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Old 05-17-2004, 11:08 AM   #951
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Originally Posted by Maimy
If it helps, Coma, you played all of us for fools for a long time there ... so you're not alone ...
I have merely two words in response to that Maims..

No and Shit..

In that order, yes..

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Old 05-17-2004, 11:12 AM   #952
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I want it understood, at least by our illustrious Coma/Priest - there's no animosity in my posting that. It just popped into my head.
""Honestly, I have a hard enough time dealing with my loins, are you telling me my ass has designs on my future as well?"
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Old 05-17-2004, 11:46 AM   #953
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In that same vein..

My post was absolutely CHOCK FULL O' ANIMOSITY..

Jam packed..

Brimming over with it even..

I almost had to create a second post to be able to fit all of the aforementioned animosity on one screen..

Now here's Bob with the weather...

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Old 05-17-2004, 01:47 PM   #954
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Originally Posted by Maimy
If it helps, Coma, you played all of us for fools for a long time there ... so you're not alone ...
OTFW. My wife. I have shouted to the stars and the moon what my feelings are. All I will say in public is that I am so very sorry for everything I have done. I am so very sorry.

What some people fail to understand(not a shot at you Maimy) is that I am acutely aware of what I have worught. Painfully aware of everything. Disgustingly conscious of it all and I have tried to keep all of that in mind when dealing with those here that still count me amung their friends and cohorts. No worries and no foul , Maimy. I knew and I was aware and I was greatful for those that prefer I stay than go.

Empty, I should be a lot of things...and I could say a lot of things but I will tell you that same thing that I have been saying from last Tuesday until the last time we talked. I wish you all the happiness in life and all the wealth and love that you deserve. You are a wonderful woman that has had a hard life. You deserve so much out of life and I hope you find it all. Take care of yourself.
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Old 05-17-2004, 01:58 PM   #955
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Originally Posted by comatoast
Originally Posted by Maimy
If it helps, Coma, you played all of us for fools for a long time there ... so you're not alone ...
Empty, I should be a lot of things...and I could say a lot of things but I will tell you that same thing that I have been saying from last Tuesday until the last time we talked. I wish you all the happiness in life and all the wealth and love that you deserve. You are a wonderful woman that has had a hard life. You deserve so much out of life and I hope you find it all. Take care of yourself.
Oh man..

Okay everyone take three GIANT steps back away from your monitors before the Lightning gets all of us..Now what would really be cool and a real turn on for the chics is if your nose got BIGGER everytime you told a lie..Which would mean there would ALWAYS be a nice game of Sit n Spin going.

Now I'd pay good money to see that..


aww good times...

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Old 05-17-2004, 02:18 PM   #956
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(^^^ sit'n'spin)


i could let this get really ugly. i mean, c'mon, now.....

ya know....

"complete super cunt" that i am & all.

i WOULD like the record to reflect that, YET AGAIN, i....ME......"the wife".....was an afterthought. (for those of you playing along at home, the first part of toastedpriest's response re: me wasn't there originally. he snuck the edit in just under the wire before stars' post came up. lovely, ain't it??) i've said to you before.....


timing is everyfuckingthing.
hate is just a special kind of love we give to people who suck.
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Old 05-17-2004, 02:31 PM   #957
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*sigh* I can't win. I can;t get you to talk to me and I can't seem to get anything else right..I can't win...

I am sorry. :cry:
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Old 05-17-2004, 02:34 PM   #958
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Originally Posted by Empty_Purple_Stars
Originally Posted by comatoast
Originally Posted by Maimy
If it helps, Coma, you played all of us for fools for a long time there ... so you're not alone ...
Empty, I should be a lot of things...and I could say a lot of things but I will tell you that same thing that I have been saying from last Tuesday until the last time we talked. I wish you all the happiness in life and all the wealth and love that you deserve. You are a wonderful woman that has had a hard life. You deserve so much out of life and I hope you find it all. Take care of yourself.
Oh man..

Okay everyone take three GIANT steps back away from your monitors before the Lightning gets all of us..Now what would really be cool and a real turn on for the chics is if your nose got BIGGER everytime you told a lie..Which would mean there would ALWAYS be a nice game of Sit n Spin going.

Now I'd pay good money to see that..


aww good times...

:wink: win. If taht's what you win..I have ruined and broke win
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Old 05-17-2004, 02:50 PM   #959
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I did NOT mean to get myself into this group shot, but ...

Hi. I'll be the cheerleader in the front with the pompoms in front of me.

The grin? It ain't real, folks.


Coma, love, you are an interesting sort. I always thought so. I never knew Priest, so am hard put for comparison. That guy left the boards around the time I came along. So I didn't know him, except to hear bits and scraps about this guy two women here had, ah, dealt with in some dramatic ways or other.

Then Comatoast showed up, and hell, the name just cracked me up. We got along. I thought he was neat.

You'll notice I don't refer to any of these personae as "you", eh?

Because, when I found out that one was the other, and that Comatoast had never honestly existed as a separate entity - I'll admit this for all the world, I felt like I was short one skirt in a classroom in 1976. Naked as in the dreams you have about being bereft of clothing.



Pointless to take ANYTHING online personally?


But, in all technical truth, I'd been lied to. No malice in that - not towards me.

But for you to come in as a stranger, enjoying your clean slate?

Well, dude, not for nothing, but ... what could you possibly have been expecting? I have this feeling that 'happily ever after' was one possible denoument you had in mind. It's impossible to imagine anyone playing such a role without some idea that it'd work out in the end.

And I'm struck that, all the while, both EPS and OTFW were going into threads like "What makes you totally, mindlessly weak" and BOTH of them posted "truth" over and over. "Honesty". Often.

Dude, you had to see all that.

Yet you kept feeding us Comatoast.

Which is fine, and I get it.

But ... to ask those you profess to be closest to - women who have both, separately and together, named HONESTY and TRUTH as their greatests hopes in life - to not notice that?

I don't wanna go all Oprah on you, man, but - that is unrealistic at its most innocuous.

Leaving out that you lied to an entire message board full of people and not one of us has called you out for it ...

Leaving out that we almost LOST EPS over this, and I think it was touch-and-go with OTFW at one point ...


What could you have been thinking?

That is asked in all seriousness.

Because you aren't dumb enough to get away with expecting me to think that you had no clue about CONSEQUENCES.


And now, to go pose for a less populated picture and try to take myself out of this one ...
""Honestly, I have a hard enough time dealing with my loins, are you telling me my ass has designs on my future as well?"
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Old 05-17-2004, 03:00 PM   #960
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Yknow I won't bore everyone with the details..

But you know the way you treated ALL parties involved was disgusting and despicable.

Ruined and Broke You huh?

That is truly priceless even coming from you..

It is the REST of US that were RUINED and BROKEN by YOU far too fucking long.And we're done..Finished..Bored with it..

It's Tedious...

Everyone wanted to believe you had a SHRED of decency left inside your black little heart, and once again you have done a remarkable job of proving that isn't possible in this lifetime.

*fucking sigh*

Now heres Mark with Sports...

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Old 05-17-2004, 04:04 PM   #961
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Whatever you say Empty..whatever you say. Like I won.

good bye
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Old 05-17-2004, 05:06 PM   #962
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i'm going to say this once & only once, and then that will be the last space i will waste on this particular segment of damnation.....

and i want this to be ABUNDANTLY clear:

you follow me??

wasn't all that long ago that I "won".

now, SHE'S "won".

tell me.......WHERE is this mythical fucking prize?!?!?!

tell me, 'cause i sure the fuck don't see it.

draw me a fucking map with a big, red X....

hand me a fucking diagram.....

hell, send over a GD seeing eyedog!!!!


you want to "prove" something to me, her, God & everybody else???

STOP sounding like a broken fucking record, GET some new material, and for FUCK'S SAKE, STOP BLAMING EVERYFUCKINGTHING ON EVERYBODY ELSE!!!!

i'm TIRED of it.

it's old. it's predictable. it's passe'.


you want me to make a fucking decision??? do you REALLY want me to do that after ALL the shit of the last week??!?!?!


here it is:

take your refund and go see mr. fleming. i will NOT be bullied into ANYFUCKINGTHING. i will not be toyed with for your amusement. there ARE limits, believe it or not, to the bullshit from you up with which i will put!!!

HAPPY NOW?!?!?!?

and i swear to my God and on all that i hold dear, do us ALL a fucking favor and strike the words "you won" and "i don't know what you're talking about/what are you talking about/or ANY variation" from your vocabulary for the REST of eternity and remove the W, T, and F keys from your CURRENT keyboard and any FUTURE keyboards you might acquire.

and if ANYBODY says ONE FUCKING WORD akin to me posting this on the wrong thread, so help me, i WILL personally hunt you down and stomp a fucking mudhole in your ass.

hate is just a special kind of love we give to people who suck.
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Old 05-17-2004, 05:12 PM   #963
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Yoiks. Okay ... Priest Toasties, you PM'd me to say you were sorry to drag me in, and that what you said to me there was the last you'd have *to* say - so I'll take your word for it and pretend you're not lurking here.

Oh. Wait. Obviously I won't.

That last post? Little bit drama queenish.

Write that off to my 'taking sides', I'm sure it'll be pretty easy. Especially given my deteriorating ability to show respect for you.


Time to take everyone to task; yes, even myself for getting into this at all.

My first asinine post really was not antagonistic. Guess I'm losing my patience for the drama. See, because this little soap opera involves a living, breathing kid. I don't care about you, Coma - or even OTFW - in comparison to y'all's child. If you two will air all this out in front of relative strangers - if you, Coma, are so stunted in your ability to sense the course your actions could take in something as rarified as a message board - then what on EARTH does your child witness? What decisions do you make in the "real world"?

Okay. Editing now. I have to note that, when I was writing, OTFW's post wasn't showing yet. Do I have to note also that it sort of exemplifies what I was trying to be diplomatic about below ... ?

This is why I asked you what you expected, above.

No - neither of you gets to tell me you don't let this stuff leak there. You're lying to yourselves worse than Coma ever lied in here, if either one of you believes that you protect your little one. Don't expect us to swallow that either.

Yeah ... see italicized comment above, there.


Yes, OTFW, I dig you like a double wide grave. But this is all hard to witness - and I don't even *really* know you. What it must be like for the rugrat, I shudder to imagine frankly. If I can sense your anger electronically and from hundreds of miles away ... *Sigh*

Fucking A. Irony, thy name is dysfractionation (posting when someone you're posting to is doing the same). *Sigh*

This should not be internet entertainment, but y'all have handed it over like so much dirty laundry.

And it is NOT entertaining now.

The fact that there's real PAIN here is the one thing preventing me from getting exhasperated at both of you and going off like EPS did when she created the rant thread.

There seems, somehow, less preventative now.


Comatoast/Priest -

You have written yourself as a tragic hero in your own life. Great. You are your own personal Mary Sue. What's a Mary Sue? "What is a Mary Sue? Mary Sues are hopelessly idealized characters who exists primarily as a projection of the writer's ego and fantasies. They serve a psychological need: they make their creators happy." Gifted ... well informed ... sensitive ... special ... Go take a look at what I mean: (the review from December 16).

You weren't so bad at first - you were trying pretty hard to create a character. But then you posted about your own long-haired beauty ... you got caught, and maneuvered for pity ... and now you want to leave with a flounce, hoping you'll be begged to stay.

Mary Sue.

How do I judge this so coldly? Hi, my name is Maria Suzette. It's all I can do to disguise the Mary-Sue-ity in my own tendencies. Oh, wait - I don't disguise it; I suck utterly at dissembling. Surely everyone recognizes that. Difference is, Coma? I recognize it too. In your case, though, plentiful admissions of your own disgust with yourself lose the ring of truth given that you created Comatoast anyway.

Okay. And OTFW.

Girl, you haven't lied to anybody. But I sense that you'd be happy to be allowed some punishment. And I get that. Your responses have smoothed out since this hit the fan. Maybe your voice softening at Coma was a real softening, and you're past some of the anger. But you're not quite done, so deal with that while everyone waits for Coma to do his own dealing.

I almost want to laugh at this now. Damn.


I'm just as disgusted with myself for dragging MYSELF into this as everyone else must be - but I figure, y'all have already broadcast the trouble here ... and I have lived the drama. My advice isn't useless.

Then again, maybe it is after all.

I tend to paint a picture of myself (and kog3100) as a pretty hoopy frood with a general knowledge of towels here. Guilty. But I have had to absorb spills, and I know what works best on the mess.

But my drama's another post. Or it's another blog. I'd like not to be the issue, so am not quite at the point of handing over my own dirty pants.

Sucking things up gets them off the counters, kids. Get your spills under control. Because y'all know as well as I do, it's not you who'll slip and hurt yourselves.

At least, not the WORST.


By the way: Coma? You never answered my question.
""Honestly, I have a hard enough time dealing with my loins, are you telling me my ass has designs on my future as well?"
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Old 05-17-2004, 06:44 PM   #964
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Originally Posted by TStone
If train A is traveling from Chicago on a westerly route, and Train B is stalled on the tracks in Train A’s path, how much carnage would ensue if Train A was traveling at a constant 100mph and Train B hauling a full cargo of trinitrotoluene?

TNT, we know drama.
That really all depends on the number of Liters of Blood in each passenger on each train. Total devastation is impossible to calculate without this information..

Suffice it to say:

Much Carnage, Big Fucking Hole..

The End..

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Old 05-17-2004, 09:45 PM   #965
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damn, the shit you miss when you have to work all day and then return to renovate your house. and on that note.... my room is finally finished... to avoid having to spend another week painting the red wall i got a little inventive with my room, painted the whole gawd damn thing black and then put a coat of red over one black wall. if anyone has ever painted anything red you will understand what a huge pain in the ass it is. the final colour is worth it but for some damn reason red goes on really thin so it took five coats in my room mates room and seriously, it could use another coat. anyways the effect in my room worked out great. the red coat dried really thin so you can se the black underneath so it actually looks like oxygen-starved blood before it dries (the blood that is not the paint). i didnt know this was going to happen but i was fucking thrilled when it did. :twisted: got the bed frame painted yesterday but i left it on the cardboard and it kinda got some odd spots so i had to stand the head and foot boards up and respray a few spots so i can set it up tomorrow. this ofcourse means i get to move out of the office and back into my room tomorrow. yay for me. this is the first time in my life i have ever had a bed frame... its gonna be odd not sleeping on the floor.
anyways... time to curl up in my bed on the floor for the last time. now all i gotta do is find someone to share the thing with me :twisted: . that'll have to wait till i get back from vic though. have a nice night everyone.
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Old 05-18-2004, 08:41 PM   #966
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Bloody hell class is a bore
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Old 05-18-2004, 11:11 PM   #967
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Originally Posted by Daz
damn, the shit you miss when you have to work all day and then return to renovate your house. and on that note.... my room is finally finished... to avoid having to spend another week painting the red wall i got a little inventive with my room, painted the whole gawd damn thing black and then put a coat of red over one black wall. if anyone has ever painted anything red you will understand what a huge pain in the ass it is. the final colour is worth it but for some damn reason red goes on really thin so it took five coats in my room mates room and seriously, it could use another coat. anyways the effect in my room worked out great. the red coat dried really thin so you can se the black underneath so it actually looks like oxygen-starved blood before it dries (the blood that is not the paint). i didnt know this was going to happen but i was fucking thrilled when it did. :twisted: got the bed frame painted yesterday but i left it on the cardboard and it kinda got some odd spots so i had to stand the head and foot boards up and respray a few spots so i can set it up tomorrow. this ofcourse means i get to move out of the office and back into my room tomorrow. yay for me. this is the first time in my life i have ever had a bed frame... its gonna be odd not sleeping on the floor.
anyways... time to curl up in my bed on the floor for the last time. now all i gotta do is find someone to share the thing with me :twisted: . that'll have to wait till i get back from vic though. have a nice night everyone.
I would share it with :twisted: if I weren't on the other side of the planet right now.


I really wanna see your bedroom color.
The future is a nasty creature that needs the shit kicked out of it, Before settling into an acceptable pattern.
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Old 05-19-2004, 08:46 PM   #968
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hehe, well as requested here is the colour of the room. its not a great picture but its also not a great digital camera. but i have one which makes doing this a lot easier :twisted: . figured i'd toss in a pic of the snakes while i was posting.. hehehe i love those guys. Willow is the lighter one on top, the other is her brother Cypress.
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Old 05-19-2004, 09:03 PM   #969
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Real Pretty Daz. I can feel the coziness all the way here. :P
The future is a nasty creature that needs the shit kicked out of it, Before settling into an acceptable pattern.
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Old 05-20-2004, 09:42 AM   #970
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OK well it must be 5:00 PM somewhere, I need a drink..

I just pulled a Five and a Half Foot Water Moccasin out from under my mother's brand new Volvo.

Here's my morning so far:

I'm on my way back from dropping my son off at school when I get a frantic phone call from my mom.

There was a FIVE FOOT Water Moccasin by the back door in her garage. Now my mom is fom Louisiana, Land of Angry Poisonous snakes, but somehow she is DEATHLY afraid of them.

Having owned many of the non-posionous variety and growing up in Texas with all of the Rattlers and Cotton Mouths and Moccasins, they don't scare me at all.

Now she has a maitenance man Ramon, who apparently is ALSO afraid of snakes.

Sooooooo, I get there.

Ramon is standing in the garage with a rake, white as a sheet.

The snake is as long as I am tall and extremely unthrilled. I get the rake from Ramon and go to scoop it up and Ramon grabs a hoe and tries to smash it in the head..


This does NOT please the snake at all.

So he slides off the rake and crawls under my moms Volvo.

*mayhem ensues*

SO they're screaming, I'm telling everyone to shut the fuck up before they scare it into the motor.

And NOW the snake is nowhere to be seen..


Sooooo I crawl under the car and this motherfucker is now wrapped around her wheel and VERY annoyed.

Now its hard to look an angry 5 foot posionous snake in the eye while under a car thats as low to the ground as her car is, but when you have three people screaming useless directions at you and aggravating said angry snake further, its a REAL challenge.

Sooooo I told everyone AGAIN to please shut the fuck up, and I waited for him to relax and re-position.

He finally straightened out a bit and turned a bit of his head towards the front of the car and before I could change my mind or let him change his I grabbed him by the back of the neck and held on for dear life.

You only get one shot at this little manuever and if you grab too low, well he turns around and bites your ass.Grab to high and well, he turns around and bites your ass.

SO I had to get it right the FIRST time.


So me and my buddy the very, very angry snake backed out from under the car, with his body flipping and coiling around my arm. Of course when we all came out from under the car EVERYONE went off screaming and running in different directions. Including the small crowd of neighbors that unbeknownst to me had gathered to watch the hilarity.

I tokk my new friend to the tree line, IGNORING all of the cries of KILL HIM and I let him go REALLY REALLY FAST and backed the fuck up.

I swear if he had a finger he would've flipped me off..

No graititude, he could've been a belt or a hatband..


Ok fuck, I have alcohol here somehwere, and after that I think I have earned a drink..Or twelve..

This episode of Wild Kingdom has been brought to you by:



Here's a pic of the friendly neighborhood Texas Water Moccasin..

No it isn't THE snake, he decided not to pose for pictures after all the fun..

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Old 05-20-2004, 06:55 PM   #971
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empty_purple_stars: ahh wheres Marlin Perkins when u need him
empty_purple_stars: sniffle
otfw: huh?
empty_purple_stars: lol read my randoness
empty_purple_stars: im gettin a drink
otfw: ahhhh
empty_purple_stars: lol
otfw: lol k
otfw: I swear if he had a finger he would've flipped me off.. lmao
empty_purple_stars: lol he was PISSED
empty_purple_stars: and i wasnt too thrilled either
empty_purple_stars: omfg
empty_purple_stars: they were ALL yelling and shouting instructions
otfw: lol
empty_purple_stars: moms like dont get bit
otfw: lmao
empty_purple_stars: but GET IT OUT
empty_purple_stars: *&*^*^&*
otfw: NO SHIT, MOM!!!
empty_purple_stars: she was afraid it could get in her car somehow
empty_purple_stars: and THEN
empty_purple_stars: ******** shows up
empty_purple_stars: and im on the ground about to crawl under the car WITH the snake
empty_purple_stars: and he says well here take these
empty_purple_stars: and hands me a pair of hedge trimmers
empty_purple_stars: WTF
otfw: lmao
empty_purple_stars: and backs off really fast
empty_purple_stars: that pussy
otfw: LMAO
empty_purple_stars: yeah
empty_purple_stars: such a man
empty_purple_stars: im like
empty_purple_stars: WHAT IN THE HELL am I supposed to do under this fucking car with these hedge trimmers???????
empty_purple_stars: he says " umm well they're sharp ! "
empty_purple_stars: omfg
empty_purple_stars: I wanted to stab him with them
otfw: maybe he wanted you to trim the shrubbery while you were down there
empty_purple_stars: lol i dont have any shrubbery down there member?
empty_purple_stars: hee
otfw: lol forgot
empty_purple_stars: so yea they ALL stood back and WATCHED after making this poor snake soooo mad in the first place
empty_purple_stars: I still cant believe Ramon beat him in the head AS SOON AS I got him on the rake
empty_purple_stars: omfg
otfw: lol
empty_purple_stars: it woulda been over right then
empty_purple_stars: But NOOO
otfw: *snrk*
empty_purple_stars: lets give a concusssion FIRST
empty_purple_stars: and see if he's friendlier
otfw: lol

(yeah, most of my side of the convo consisted of "lol" because after reading the story, then hearing the rest of it.....that was ALL i could fucking do was laugh my ass off at her AND her step-dad....well, and her mom & ramon, too. but ESPECIALLY her & her step-dad. *hee*)
hate is just a special kind of love we give to people who suck.
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Old 05-20-2004, 11:21 PM   #972
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i baked a cake.. it has strawberry topping and cream filling..
such divinity on one little plate
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Old 05-21-2004, 01:10 AM   #973
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Apparently I have had Significant Butt Reduction. I don't know if that needcs a (tm) after it or not.
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Old 05-21-2004, 05:33 AM   #974
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Originally Posted by ohthefuckwell
otfw: maybe he wanted you to trim the shrubbery while you were down there
empty_purple_stars: lol i dont have any shrubbery down there member?
Girls. Spit take of the most spectacular variety here. Thank de Lawd I am wearin' simple cotton knit.

*Wiping self down*


Sphinxy minxes.
""Honestly, I have a hard enough time dealing with my loins, are you telling me my ass has designs on my future as well?"
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Old 05-21-2004, 05:43 AM   #975
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Oh - forgot. I actually had a random question:

In what way is the fact that Jeffrey Dahmer was born on this day in 1960 "goth" history?
""Honestly, I have a hard enough time dealing with my loins, are you telling me my ass has designs on my future as well?"
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