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Haunted Season 2 Episode 5 Recap

The fifth episode of Netflix’s Haunted starts with Rick, a US Marine who tells us about a strange event he experienced during war in Afghanistan, which he says was already hell. Rick’s great grandfather, his grandfather and his father had all been soldiers who fought in different wars, and all he wanted to do was […]

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Haunted Season 2 Episode 4 Recap

The fourth episode of Netflix’s Haunted starts with Elle, and she tells the story about how evil spirits tormented her family’s house. After his father moved to the US from the Philippines, leaving his job in law enforcement after he got some serious threats from a gang he had helped take down, Elle and his […]

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Haunted Season 2 Episode 3 Recap

The third episode of Netflix’s Haunted starts with James Swift, who tells us about how he grew up in a cult, and how that cult tortured him. He tells the story of how he lived with his mother, father and older brother, and how they had a normal childhood until her mother discovered a broadcast […]

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Haunted Season 2 Episode 2 Recap

The second episode of Netflix’s Haunted starts with Daune Matthews, a nurse who tells us a story about how she came face to face with evil while working at a place called The Cottages of Gentle Breeze, a home for senior citizens with dementia, and how the nightmare she experienced there had all to do […]

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Haunted Season 2 Episode 1 Recap

The first episode of Netflix’s Haunted starts with Rebecca sharing a story about a creepy event that happened to her and her friends when they decided to move to a house while they were in college. The place was an old house in Cleveland, and it dated back to the early 1900, and it seemed […]

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Haunted Season 2 Episode 6 Recap

The sixth and final episode of Netflix’s Haunted starts with Oscar Mendoza, who tells us that he was born cursed. He explains how his family was from a little town in Mexico, and that his family believed in witchcraft and that his mother performed a ritual on herself while she was pregnant with him, and […]

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Marianne Episode VIII Recap

We have now reached the final episode of the first season of Marianne, and it continues right where episode seven left off: when the priest starts attacking Emma. The priest continues his exorcism, while Emma tries to get away from him. She is hurt, and he keeps hurting her as she crawls away. They then […]

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Marianne Episode VII Recap

This episode of Marianne starts with a flashback to is February 17th, 1617, a Tuesday, the day when Marianne’s body was buried. We see a friar in the grave with her, and he takes a page that rested on the body and begins to burn it, but as he is doing so, he hears Marianne’s […]

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Marianne Episode VI Recap

This episode of Marianne starts by dispensing information about things that happened in the past at the time Emma released each one of her books. Ronan is leading this moment, and he explains how events that were similar to the ones from the books were happening in countries where the Lizzie Larck novels had been […]

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Marianne Episode V Recap

We start this episode of Marianne with a view of the hole in the woods, and as the camera closes in on it, we can hear Marianne’s voice telling us to approach that place and pay attention, so we can learn what happened. The next scene shows Emma looking at drawings in a dimly lit […]

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