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Old 01-30-2011, 11:38 AM   #26
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Bahahahaha. I'm getting a real kick out of this.
All pleasure is relief from tension. - William S. Burroughs

Witches have no wit, said the magician who was weak.
Hula, hula, said the witches. - Norman Mailer
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Old 01-30-2011, 11:51 AM   #27
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This is honestly some of the most fun I've had writing in a long time. I'm actually losing time for other projects because I just want to keep telling this story.
Originally Posted by KontanKarite
I promote radical change through my actions.
Originally Posted by Ben Lahnger
I have chugged more than ten epic boners.
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Old 01-30-2011, 03:12 PM   #28
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God damn it I love this. Hey, Desp... if we ever do collaborative stories, we should call ourselves the Sugar Hill Bros.
No Gods. No Kings.

Not all beliefs and ideas are equal.
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Old 01-30-2011, 08:33 PM   #29
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Next Scene:

[INT- a small-town diner. SAM and DEAN are seated across from BRENT, JOSH, and MELANIE. BRENT and JOSH are currently “Worfing” down blueberry pancakes. SAM and DEAN are watching them with a certain level of confusion, incredulity, and just a bit of involuntary awe.]

BRENT: (Between bites) You guys want to get in on this?

DEAN: No. Thanks, I’m happy with my coffee.

[SAM shakes his head]

JOSH: Oh sweet Jesus, Shit, God-Damn these pancakes are GOOD.

[A waitress walks by, a little offended]

JOSH: Yeah, you heard me sweet cheeks, no sense denying it…I’m calling it right here: BEST MOTHERFUCKIN’ PANCAKES IN EXISTANCE KILL-ME-NOW.

DEAN: So, you’re tracking a Wampus Cat?

[BRENT Nods]

JOSH: Tracking some pancakes right now. (To Melanie) You gonna eat your bacon?

[MELANIE shakes her head]

JOSH: YOINK! [Grabs the bacon and stuffs it into his mouth]

BRENT: You familiar with them?

DEAN: I’ve heard things.

SAM: Bits and pieces. Legends mostly.

BRENT: The Cherokee called it Ewah. It’s supposed to be some sort of cat demon, or skinwalker, or ghost of a cat demon…I don’t know, it’s not clear. The thing haunts the forests of the southern Appalachians.

MELANIE: Some reports have it living in tunnels under Knoxville.

BRENT: Might be a female, might walk upright.

MELANIE: Might be a witch, or a shapshifter.

SAM: Seeing it’s known to cause insanity, right?

[MELANIE nods]

DEAN: Yeah, but no hunter’s ever seen one.

JOSH: (Swallows and takes a swig of coffee) I’ve seen it.

BRENT: You don’t know that.

JOSH: (Getting serious, this is painful for him) I know what I saw. I was ten years old. Huntin’ for crawfish. Big black cat. Big as a man, maybe bigger, eyes like, like you wouldn’t believe…(Creepy music is now playing) Like a panther, misplaced and overgrown…and a scream, a hungry scream that rent the Appalachian air, in those old Kentucky woods…and I…goddammit I RAN. I ran through the cuts and the scrapes and the blood. I ran like the hounds of hell were on my path…I ran like my life depended on it. I was a boy (wiping his eyes) and now I’m a man, and now…now, maybe it’s time…after all these years maybe it’s finally time…for redemption.

[Pause. He takes a bite of pancake.]

SAM: (Tenderly) What happened?

JOSH: Huh? (Swallows) Oh the cat? Nothin’, I ran home and got a hotdog at my Grandmas.

BRENT: I’m telling you, it probably wasn’t that big.

JOSH: I’m telling you, it was huge, black (Pauses and looks at Melanie flatly) Cat.

[DEAN facepalms]

DEAN: So…not to bring up painful memories but, why did you two get into the business again?

BRENT: Hunting?

JOSH: (At the same time) Ghostbusting?

DEAN: Yeah.

BRENT: (Takes a bite and chews) For the lulz.

[JOSH nods]

JOSH: Besides, it’s totally awesome.

[DEAN snorts, nearly spitting out his coffee]

BRENT: Whoa, you okay guy?

[DEAN is still coughing]

SAM: I think you surprised—

DEAN: I’m fine. (Choosing his words carefully) So, let me get this straight, you two are telling me that you hunt—

JOSH: Ghostbust.

DEAN: (Slight pause) You face this horror every day, day in, and day out you make your lives about tracking and killing, supernatural horror, and the reason you do it, the reason that keeps you going, that get’s you through the nights...IS SHITS AND GIGGLES?!

BRENT: Pretty Much…

JOSH: Why do you do it?

[DEAN can’t take it anymore, he stands up. His phone goes off.]

DEAN: Excuse me…Gotta take this.

[DEAN exits]

JOSH: Who pissed in his Cheerios?

[Everyone looks at SAM, you can tell he wants to say something, but SAM just shrugs]

[CUT TO DEAN, outside. He answers the phone]

DEAN: (Angrily) Yeah Bobby?

BOBBY: Whoa, cool your jets boy. I’m doing you a favor.

DEAN: Sorry, it’s just…nothing. What have you got?

BOBBY: It checks out.

[Cut to SAM and the Gang, back in the diner]

SAM: I mean, you’ve gotta understand…Have you guys ever lost anything to these monsters?

JOSH: Oh yeah, tons of stuff.

BRENT: Mostly blood.

[Cut back to DEAN]

DEAN: Dammit!

BOBBY: (Firmly) Exsanguinator numero uno, the monster humanity’s been running from, and hunters have been trying to gank since the beginning of time is DEAD Dean. I don’t care how you slice it: that’s good news all around.

DEAN: Sorry, sorry, I know…it’s just—

BOBBY: I don’t care what it is, get your priorities straight.

DEAN: Right…sorry Bobby.

BOBBY: Anyway, Charlie Grey Fox found the well, right where they said he would be. It was surrounded by the bodies of half a dozen vamps, (checks his notes) including one wearing a cape and…(mispronouncing) a Bow-Hoss shirt. The Alpha was at the bottom, at least what was left of him. Apparently granddaddy bloodsucker ran afoul of a sharpened bit of grating about halfway through a fifty foot plunge: head was sliced clean off.

DEAN: Really? That’s a one in a million chance.

BOBBY: Damn skippy it is; and you may want to sit down for what I’m about to tell you next—

[Cut back to the diner]

SAM: I mean, has either one of you really ever lost anyone to these things, like a girlfriend or a mother?

JOSH: (Shocked and Concerned) What?

BRENT: (Ditto) Oh God no.

JOSH: That’s terrible.

BRENT: Do you guys know anyone that that’s happened to?

JOSH: ‘Cause we can help with that.

BRENT: It’s sorta what we do.

JOSH: We’re Ghostbusters.

[Cut back to Dean and Bobby]

BOBBY: I did some digging on Brent and Josh, in light of the circumstances…something’s not right Dean.

DEAN: What do you mean?

BOBBY: You remember I mentioned that trail of bodies? The first time we spoke my contact neglected to mention that most of ‘em don’t look so much like they’ve been ganked as stomped on, set on fire, and straight blowed up–all at the same time.

DEAN: So what does that mean? Are these guys are some kind of ultra-brutal hunter versions of Jeffry Dahmer?

BOBBY: I don’t know what it means at this point, other than these are not normal killings. I’m gonna do more digging. Until we know more, you just keep an eye on them and your wits about you.

DEAN: Will do Bobby, thanks.

BOBBY: I’ll let you know what I find. (Dean hangs up)

[Cut to DEAN entering the café.]

BRENT:...But no, we aint had any of that shit go down yet.

MELAINE: I guess we’re just lucky.

JOSH: Bullshit, we’re just that good (puts on his glasses).

DEAN: So, guys, just spoke with Bobby. Kill confirmed, alpha’s never coming out of that well.

JOSH: Told ya’

DEAN: That you did…anyway, in light of circumstances…we got nothing to do, and you guys are hunting that…

BRENT: Wampus Cat.

DEAN: Right…Mind if we tag along?

BRENT: Uhh, hold on. (The three turn and whisper to each other conspiratorily)

[SAM looks at DEAN questioningly, DEAN waves him away.]

BRENT: (Turning back around) We have given the proposal due consideration and, though we DO consider ourselves a pack of lone wolves—

JOSH: (cutting him off) Shit yeah.

BRENT: Dude, I was doing a thing.

JOSH: Yeah, but your thing was boring.

BRENT: Yeah, but still—

DEAN: Great. Well, shall we all find a motel and set up base camp? Reconvene at oh, say, 18:00 hours?

[The three look at each other]

BRENT: Works for me. (Stands up and offers his hand) Good to be working with you guys.

[Sam and DEAN shake it. JOSH walks up and DEAN holds out his hand, JOSH shakes his head and hugs Dean firmly, then hugs SAM, it is clear that the boys are uncomfortable. JOSH lets it linger, then releases them and pats SAM on the chest.]

JOSH: Right there bro. Right there.

[DEAN turns to MELANIE and nonverbally asks for a hug, she shakes her head and gives them both a handshake. Everyone exits, end of scene.]
Originally Posted by KontanKarite
I promote radical change through my actions.
Originally Posted by Ben Lahnger
I have chugged more than ten epic boners.
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Old 08-29-2011, 09:24 AM   #30
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just so people know, I have a few other things to get done, and then I will be finishing this story shortly. Stay tuned.
Originally Posted by KontanKarite
I promote radical change through my actions.
Originally Posted by Ben Lahnger
I have chugged more than ten epic boners.
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Old 08-30-2011, 05:19 AM   #31
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Between this and Goku, there appears to have been a fanfiction resurgence.

This pleases me.
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Old 09-10-2011, 10:17 PM   #32
Spooky Spencer
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I wanna see how he works "The Lord thy Castiel" into this.
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