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Panel of Experts: Do you feel it is better for a book or story to be classified as horror or mystery or literature?

Question: Do you feel it is better for a book or story to be classified as horror or mystery or literature? Yes! This feature marks the return of’s popular Panel of Experts series! Part of the study of library science is figuring out how to categorize books to make them findable and comparable. Book […]

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Panel of Experts: Genre

panel of experts genre

Question: If you had to label your work, what genre tag would you put on the bulk of it? Horror and dark fiction/art seem to be the two big winners here, in terms of how we would label our work, if we had to label our work. Many of us balk at having to label, […]

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Panel of Experts: Readings and Signings

panel of experts readings signings

Question: Do you like doing readings and signings? Interestingly, more than three quarters of us like or mostly like doing reading and/or signings. For some of us readings and signings are a crucial way of staying in touch with the people who read our work, an up-close-and-personal method for getting a sense of what the […]

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Panel of Experts: Novels vs. Anthologies

anthologies vs novels

Question: Do you enjoy novels or anthologies more? Why? A little more than half of us prefer novels to anthologies. We like to be truly transported for hours. We like to get to know memorable characters deeply. We love to immerse ourselves in a good author’s fully-realized vision. This does not mean that we are […]

| | Read More » Panel of Experts: First Fright Panel of Experts First Fright Horror Fear

Question: What was the first movie or book or television show that scared you? We are a motley bunch with both some pretty disparate and even shocking influences and some very real commonalities. Some of the answers here are eye-openingly unique and some are horror classics. Given that the question is about the first media […]

| | Read More » Panel of Experts: Best Releases of 2010

Question: What 2010 horror releases (film or book) did you find most notable? The results are in from our Panel of Experts. Literary horror culture is aware of history and how literature, in whatever medium, builds upon what came before. So a lot of us spent 2010 catching up on releases from prior years […]

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Ann Schwader

Ann Schwader

Ann K. Schwader is a Wyoming native now living in Colorado. Her poetry, fiction, and occasional reviews have appeared in the small and pro genre press since the 1980s. She is an active member of both the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) and the Horror Writers Association (HWA), as well as the […]

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