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Question: If you had to label your work, what genre tag would you put on the bulk of it? Horror and dark fiction/art seem to be the two big winners here, in terms of how we would label our work, if we had to label our work. Many of us balk at having to label, […]
September 17th, 2012 | Filed under Headline,Horror,Professional | Read More »
Question: What do you think of Facebook, its current role, and its future? Facebook seems to be winning the SNS battle for the hearts and time-sucks of horror professionals. We worry about privacy issues on Facebook and we worry about how much creativity energy it can use up. But we love the elegant user-friendly interface. […]
May 13th, 2012 | Filed under Headline,Lifestyle,Professional | Read More »
Question: What are your favorite monsters and what specifically appeals to you about them? A lot of us love the classic Universal monsters and could not choose just one. Some of us most fear the monsters we recognize the best for our worst impulses — murderers, serial killers, angry and sad people. Some of us […]
April 3rd, 2012 | Filed under Headline,Horror,Movies,Professional | Read More »
Question: Does a storyline seem more or less frightening to you, when BDSM themes are included, such as those in Hellraiser or Ichi the Killer? Some of us find BDSM imagery aesthetically pleasing or erotic and some of us find it unappealing or dull. However, we nearly universally feel that, no matter what the elements […]
October 5th, 2011 | Filed under Books,Headline,Horror,Movies,Professional | Read More »
Question: What was the first movie or book or television show that scared you? We are a motley bunch with both some pretty disparate and even shocking influences and some very real commonalities. Some of the answers here are eye-openingly unique and some are horror classics. Given that the question is about the first media […]
May 18th, 2011 | Filed under Books,Dark TV,Headline,Horror,Movies | Read More »
Eric Swartz has been a Horror Artist since 2003. Even at a young age, he watched countless horror films which gave him years of nightmares. Eventually, the nightmares ended and his obsession grew from these dreams into a lifestyle. Once he began drawing monsters from his favorite Horror Films, Eric knew he was on the […]
May 10th, 2011 | Filed under Who's Who | Read More »