and treat them that way is fucking beyond me. Bastard cunts from hell. I hope they have a fucking car-crash and wake up deformed, which is how my mum feels right now, to someone who treats THEM in exactly the same way.
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Old 08-04-2011, 06:14 AM   #6190
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Originally Posted by Geoluhread View Post
Some guy I met once who was a friend of my sisters is now he's annoying the shit out of me.

He's been signing on everything I am on, knowing he doesn't read it was funny seeing him on goodreads.
He's been adding my friends, not HIS, but mine. I doubt he has any.. I have a feeling he's been here too.

Show his face to the nearest homeless uppercut. :3
Woke up with fifty enemies plottin' my death
All fifty seein' visions of me shot in the chest
Couldn't rest, nah nigga I was stressed
Had me creepin' 'round corners, homie sleepin' in my vest.

-Breathin, Tupac.
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Old 08-04-2011, 06:20 AM   #6191
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CT, I'm so sorry to hear your mom was cared for by such cold, heartless bitches. There probably is a process whereby you can register a complaint, but I have no idea if it would do any good.


I landed a new job as the manager of a store selling cellular phones and service in late June and started training on July 5th. I actually started working in my new store on July 13th, so I've been there all of 3 weeks.

The store opened in October of last year, and has been severely under-performing that whole time and losing money. When I was hired, I was given the choice of two stores to pick from, one that was doing okay and could make me a little money in the short-term, and this struggling store.

I chose the struggling store, because even though it is under-performing, it is in the heart of the business district and has tremendous possibilities. I chose it because the potential payout to me in the long run could be outstanding, and because the challenge was appealing to me; I've done well building businesses that were struggling to find a customer base like this in the past.

Even though it wasn't going to pay as much in the short-term, the opportunity to make more money in the long term and the opportunity to show what I can really do motivated my choice.

So yesterday I got asked to get on a conference call at 3:00pm, and learned that certain struggling stores across the company nationwide had been downgraded to what they now call "C class stores." That means that the store is under-
performing way below goals, and they don't want a traditional manager in those locations. They are reducing the manpower in those stores, and asking the person who was the manager to be a "Selling Manager", which means that you sell to customers like your other co-workers, while still doing all the management things you did before ... all in 40 hours a week ... with a pay cut.

I've gone from $26,000 a year in base pay to $19,700 in base pay overnight.

And my district manager and regional manager, who were the ones who had to break this great news on the conference call, tried to highlight a silver lining on this ugly sow of a purse by saying that if you make enough commissions on your sales, and hit certain lowered goals for the store that would net a $500 a month bonus, you could potentially make more money.

Ha! All I know is I went from $26,000 guaranteed to $19,700 guaranteed, and now have to work harder to do the same things in less time (I was putting in over 60 hours a week), because the base pay is now actually $9.50 an hour, and they want you to work only 40 hours a week as they don't want to pay overtime.


Needless to say, I updated my frickin' resume last night when I got home, and I am applying for a ton of jobs.

If I had chosen the easier store, this wouldn't have happened. Fuck!
Lead me not into temptation ... follow me, I know a shortcut!

As the poets have mournfully sung,
death takes the innocent young,
the rolling in money,
the screamingly funny,
and those who are very well hung.

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Old 08-04-2011, 06:37 AM   #6192
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Better then not having a job at all, right? I wouldn't worry about it so much. It could be worse. There's a guy in my platoon who got shot in the face a couple weeks ago and came back to work a few days later. He works more hours then you do, and makes less a year then you do.

Just a little perspective.
Woke up with fifty enemies plottin' my death
All fifty seein' visions of me shot in the chest
Couldn't rest, nah nigga I was stressed
Had me creepin' 'round corners, homie sleepin' in my vest.

-Breathin, Tupac.
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Old 08-04-2011, 07:29 AM   #6193
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That sucks, Cuckoo. If I were you, I'd still write an angry letter - there may not be much they can do from an actual disciplinary point of view without your mom's testimony, but I'm pretty sure you can at least get their superior to tear them a new one, even if it's in an unofficial capacity. And it'd help you get some of that rage off your chest. I can't imagine the hulk-out if that happened to any of my family - you might find it does you good to unload it on someone who can actually bitch those assholes out.

Hope your mom's doing okay, and I'm really sorry she went through all that for nothing. PM me if there's anything I can do, even if it's just shooting the shit - I'm guessing you'll still be holed up at her place for a while since the recovery period hasn't changed.
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Old 08-04-2011, 12:14 PM   #6194
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Cuckoo, I am so sorry that happend to your mother! I would definately say something to whoever heads the area she was in. Those people deserve to be fired for that. Really.

The only thing i can bitch about right now is how I didn't win the skirt I wanted off Ebay. Oh well.
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Old 08-04-2011, 01:06 PM   #6195
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Ben how long much would the store have to increase its performance in order to no longer be classified as "C class"? You wanted a chance to really show what you can do and improve the store and it looks like you've got you work cut out for you. Alternatively you could go work at a putt-putt course, I remember you saying that you thought it would be cool to work at a putt-putt place but that it wasn't really something you could do cuz the pay was so low but most of the ones that I know of start paying about what you are getting paid now.
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Old 08-04-2011, 06:46 PM   #6196
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Originally Posted by CuckooTuli View Post
So I think I mentioned a few weeks ago that my mother was due for breast reconstruction surgery following a mastectomy a few years ago. It was unsuccessful and she now has the expected three-month recovery period, a lot of painful physio, and jack shit to show for it. Oh, and she risked doing this during a layoff period at work because she wanted it so badly. Fucking stellar.

After the obvious bad couple of days, she's doing okay, and has been amazingly positive all things considered. But something happened to her in the hospital that I can't get out of my head. When she awoke in recovery after they tried to fix the problem, two nurses were talking over her. They ignored her. She asked them if the op had worked. They ignored her and continued their conversation. She asked again and they ignored her again. She was in tears by this point, for all the fuck they gave, and was so disoriented by the anaesthetic that she actually thought they couldn't see her because she was fucking dead. By the time she had started sobbing hard enough that they couldn't continue their conversation over her, one of them snapped at her to be quiet, then returned to chatting over her. THAT WAS IT.

It's been four days now and I still get angry enough to make me shake when I think about that too long. My mum doesn't want to take it any further, and I can understand that she doesn't have the will for it at the moment. But I fucking hate the thought of those people still being the first faces many people just out of theatre from major surgery see, and it kills me that there's nothing anyone can do unless my mother is prepared to make a complaint (I checked - I was pretty much ready to swing for someone when she first told me about it).

How you can look down at a sobbing, disoriented person who has just had over 20 hours of unsuccessful major surgery in 2 days and treat them that way is fucking beyond me. Bastard cunts from hell. I hope they have a fucking car-crash and wake up deformed, which is how my mum feels right now, to someone who treats THEM in exactly the same way.
You should complain. That kind of behavior is considered a HUGE no no for nurses, they're trained for bedside manner.

Wishing your mom a speedy recovery! I'm sorry it didn't work out, was this a one shot thing or would they be able to try again in the future?
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Old 08-05-2011, 03:22 PM   #6197
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Originally Posted by Versus View Post
Show his face to the nearest homeless uppercut. :3
I blocked his ass. I doubt that anyone would've helped in this man-is-always-right society.

@CuckooTuli, I'm sorry to hear that your mother had to go through such hard time, wishing her a fast recovery =)
"I've an idea. Why don't we play a little game. Let's pretend that we're human beings, and that we're actually alive. Just for a while. What do you say? Let's pretend we're human. Oh, brother, it's such a long time since I was with anyone who got enthusiastic about anything."
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Old 08-06-2011, 12:22 AM   #6198
Angelic Dissonance2
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Has anyone seen that article on the 'monkeysphere'?

Never more appropriate than here.
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Old 08-06-2011, 05:10 AM   #6199
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Originally Posted by Saya View Post
You should complain. That kind of behavior is considered a HUGE no no for nurses, they're trained for bedside manner.

Wishing your mom a speedy recovery! I'm sorry it didn't work out, was this a one shot thing or would they be able to try again in the future?
I'm not too sure to be honest - they've refused to even discuss her options until she's a little better, which concerns me - I would think that if there's any reassurance to be had, now would DEFINITELY be the time for it, but then again I really don't know enough to jump the gun. My main worry would be that they still don't know why it failed, and until they do, I would be VERY uncomfortable with her going through such major surgery again at the age of 55. However, it's not up to me, and she's already told us that she would be prepared to try again as many times as they're willing to keep doing it. I guess we'll see where we are and what they advise in a couple of months. The other option would be an implant, but that would only last 10 years, and obviously she doesn't want to be going under for a replacement in her 60s.

Thanks for the well-wishes, guys. I think I'll write a bitchy letter asking them not to contact my mother about this - which means no official disciplinary action, but as Apathy said, at the very least they might get an arse-reaming from their boss. Dickholes.
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Old 08-06-2011, 06:29 PM   #6200
Ben Lahnger
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Originally Posted by Versus View Post
Better then not having a job at all, right? I wouldn't worry about it so much. It could be worse. There's a guy in my platoon who got shot in the face a couple weeks ago and came back to work a few days later. He works more hours then you do, and makes less a year then you do.

Just a little perspective.
Um, well I was working 65 hours a week, but he lives his job. On the other hand, he's still getting exactly what he was offered the day he signed up for that job. Less than one month after I signed up for my job, I'm not.

That "it's better than not having a job" comment doesn't work when $26k a year was going to let me get just a little bit ahead each payday, and the new $19.7k a year means I'm probably going to end up defaulting on the title loan on my car in short order. And once they come repo my car, I'll lose the job because I can't get to it any more.

My best window of opportunity to survive intact is to get a different job in the next two weeks.

Thanks for the perspective.
Lead me not into temptation ... follow me, I know a shortcut!

As the poets have mournfully sung,
death takes the innocent young,
the rolling in money,
the screamingly funny,
and those who are very well hung.

Your days are numbered - 26,280 per person on average - 2,000,000,000 heartbeats ... tick, tick, tick
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