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Gothic Fashion Sister Site Launches

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At HQ, we love dark literature and horror movies . . . and spooky makeup tutorials and velvet frocks. A lot of people like all of those things, but a lot of people tend to kind of like either the former or the latter. Although will continue to cover the occasional exemplary gothic fashion item, in the interests of setting things up for you to see what you want to see, we are launching a gothic style sister site at will be covering lots of the best goth style – including high end dark couture, spooky DIY crafting, gothic pret-a-porter clothing, gloomy beautiful decor, tenebrous jewelry, and crepuscular custom designs. From vampire makeup tutorials to news about style icons who wear the clothes so well, features everything good in darkside fashion and style. For indie designers, there is also a topsites and link section to help you promote what you create.

Current members can log into the new forum on using their login. Everyone can also use Facebook to connect to the gothic style boards on

We hope those of you who love the darkside look will enjoy (and those of you who are exclusively dark at heart will enjoy having the darkside fashion and beauty segmented onto a different site.) Feel free to contact us if you need any help logging in or have any questions. Thanks, everyone.

gothic org fashion style makeup tutorials beauty

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Posted by on Thursday, May 10th, 2012. Filed under Headline, Lifestyle. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.

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