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“this site is the best site out there for original horror fiction” –Horrorfind Awards

Fiction: looks for high quality horror fiction. We look for creativity and an original voice. The whole spectrum from monsters to serial killers to quiet psychological horror is welcome. Please state in your cover letter if your work features extreme violence, as your work will be routed to a first reader who is most likely to enjoy and want to buy your piece. Splatterpunk is fine, but torture porn is of no interest. If you don’t know the difference, is not the right market for you. We look for work between 2,000 and 10,000 words. Payment is net 60 on on-sale date and we generally purchase first worldwide rights (exclusive from acceptance to one year after publication) along with nonexclusive reprint rights. Payment rates and rights purchased are negotiable with higher rates and free bonus promotion for other projects available for established authors. If you have rights to a large back catalog of this type of work, we may be interested in acquiring anthologies and collections in this vein. Please query with info and samples or completed manuscript.

Nonfiction: seeks horror writer and filmmaker interviews and horror and movie reviews. Writers who successfully work with may also be invited to participate in content packaging projects, including a variety of top quality and cutting edge web sites, magazines, and anthologies. Although it is helpful if prospective writers provide general bio information including information on past experience and areas of expertise, the best way to get published on is to submit either a completed piece or a specific pitch for a specific feature or regular column you would like to write. News features must include a minimum of one photo or graphic, although the photo or illustration may be supplied by the subject of the article e.g. a record label providing a promo photo of a band. Paid gigs and free bonus promotion for other projects are available for regular contributors working for hire, but not for one-offs or nonexclusive work.

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Paste your short bio into this field or link to page containing it:
Credits (Where have you been published?):

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What Sort of Query is this:
What market(s) are you submitting to or querying on:
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All Access Pass Backstage Passes Sequel
Short Fiction Anthologies
Single Author Collection
Photography Anthologies
Single Photographer Collection
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For uploaded submissions, please remember, we consider written work in the following formats: Word document with a .doc suffix (not .docx), RTF, TXT, InDesign, or Open Office format.
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