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Old 10-05-2006, 03:07 PM   #1
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Hey guys, I was wondering if any people here have experienced weird, supernatural experiences that they wanted to share. A couple years ago, I saw and angel staring at me next to my bed, and also one time my lamp turned on even though it was unplugged. I wasn't sleepy or on medication either. Do you guys believe that supernatural events do occur or do you think they are tricks of the mind?
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Old 10-05-2006, 04:16 PM   #2
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I believe in the supernatural. I have experienced the supernatural. It wasn't freaky or anything. I find myself sensitive to death and the afterlife. Call me crazy, but I just feel like I am.
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-Zach Galifianakis
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Old 10-05-2006, 04:18 PM   #3
Godslayer Jillian
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I once willed a fly dead, does that count?
"No theory, no ready-made system, no book that has ever been written will save the world.

I cleave to no system. I am a true seeker."
-Mikhail Bakunin

Originally Posted by George Carlin
People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think.
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Old 10-05-2006, 06:22 PM   #4
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I've had some experiances with the supernatural. When I was very young I dreamed of the death of my uncle as I slept in my grandmothers bed. I woke at around 3 am. to find many of my adult family members gathered in the living room and without anyone saying a word to me I announced that he had died and he indeed had. I've had conversations with owls on more than one occasion as I was involved in shamanistic journies. I have "spirits" that watch over me, they've been there for years and I can see them at times as shadows hovering above me. I've felt them move through me at certian times in my life and they have protected me from serious harm. I don't believe them to be "angels" as much as spirit guides. One time we took a photo of one of my cousins and in the background you can see them white image of a little girl dressed in what appears to be an early American style dress. My grandfather, who was a Baptist preacher, was said to be able to make a table "walk" across the floor. I've heard stories of their house being haunted by the ghost of an indian who would pack dishes and roll up rugs and stuff like that. As an adolescnet my brothers and I would play with an antique Oujii board and the oracle would move without having any hands laid on it, I put my hands on the edges of the board and it moved on it's own and answered the questions we asked it. It was very strange.
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Old 10-05-2006, 06:39 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Godslayer Jillian
I once willed a fly dead, does that count?
That is awesome!! Did it just fall out of the air, or land quietly and just keel over?

Ever since childhood, I have been able to summon my mother (without a phone) from anywhere within 20 miles if I am in dire straits. It's not something I can just do on a whim, but if I REALLY need her and I am in serious trouble, I can close my eyes, concentrate on her, and she will either show up or call me immediately, and know I need help!
According to an article in USA Today, children from single parent homes have much better verbal skills than children from two parent homes. However, children from two parent homes are far superior at bitterly sarcastic repertoire.

I'd love to see crowds of kids running away from a greased naked guy with Jesus hair.--
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Old 10-05-2006, 07:19 PM   #6
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When I was maybe 3 or so, I awoke to see that blackest...thing Ive ever seen at the foot of my bed. It was darker than the dark, but it didnt really have a form. I screamed for my parents. When they came in, they turned on the light, checked under my bed and in my closet to help me rest, and then they turned off the light and came to kiss me goodnight again. The figure was still at the foot of my bed, and neither of them noticed it.

Ive found that I can not lie. Well, I mean, I can, but if someone asked for an alibi, and I make one up at random, it will happen. For instance, a guy was trying to ask me out once, and I finally said I would meet with him just to make him shut up. When he asked why I never showed, I told him I wrecked my car, but it wasnt my fault. Some old guy was on his cellphone not paying attention to the road. The next day, that very thing happened to my best friend.

Ive seen ghosts, Ive spoken with them, and at one time, I had the ability to project myself at will to whereever I wanted to go. I havent tried that one in a while though, so I dont know if I still can
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Old 10-06-2006, 07:44 AM   #7
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Wow, you guys have interesting experiences! Alas, I can only "sense" incoming difficult exams. Maybe the mind and supernatural are linked in some way. For example, governments (including the US, Russia and others) even carried out tests (and probably still do) involving remote viewing, psychokinesis and other concepts. I even heard that the US tried to use gifted individuals as spies during the Cold War. I wonder if some individuals can use parts of the brain that normal people can't use, if it is just tricks of the mind, or if it is completely supernatural. BTW, it was nice to hear your thoughts and experiences.
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Old 10-06-2006, 08:23 AM   #8
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I think I have a bit of a thing with a friend. We used to have lessons in the same class room, at different times from each other. At the time we hadn't spoken to each other for a few months, but we sat in exactly the same chair & had exactly the same drawings in our books, in exactly the same places...
Also whenever I plan to make a visit to her workplace, without telling her, she'll some how know that I'm coming.

Another time, me & my family drove out to some fields late at night to watch a meteorite shower. We were sat on the edge of the field, looking up at the sky, when my sister said she could hear a strange noise, like whistling. After a few moments the rest of us could hear it too. No one else was there though. Then we saw this beam of blue light swishing about quickly, far off. My father doesn't even believe in supernatural stuff, but even he was worried by it.

I've also played with a ouija board...things happened. But I can't be certain whether it was just my imagination or what.
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Old 10-06-2006, 03:48 PM   #9
Godslayer Jillian
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Originally Posted by BlackButterfly
[color=royalblue]That is awesome!! Did it just fall out of the air, or land quietly and just keel over?
It was flying around, I just willed it to die, and it began hitting itself into the wall of my closet and fell.
Did the fly commit suicide? Possibly...
Oh, but don't forget I made "The Swish"
According to me, I make a move with my right hand while closing my eyes (opened, rotate my hand ninety degrees to the right, finger by finger and close it into a loose grip fist) and I can control material events to a certain point (that fly, make the gridlock move, fanning the priest's cloak...)
I don't believe in the supernatural, but it's awesome when a limited telekinetic power seems more probable than not.
"No theory, no ready-made system, no book that has ever been written will save the world.

I cleave to no system. I am a true seeker."
-Mikhail Bakunin

Originally Posted by George Carlin
People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think.
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Old 10-06-2006, 08:30 PM   #10
Alaizabel Cray
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One time, I was really mad at my parents (I was about 8 at the time, I don't remeber what I was mad about), and when I went to take a shower later that night, I was still just fuming. I reached out to open the sliding glass doors on the shower, and just before I touched them, they both shattered. It freaked me out, small chunks of glass were flying everywhere but I managed not to get hit at all. My parents were mad at me after that because they though I had broken them on purpose by slamming the doors or something, but I know I barely touched them, if at all, before they shattered.

That's the most violent incident of the like that's happened to me. Most of the time, if I'm upset and I walk past a table, a glass or something will fall over and spill as if I bumped into the table when anyone who was watching could see that I didn't touch it at all (let alone hit it hard enough to knock things over). Oh, and I blew up the batteries in my mouse once. Again, I was really mad, and I was on the computer to distract myself, and all of a sudden I just felt this electric pulse go from my arm down into my hand and into the mouse, which then made a loud popping sound as the batteries burst. Ruined the mouse, it was full of battery acid.
He said "It's all in your head"
And I said, "So's everything," but he didn't get it
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Old 10-07-2006, 05:53 AM   #11
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I don't have anything cool like that, but I've been known to have a weird electric taste in my mouth before something bad is going to happen... Which, by the way, I hate, because it doesn't actually help me prevent whatever's going to happen but it makes me feel bad for not being able to prevent it.
A SPIDER sewed at night
Without a light
Upon an arc of white.
If ruff it was of dame
Or shroud of gnome,
Himself, himself inform.
Of immortality
His strategy
Was physiognomy.

--Emily Dickinson
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Old 10-07-2006, 06:56 AM   #12
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That's how I feel. I can sense when someone is going to die, but I can't ever do anything about it.
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Old 10-07-2006, 11:04 AM   #13
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When me & my friend were being driven into town by her parents, they began to discuss death.
Her mother said that when her grandfather died, she was the last person to speak to him before he passed away & that he kept telling her that he could see departed loved ones.

Also she mentioned that when her mother was in hospital before she passed away, her mother said she saw someone in her family, already dead, bidding her to come forth but that they said if she came any further, she wouldn't be able to get back.
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Old 10-09-2006, 04:54 AM   #14
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I have oddly mingled senses... if I see something, i can also smell it- even things on television. Music occasionally induces odd sensations. But I think it's just mild synasthesia rather than anything supernatural.
The noblest sentiment I have encountered and the most passionate political statement to stir my heart both belong to a fictional character. Why do we have no politicians as pure in their intent and determinedly joyous in their outlook as Arkady Bogdanov of Red Mars?
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Old 10-09-2006, 06:36 AM   #15
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On many occasions while driving I have gotten a very sudden sense of danger and either slam on the breaks or floor the accelerator (like a reflex), and narrowly avoid what could be a serious car crash. Thing that gets me is how I know which pedal to push without consiously knowing or seeing the danger.
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Old 10-09-2006, 07:33 AM   #16
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I think that sometimes the unconscious can take control over our conscious minds. Like in Mr. Knuckle's case, he had no idea about his actions, but those actions could have saved his life. Also the unconsious can sense several things we cannot, like in Crying Crimson Tears case of sensing immanent death. Maybe, our unconsious minds are more in tune with the supernatural. It's very weird. Anyway, nice to hear your interesting stories.
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Old 10-09-2006, 09:06 AM   #17
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Originally Posted by Delkaetre
I have oddly mingled senses... if I see something, i can also smell it- even things on television. Music occasionally induces odd sensations. But I think it's just mild synasthesia rather than anything supernatural.
It's been scientifically proven that certain sounds can cause real physical sensation/reaction. Ever get a shiver down your spine when listening to a certain piece of music? Other frequencies can cause you to feel headached, nauseous, confused, even peaceful and calm. Certain electromagnetic signals have also been linked to feelings of unease, for example the feeling that you're being watched, or that you sense there's an evil spirit present. Hi-tech haunted houses make great use of these things for scaring their guests. (I really wish I could find the articles that I'd read about this, I think they were a couple of years ago in the New Scientist)
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Old 10-09-2006, 03:12 PM   #18
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The visual/scent link isn't a proven one, except in cases of synaethesia (there are 9 people in the world with very strong synaethesia, to the degree that they cannot differentiate their senses- but plenty more with a weak version). The sound/physical link is a strong one, as the frequencies and sounds do affect the brain to varying degrees.
As things are, I get an incredible pain in the side of my head when I pass through Liverpool Street Station due to the frequency of so many screens of so many types.
Supernatural wise? All I have is a sense of things to come- not enough to bet on horses, but enough to see what will happen to all people. I'm almost never suprised, and always accurately predict the course of any interaction in the flesh. I think it's just an ability to judge people.
The noblest sentiment I have encountered and the most passionate political statement to stir my heart both belong to a fictional character. Why do we have no politicians as pure in their intent and determinedly joyous in their outlook as Arkady Bogdanov of Red Mars?
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Old 10-09-2006, 06:29 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Kieranasa
When I was maybe 3 or so, I awoke to see that blackest...thing Ive ever seen at the foot of my bed. It was darker than the dark, but it didnt really have a form.
Something Like this happened to me too. I was sleeping on the floor of my parent's room and woke up to a noise, looked up and just saw a black figure hovering above me. I closed my eyes for about 30 seconds, and it just vanished.

Another time, I was visiting the house of one of my recently deceased grandmothers and my family was looking in the basement. Then, we all heard footsteps upstair, so we go up to investigate. Nobody was there, all the doors and windows were still locked. After that, we all just left.
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Old 10-15-2006, 10:19 AM   #20
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I have had all kinds of supernatural experiences, including being able to identify what someone was holding will talking on the phone with them. It was just a toy wheel with a star on it. The funny thing is they didn't even realize that it was a wheel, until coming over to the house later. So I am not a mind reader.

Thought I suffered from severe dillusion for most of my life, but now everything is coming together a lot better. Still it isn't something I talk about a lot because most people think it is all just insane mumblings that people invented to explain the unexplainable.
I Like Cheese!
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Old 10-15-2006, 10:46 AM   #21
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I know when people are going to die down to the half-hour. I don't know if it's really a supernatural thing.. I'm a palliative care nurse and I work with people who are terminally ill and in the process of dying (as in they have weeks/days/hours/minutes left) I think it is just that my senses are finely honed and I pick up on more subtle cues than the other staff I work with.
I joke about death because it's funny when you're frightened.
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Old 10-15-2006, 04:15 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Kieranasa
When I was maybe 3 or so, I awoke to see that blackest...thing Ive ever seen at the foot of my bed. It was darker than the dark, but it didnt really have a form. I screamed for my parents. When they came in, they turned on the light, checked under my bed and in my closet to help me rest, and then they turned off the light and came to kiss me goodnight again. The figure was still at the foot of my bed, and neither of them noticed it.
Seems like you've expierienced the phenomemon seen by many known as Shadowmen, there these amorphus creatures of the dark with pericing red eyes at times, and at other times, they look like men in dark wear, trenchcoats and top hats and things like that. Its a ver frightening expierience.
My supernatural expierences was one day I was walking down the stairway and I was at the sixth floor, immediately I thought of 666, the mark of The Beast and I turned to my right to find written on the walls, "666". Like a second sight or something. Once I have suffered sleep paralysis but more frightening, as I was paralyzed, I heard screams, people vommiting, evil laughter, and I recall seing a shady figure looming around the room...scared the living dead out of me...
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