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The Insanity Returns!

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Posted 07-26-2010 at 12:32 PM by Malicious Insanity

Oh! Oh, how long it has been! For three long months I have been chained and bound within my own mind. I have clawed myself out of my mental prison and now here I am; barely alive and barely human, but I am here. I still feel the chains grazing against my ankles, threatening to drag me back into nothing. I hope for the sake of my adored one that I am not taken again. In my numbness he felt pain, but he still held me. In my delirious, malicious, and rambunctious insanity he still held me. When my filthy hands clawed at his lovely flesh to escape physical safety, he still held me. His iron will and caressing voice was my life line. Why does he love me so? Why does he love this beaten, defiled, scared, and marred wisp of a women? I dare not ask him. I am pleased at this moment and must not ruin it. I must not feed the chains.
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