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Michael Bracken

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Michael Bracken, an award-winning writer of fiction, non-fiction, and advertising copy, provides a variety of creative services to organizations and publishers worldwide.

In addition to writing advertising, media releases, and promotional material for businesses and nonprofit organizations, Michael is the author of 11 books and more than 1,200 shorter works published in more than 150 publications. He has edited five crime fiction anthologies and provides editorial services to book and periodical publishers.

Michael Bracken regularly speaks about writing, editing, and publishing at conferences, conventions, and corporate seminars, and has taught non-credit courses for writers at Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville. He’s been a guest speaker in classrooms at various universities, including Baylor University and University of Mary Hardin-Baylor.

Michael Bracken is an active member of the following professional organizations:

Horror Writers Association
Mystery Writers of America (Vice President, Southwest Chapter, 2003-2005)
Private Eye Writers of America (Vice President, 2006-2008)
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America
Short Mystery Fiction Society (President, 2004-2006; Vice President, 2002-2004)

and is a past member of

Waco Advertising Federation (President, 1999-2000)

He received a Bachelor of Arts in Professional Writing from Baylor University and currently serves clients and publishers from his office in Waco, Texas.

You can find all articles and fiction relating to Michael Bracken at tag Michael Bracken.

blog: Blogspot
web site: Crime Fiction Writer
books on Amazon: Michael Bracken

michael bracken

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Posted by on Saturday, May 14th, 2011. Filed under Who's Who. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
