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Old 03-24-2007, 11:28 AM   #1
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seven things I despise about the "gay world"

1. gay parades
The first thing I hear or read from straights or Necks is "Those damn gay parades. They block off the blvd and they are blatant. I try to get from point A to point B and I have to explain this stuff to my kids. They see those freaks marching in their half-naked, sexually charged state. Why do those darn homos just stop being so militant and pushy, shoving their agenda in our faces?"

Guess what? Chicken butt. I agree. I think that "gay parades" do more damage than good. And it does not matter that they are held in predominantly gay districts, because straight people have to live and work there, too. And it's always the most flamboyant gays that march in them, the freaky fringe element. Save it for the club, or for your party times with your buddies.

2. hiding behind conformity
There is a "tribalist" mentality in what I like to call the "mainstream gay community". God forbid if you have a different point of view than the majority. God forbid if you prefer to look a certain way that does not follow the dictates of the fashion industry, or have your own sense of aesthetics. God forbid if you do not like the latest pop / techno music, dance song, or show tunes. God forbid if you identify with a sub-culture that is not usually associated with homosexuality, and God forbid if you are not a Disney Queen.

Diversity. Try it sometime. It's what causes sub-cultural movements to progress and succeed. The "gay world" has chosen the rainbow flag as their symbol. It stands for diversity and tolerance. Aspire to it. Don't just talk the talk, walk the walk.

3. Categorizing people
It is o.k. to put people in categories or classify people, only for the purpose of ease of communication, but holy shit, don't hold them to it. All people are individuals, regardless of how they can be 'catalogued'. The person is a Human. He grows and evolves. He is not an animal in a zoo.

Are you kinky? Well, we all are, and that's o.k. But fetishism is fixation.

It gets in the way of true romance and love. All the fetishist cares about is getting his thrill, and he is using you. He does not care about you. when you have served his purpose and he is bored of you, he will satisfy his compulsion by moving on to someone else. That's o.k. for one night stands and shallow relationships, but it is not the real thing. Fetishism is a form of sexual predation.

5. drama
Life already slings us enough drama. Why create more? Why create artificial drama? There are some personality types who thrive on conflict. What a terrible waste of energy. Just let things run smoothly and efficiently. "Gay life" does not need to be a soap-opera. If you want drama, than turn on the Logo Network and watch your "stories".

Grow up.

6. pushing for gay marriage
I feel that gay marriage is unnecessary. I don't need a paper or approval from the State to legitimize my love for my husband. True love stands on it's own. If you want tax benefits, than donate to charity.

The Theocratic powers that be seem to have brought up this issue to serve as a diversion tactic to divert our attention from how fucked up of a job they are doing. And many Gays bite it, hook, line, and sinker.

Too Orwellian for my blood.

7. disrespecting straight people
Alot of gays think rude things about straight people. Talk about hypocracy. Talk about reverse-prejudice. If it weren't for heterosexuals, gays would not exist.

Does the gay want to earn respect? Than give some respect.

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Old 03-24-2007, 11:57 AM   #2
mrs.wes straker
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yay vako!!!!!
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Old 03-24-2007, 11:59 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Vako

Are you kinky? Well, we all are, and that's o.k. But fetishism is fixation.

It gets in the way of true romance and love. All the fetishist cares about is getting his thrill, and he is using you. He does not care about you. when you have served his purpose and he is bored of you, he will satisfy his compulsion by moving on to someone else. That's o.k. for one night stands and shallow relationships, but it is not the real thing. Fetishism is a form of sexual predation.
Just a question, but do you think that someone getting shit on is expecting anything more than to be shit on? I'm sure they are quite aware of the situation they are in. Furthermore, there ARE people who are in committed loving relationships that live a fetish lifestyle.

The rest of this post makes me shake my head as it is full of blatant ignorance. where was it originally posted?
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Old 03-24-2007, 12:07 PM   #4
mrs.wes straker
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I liked this post. All people deserve respect, and just b/c you're different doesn't mean you need to put it in eveyone's face.

That's what I took from it, anyway. (Speed reading)

The post is nothing to take to heart. Some people are loud about their personal business because they need attention. If you do what you do quietly, b/c you like it, you shouldn't worry about others' criticisms.

Fetishes.... I thought all had at least one.
I'm sorry, I did not mean to throw up on your shoe.
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Old 03-24-2007, 12:12 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Vako
2. hiding behind conformity
There is a "tribalist" mentality in what I like to call the "mainstream gay community". God forbid if you have a different point of view than the majority. God forbid if you prefer to look a certain way that does not follow the dictates of the fashion industry, or have your own sense of aesthetics. God forbid if you do not like the latest pop / techno music, dance song, or show tunes. God forbid if you identify with a sub-culture that is not usually associated with homosexuality, and God forbid if you are not a Disney Queen.

Diversity. Try it sometime. It's what causes sub-cultural movements to progress and succeed. The "gay world" has chosen the rainbow flag as their symbol. It stands for diversity and tolerance. Aspire to it. Don't just talk the talk, walk the walk.
Wow... Most of the friends I've had in my life are gay and none of them act or think this way. I don't know where you're meeting these people that act or think this way because I have yet to come across someone like this.

Originally Posted by Saddiction
The rest of this post makes me shake my head as it is full of blatant ignorance.
I agree with you Saddiction.
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Old 03-24-2007, 12:16 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by mrs.wes straker

The post is nothing to take to heart. Some people are loud about their personal business because they need attention. If you do what you do quietly, b/c you like it, you shouldn't worry about others' criticisms.
My reply was geared more towards ignorance. Not criticism.

As for the fetish quote, it's obvious that both parties (or more) are aware that's all it is. A fetish. Nothing more. Wether it be between a comitted couple or complete strangers. If all parties were not aware, I'd probably suggest re-evaluating the situation.
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Old 03-24-2007, 12:18 PM   #7
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I too know alot of gay people. I totally support their right to belong to society just like everyone else.
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Old 03-24-2007, 12:26 PM   #8
Underwater Ophelia
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Originally Posted by Vako
1. gay parades
The first thing I hear or read from straights or Necks is "Those damn gay parades. They block off the blvd and they are blatant. I try to get from point A to point B and I have to explain this stuff to my kids. They see those freaks marching in their half-naked, sexually charged state. Why do those darn homos just stop being so militant and pushy, shoving their agenda in our faces?"

Guess what? Chicken butt. I agree. I think that "gay parades" do more damage than good. And it does not matter that they are held in predominantly gay districts, because straight people have to live and work there, too. And it's always the most flamboyant gays that march in them, the freaky fringe element. Save it for the club, or for your party times with your buddies.

2. hiding behind conformity
There is a "tribalist" mentality in what I like to call the "mainstream gay community". God forbid if you have a different point of view than the majority. God forbid if you prefer to look a certain way that does not follow the dictates of the fashion industry, or have your own sense of aesthetics. God forbid if you do not like the latest pop / techno music, dance song, or show tunes. God forbid if you identify with a sub-culture that is not usually associated with homosexuality, and God forbid if you are not a Disney Queen.

Diversity. Try it sometime. It's what causes sub-cultural movements to progress and succeed. The "gay world" has chosen the rainbow flag as their symbol. It stands for diversity and tolerance. Aspire to it. Don't just talk the talk, walk the walk.

3. Categorizing people
It is o.k. to put people in categories or classify people, only for the purpose of ease of communication, but holy shit, don't hold them to it. All people are individuals, regardless of how they can be 'catalogued'. The person is a Human. He grows and evolves. He is not an animal in a zoo.

Are you kinky? Well, we all are, and that's o.k. But fetishism is fixation.

It gets in the way of true romance and love. All the fetishist cares about is getting his thrill, and he is using you. He does not care about you. when you have served his purpose and he is bored of you, he will satisfy his compulsion by moving on to someone else. That's o.k. for one night stands and shallow relationships, but it is not the real thing. Fetishism is a form of sexual predation.

5. drama
Life already slings us enough drama. Why create more? Why create artificial drama? There are some personality types who thrive on conflict. What a terrible waste of energy. Just let things run smoothly and efficiently. "Gay life" does not need to be a soap-opera. If you want drama, than turn on the Logo Network and watch your "stories".

Grow up.

6. pushing for gay marriage
I feel that gay marriage is unnecessary. I don't need a paper or approval from the State to legitimize my love for my husband. True love stands on it's own. If you want tax benefits, than donate to charity.

The Theocratic powers that be seem to have brought up this issue to serve as a diversion tactic to divert our attention from how fucked up of a job they are doing. And many Gays bite it, hook, line, and sinker.

Too Orwellian for my blood.

7. disrespecting straight people
Alot of gays think rude things about straight people. Talk about hypocracy. Talk about reverse-prejudice. If it weren't for heterosexuals, gays would not exist.

Does the gay want to earn respect? Than give some respect.

I'm really hoping that you, Vako, didn't come up and this and believe this, so this is addressed to whomever believes this shit.

1. This I agree with to some degree, they could be more tasteful.

2. Many, MANY of the gay people I know do not act this way; it's a stereotype. Not only that, but gays are persecuted enough, and it's highly likely that they feel they should act that way, because they're expected to. If a gay man acts like that, he's "cute."

3. I don't get what you're saying in this one.

4. How the fuck would you know? You have no idea if someone with a fetish is just using someone or not, because you don't know them all. Not only that, but both gay and straight people have fetishes, so this issue isn't even relevant to the whole gay issue. What people do in their own bedrooms is none of your business.

5. Are you fucking serious? EVERYONE'S life is dramatic, and especially everyone's sex and romance life, so where do you get off saying gay people are wrong for it?

6. You don't care about gay marriage? Fine. You're not everyone. The issue isn't tax benefits so much as it is being treated like any other human. If you don't mind not being validated on a large scale, good for you, but not everyone is you.

7. What are you talking about? I have NEVER in my life known a gay person that had special hatred for straight people, and I have known quite a few, from all races and ages. Maybe they just hate YOU, because you're such an ignorant and rude person. Maybe instead of learning everything about gay people from Will and Grace, you should actually meet some and get the real picture.
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Old 03-24-2007, 12:33 PM   #9
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I like it all except #6. I think that although theocratic powers are warping this to fit their own devices, the point remains that homosexual unions are not on equal ground with heterosexual ones. That's not ok. I could give a jackfuck what people call it, on a personal level, so "civil union" would be fine. I just feel like if two people love each other and want to make a legal commitment to one another that will allow them a plethora of rights (in addition to taxes), they should be able to do so. No one should have to die alone in the hospital because their partner of 20 years is unable to obtain the right to be next to them. No one should have their child ripped out of their arms because they and their partner were unable to have a legal union. I'm sure you can see that it's just not fair.

I do really love #2, though. I have seen quite a few high school boys that I used to be friends with before and after "coming out". I get that on some level, before they came out, they were probably repressing some aspects of their personality to appear "straight". Seriously, though, for pete's sake, there is no law saying that gay guys talk with a lisp and wear pink feather boas to P.E. Just because you've just come out does not mean you suddenly need to appear to possess all knowledge on highlights or interior design. And guess what? When people make fun of you, it has very little to do with the fact that you're gay and everything to do with the choice you've made to wear a maribou-covered tiara.
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Old 03-24-2007, 12:35 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Underwater Ophelia
6. You don't care about gay marriage? Fine. You're not everyone. The issue isn't tax benefits so much as it is being treated like any other human. If you don't mind not being validated on a large scale, good for you, but not everyone is you.
Also to further note, you don't need to be married to get tax benefits. It's called Common Law status. If people get married for tax benefits, then they are getting married for all of the wrong reasons.
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Old 03-24-2007, 12:39 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Underwater Ophelia
2. Many, MANY of the gay people I know do not act this way; it's a stereotype. Not only that, but gays are persecuted enough, and it's highly likely that they feel they should act that way, because they're expected to. If a gay man acts like that, he's "cute."
See my response above... I wrote about this in some depth.

3. I don't get what you're saying in this one.
I think this has to do with labeling people based on sexuality. In the GLBTQ community, you're often defined by which category in the acronym you fit, and it's not cool.

7. What are you talking about? I have NEVER in my life known a gay person that had special hatred for straight people, and I have known quite a few, from all races and ages. Maybe they just hate YOU, because you're such an ignorant and rude person. Maybe instead of learning everything about gay people from Will and Grace, you should actually meet some and get the real picture.
Gay people use the term "breeder" all the time in order to make derogatory remarks about straight people. They see it as just, because straight people did it to them first. Please note that I'm not talking about all gay people or all straight people. However, I'm a member of the GLBTQ community, both based on my sexuality and on the people I choose to associate with. I can tell you, from experience, that a lot of gay people who are resentful of the way they have been treated take the eye-for-an-eye approach to their dealings with heterosexual people.
A SPIDER sewed at night
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Old 03-24-2007, 12:53 PM   #12
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Ok just to lighten up the mood here, A friend of mine showed me this and I thought it was funny. =p

It's not work safe.

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Old 03-24-2007, 01:16 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by wishcat
Ok just to lighten up the mood here, A friend of mine showed me this and I thought it was funny. =p

It's not work safe.

That video was hilarious !
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Old 03-24-2007, 01:31 PM   #14
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I thought so too. =p It's all catchy too, it got stuck in my head lol.
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Old 03-24-2007, 02:49 PM   #15
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I have gay friends both male and female and to be honest, I don't put them into a catagory of being 'gay' they are just people like us, whoever/whatever we are...some are drama queens (like some straight people) some are shy (like some straight people) some just keep you guessing (yep, just like some straight people!!!) it's the goth ones you have to watch out for!!!

There that's confused!!!

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Old 03-24-2007, 03:50 PM   #16
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It just sounds like a rant about stereotypes to me. None of the gay people I know even remotely sound like what you are speaking of, save the marriage issue. And I can easily understand their take on it-
If one, then all. If not, then none.

And there are more benefits to marriage than taxes. There is "next of kin".
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Old 03-24-2007, 04:09 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by MollyMac
If one, then all. If not, then none.
I like that. I'm going to put it in my collection of sayings.
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Old 03-24-2007, 06:24 PM   #18
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I'm curious as to whether you are gay or not, Vako? As well as how old you are and if you are gay, when it was that you discovered that? I hope that you don't mind sharing?
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Old 03-24-2007, 09:02 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Delicate_Torture
I'm curious as to whether you are gay or not, Vako? As well as how old you are and if you are gay, when it was that you discovered that? I hope that you don't mind sharing?
I am gay and I've been out of the closet since I was 17. I'm 34.

The rant I posted is based on my expereinces in the "gay world" here in L.A. and is meant as satire. The list consists of observations I have made about what I perceive as flaws of my own community.
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Old 03-25-2007, 04:19 AM   #20
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Vako, I would just like to say that I appreciate your statements and point of view, as a heterosexual female. If I said the same thing I would be villified as a gay hating, right-wing, religious nut, despite the fact I get along with almost anybody regardless of their romantic tendencies.

I realize that a particular group of people have been shit on for a long time because of choices they make. But hey, we all get shit on for some of the choices we make, it's called life.

I really don't care about whether its a 'choice' or hardwired into people, about who marries who, about whether all people are accepted all the time no matter what they do, or whether other groups think it is against their religion. I am just tired of hearing about it everywhere I go. So John and Steve are screwing, and Jane and Sara have just moved in together, Mario has become Marianne, Jill got a butch haircut and Aaron decided he was asexual. Big deal, why is it all on the five o'clock news? Why is there a GLBT 'community' anyway? I guess what I mean is, why is there a community defined solely by its' sexuality? Why do we have so many classifications, or so few? ?

If you want to see a case of discrimination, talk to a gay guy that's fallen in love with a woman. He's still gay, he still likes to watch a cute guy amble down the sidewalk, if anything happened to her, he would date men. But he falls in love with a chick, they screw, set up housekeeping, the whole bit, and you watch to see how his old "friends" treat him. He will be villified, considered a traitor. And yes, I know of a couple like this.

Any more, it almost seems like you catch more shit for being hetero than if you are bi or gay ( I think transvestites, transsexuals, and asexual people still get more grief though). People think you are a biggot just because you aren't attracted to the same sex, and are willing to admit it. Reverse discrimination is discrimination nonetheless, and just because some of you haven't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Maybe it just means that the gay friends you have are more concerned about being your friend and treating people decently than "proving" their gayness. Which, it seems to me, is far more important.
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Originally Posted by Stormtrooper of Death
Originally Posted by Beneath the Shadows
Because some people are dicks. And not everyone else is gay.
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Old 03-25-2007, 06:55 AM   #21
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I get a kick out of gay "coming-out-itis". It's akin to goth coming-out-itis in which all of the stereotypes are Uberly portrayed to the Nth degree. I think you guys call it "babybat"? But yeah, I liken it to the terribles twos in which one tries to prove their own authority in all of the most grating ways.
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Old 03-26-2007, 08:50 PM   #22
mrs.wes straker
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Originally Posted by emeraldlonewoulf
I guess what I mean is, why is there a community defined solely by its' sexuality? Why do we have so many classifications, or so few? ?
OK, so, I'm not trying to be funny, or discriminate in any way, but I've often thought this. Will women who prefer anal sex next be advertising their preferences? A person's sexuality should not be their defining characteristic. If it is, they need to do a self-examination.
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Old 03-29-2007, 09:49 PM   #23
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I agree with the whole gay parade thing. It's one of the major things that makes straight people think gays are freaks... Sure, one whom is gay should be proud, but what does standing barely dressed on a float flaunting their utter gayness do except get people to further discriminate gays? Some of the other points I agree with to some extent, except maybe the marriage one. Sure, one does not need to be legally married to show love for their other, however, that gay marriage is disallowed promotes the idea that homosexuality in general is "wrong" to some people.
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Old 03-30-2007, 06:23 PM   #24
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This is the gayest thread ever! How dare you hate things about gays you gay ******.
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Old 04-01-2007, 09:37 AM   #25
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Saw this & thought of this thread.
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