Question: Do you feel it is better for a book or story to be classified as horror or mystery or literature? Yes! This feature marks the return of’s popular Panel of Experts series! Part of the study of library science is figuring out how to categorize books to make them findable and comparable. Book […]
February 16th, 2023 | Filed under Headline,Horror,Professional | Read More »
Question: Do you like doing readings and signings? Interestingly, more than three quarters of us like or mostly like doing reading and/or signings. For some of us readings and signings are a crucial way of staying in touch with the people who read our work, an up-close-and-personal method for getting a sense of what the […]
May 19th, 2012 | Filed under Books,Events,Headline,Horror,Professional | Read More »
Question: What do you think of Facebook, its current role, and its future? Facebook seems to be winning the SNS battle for the hearts and time-sucks of horror professionals. We worry about privacy issues on Facebook and we worry about how much creativity energy it can use up. But we love the elegant user-friendly interface. […]
May 13th, 2012 | Filed under Headline,Lifestyle,Professional | Read More »
Question: Do you enjoy novels or anthologies more? Why? A little more than half of us prefer novels to anthologies. We like to be truly transported for hours. We like to get to know memorable characters deeply. We love to immerse ourselves in a good author’s fully-realized vision. This does not mean that we are […]
April 5th, 2012 | Filed under Books,Headline | Read More »
Question: What was the first movie or book or television show that scared you? We are a motley bunch with both some pretty disparate and even shocking influences and some very real commonalities. Some of the answers here are eye-openingly unique and some are horror classics. Given that the question is about the first media […]
May 18th, 2011 | Filed under Books,Dark TV,Headline,Horror,Movies | Read More »
Gabrielle Faust’s diverse talents have allowed her to pursue an eclectic career as an illustrator, technohorror author and leading industry entertainment critic. 2005 marked the release of her first published collection of poetry, Before Icarus, After Achilles, which was received by the public with a great enthusiasm. Faust partnered with Immanion Press in August of […]
May 10th, 2011 | Filed under Who's Who | Read More »